Ziad Shihab

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The offensive order came down, and the soldiers cheered fanatically: "Long live the emperor!" The four columns descended the hillside... with their guns slanted. We are going to climb the opposite hillside, the British army is guarding the hedges there, and there are still artillery bombarding us. The distance is not far, an average person can walk only five or six minutes. But soaked rain, very soft ground and high rye slowed our speed seriously. Therefore, the British artillery has enough time to destroy us.
Louis Conley, a young recruit seasoned with gunpowder for breakfast, belongs to the 28th Battle Infantry Regiment of the 1st Division of the French Army, which is the regiment closest to the road. He saw Elron in the center of the column and heard the general shouting: "Today you will either win or sacrifice!"

Everyone chanted "Long live the emperor!" in response to Elron's brief speech. The drummer beat the drums of the charge, and the columns began to advance... Previously, the enemy's artillery only fired solid rounds and grenades. At this time, they began to blast us fiercely with shotguns. We had not walked a hundred steps before Marin, the commander of our 2nd Battalion, was fatally wounded. Our company’s company commander Dize was knocked down by two projectiles.

Adjutant Yu Bo and Eagle Bannerman Cross were killed... After the British artillery fired for the second time, the grenadier drummer Le Cuant lost his right arm.

Le Cuant continued to beat the drum with his left hand until he collapsed due to excessive blood loss, but he later survived. Like all drummers in the French army, he played the charge song, which was always used to accompany the French army when attacking.

A young British officer recalled that the melody of this tune was
"Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, the melody, the melody of the melody, Dang Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, the melody of the melody of the melody of the melody.

Captain Kincaid and his riflemen wait in the bunker near Laai San.

He remembered these ominous drums, with a bugle in the background, and "Long live the emperor!" from time to time, and above all, there were deafening cannons. This is the noise of the battle. Kincaid felt that the French army seemed to want to "scare us out of the battlefield" with just these sounds.

Conley remembered that French officers had been shouting: "Keep the formation!"

The enemy's third round of artillery fire reduced the front of our battalion to the width of a company. The terrible cry of "Keep in line!" sounded again. This command never made us frightened and desperate, but produced the completely opposite effect. It inspires our courage, not only inspires us to win victory, but also inspires us to avenge the unfortunate comrades who sacrificed in front of us.

Conley estimated that it took 20 minutes for the column to pass through the wet, dense rye fields, while Captain Didier estimated that it would only take 5 or 6 minutes under normal circumstances. Although the advancement was slow, Didier felt that the French army was advancing too hurriedly, and the risk of the formation being disrupted was too great, because they were too fanatical:

This rush and enthusiasm became dangerous because the soldiers still had a long way to go before they met the enemy, walking in the heavy and muddy ground, and quickly became tired. This mud can tear off people's leggings and even stick shoes. Chaos soon appeared in the queue, especially when the forwards of the column were within range of the enemy.

It took 15-20 minutes to pass through the valley. During this period, the column had been strafed by solid rounds, grenades and shotguns, but still insisted on advancing.

Now it is starting to go up the mountain, but the slope is not steep.

The battle in the front of the column had already begun, and the skirmishers on both sides fired at each other,
but when the huge column approached the top of the mountain, the French army skirmished and retreated to join their own battalion.

They repelled the allied skirmishers, but did not reach the summit to attack the enemy on the back slope. That is the task of the big column.