Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Translation"

Translated fiction - Memory - history - sampling other novels

All novels can be said to be in conversation with other novels. But while influences on the form and viewpoint of a novel are easily acknowledged, there are particular novels that more directly speak through borrowings. Notions of postmodernist intertextuality allow for all of this and in the novels of Kathy Acker, for example, unacknowledged quotations are seen as radical rather than robbery.In 1968, when Bound to Violence by Yambo Ouologuem, translated from the French by Ralph Manheim (Peng...

Alex Zucker on Translation Pay - Diversity - Copyright

Last year, the Authors Guild conducted a survey of literary translators in order to get a better sense of the realities of the profession with regard to questions like pay, copyright, demographics, and other questions. The findings, which you can read here, are fascinating and well worth your time. This was the first survey of its kind, and I hope that it becomes a regular thing so that we can get better and better information about how the profession of literary translation looks in America....

Portuguese-English False Cognates | AJE

Portuguese-English False Cognates There are certain terms that authors should be particularly aware of when translating from Portuguese to English. Also available in: português Another article features a set of false friends (or false cognates) to watch out for when translating from Spanish to English. False cognates are terms that look similar but have very different meanings. Authors translating their work need to be careful with such terms; it is easy to substitute a similar-s...

Translated from Chinese - experimental

This: 进攻的命令下来了,士兵们狂热地欢呼:"皇帝万岁!"4个纵队下了山坡……斜端着枪。我们要爬上对面的山坡,英军防守着那里的树篱,那里还有火炮在轰击我们。距离不远,一个普通人步行的话只要五六分钟。但浸透雨水、非常柔软的地面和高高的黑麦严重地拖慢了我们的速度。因此,英军炮兵有足够的时间来消灭我们。 早餐用火药调味的年轻新兵路易·康莱属于法军第1师第28战列步兵团,这是距离公路最近的团。他看到埃尔隆处于纵队中央,还听到将军呼喊:"今天你们要么胜利,要么牺牲!" 所有人都高呼"皇帝万岁!",以回应埃尔隆简短的演讲。鼓手敲起了冲锋的鼓点,各纵队开始推进……此前敌军火炮只发射实心弹和榴弹,这时开始用霰弹狠狠扫射我们。我们走了还没有一百步,我们第2营的营长马林就负了致命伤。我们连的连长迪泽被两发弹丸打倒。副官于博和鹰旗旗手克罗斯阵亡……英军大炮第二次开火后,掷弹兵鼓手勒库安特失去了右臂。 勒库安特继续用左手敲鼓,直到因失血过多而倒下,不过他后来得以幸存。和法军所有鼓手一样,他演奏的是冲锋曲,法军进攻时总是用这支曲子伴奏。一位年轻的英国军官回忆说,这支曲子的旋律是"噔当,噔当,噔噔噔噔...

Exploring The Concept Of Fidelity In Translation – Analysis - Eurasia Review

The perception of translation in Western culture is based on an ambiguous relationship to "truth" and the demand for "fidelity". Translation thus touches on major philosophical questions : it sets in motion traditional conceptions of truth and fidelity, but also of identity. The obligation to be faithful to the original, which began to be established from the Renaissance onwards, is therefore a fairly recent invention in the history of translation. Even today, it refers to a concept tha...

How translating a Dan Brown novel made for a thriller plot

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Antonin Artaud

Antonin ArtaudSourceURL: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/antonin-artaud Poetry Foundation Antonin Artaud, considered among the most influential figures in the evolution of modern drama theory, was born in Marseilles, France, and he studied at the Collège du Sacré-Cœur. He moved to Paris, where he associated with surrealist writers, artists, and experimental theater groups during the 1920s. When political differenc...

How translation obscured the music and wordplay of the Bible – Robert Alter | Aeon Ideas

How translation obscured the music and wordplay of the Bible Robert Alter is professor of Hebrew and comparative literature at the University of California at Berkeley. He is the author of more than 20 books, most recently The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary (2018). 1,200 words Edited by Sam Haselby Republish for free More poetry, please. Courtesy Wikimedia An essential fact about the Hebrew Bible is that most of its narrative prose as well as ...