Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Npdf"

Centauridae - Half-Women Half-Horses of Greek Mythology

 Search  GreekReporter.comAncient GreeceCentauridae, the Half-Women Half-Horses of Greek Mythology Centauridae, the Half-Women Half-Horses of Greek Mythology By Patricia Claus October 8, 2023  Facebook  Centauridae, creatures from Greek mythology that were a combination of females and horses, are depicted in this Roman-era mosaic in Tunisia, showing the goddess Aphrodite, or Venus, in the middle. The mosaic was created in the secon...

Good, Bad, and the Complete Opposite: Cynicism in Golden Age Mexican Cinema

This essay was originally published in the Full Stop Quarterly "Cynicism" issue (Fall 2022). Subscribe at our Patreon page to get access to this and future issues, also available for purchase here. Your support makes it possible for us to publish work like this. It’s 1957, and, like most of Mexico, Cantinflas needs money. Once content with living hand-to-mouth, the death of his best friend suddenly leaves him in charge of raising his godson. In search of opportunity, he pursues an...

All is Water

Some of my best friends have theories of everything. Zohar Atkins @ZoharAtkins All is Thales: Water Heraclitus: Flux Buddha: Suffering Ecclesiastes: Vanity Parmenides: One Plotinus: Divine Descartes: Extension Spinoza: Nature Hegel: Mind Nietzsche: Recurrence Schelling: Incomplete Kierkegaard: Broken Heidegger: Thrown Derrida: Signs Wittgenstein: Games 2:55 PM ∙ Feb 13, 2023 39Likes12Retweets I...

Star Wars Canon Just Revealed the Truth About Palpatine’s Cloning Scheme

Palpatine’s cloning conspiracies aren’t only about Baby Yoda and Order 66. Star Wars canon — via The Bad Batch Season 2 — has just revealed that the story of the Empire’s cloning programs is much bigger than whatever’s happening on The Mandalorian. Spoilers ahead for The Bad Batch, Season 2, Episode 11, "Metamorphosis." At some point before A New Hope, human stormtroopers completely replaced the Jango Fett clones created on Kamino. But the Empire didn’t abandon cloning and genetic manip...

A Little Interaction with ChatGPT: Can Teachers Spot Fake Student Work? Part 2

Part 1 In the previous post I presented two questions that I asked ChatGPT, a writing tool based on artificial intelligence, and I included the tool’s response to each question. My interest in trying this was to see if I could spot any evidence that the responses were not written by a student; as a teacher, I want to have some defense against the possibility that a student might use the tool to get out of writing a paper himself. The first question was "write an essay evaluating Paul’s ...

All the Places (2023) Movie Ending, Explained – Do Gabriela & Fernando return home safely after visiting all the places?

We are living in an age where we need to learn to make a lot of adjustments either for the sake of ourselves or for the sake of our family. For better prospects, we move from our homes to faraway places. But, our home will always be a place where we would want to return to cherish memories. All the Places is a movie about a brother and sister who are alienated due to various circumstances but brought together owing to the funeral of their beloved father. They meet each other after 15 yea...

Whale - The - Transcript

Charlie is an Idaho-based English teacher who never leaves his apartment and spends his time hosting online writing courses for college students via video conference, but keeps his webcam switched off; at almost 600 lb, he is ashamed of being morbidly obese and is afraid to show the students his appearance…* * *(Hydraulic brakes hiss)(Somber music playing)(Music continues)Man: Like we discussed yesterday, I really want you all to focus on topic sentences more.Too many of you are rushing into ...

Adam Mars-Jones: Splummeshing

Namwali​ Serpell’s highly accomplished, highly deceptive novel The Furrows starts with the trauma of childhood grief. Its subtitle – ‘An Elegy’ – invokes the literary genre that most strongly addresses a single emotion. This theme is inhabited and then abruptly undermined. The initial drama, of the 12-year-old narrator unable to save her younger brother, Wayne, from drowning, drives the book forward for a fair number of pages before this master narrative is driven onto the rocks. Realism is h...

Rosemary Hill: Coiling in Anarchy

‘Imeant nothing by the lighthouse,’ Virginia Woolf said of the novel she published in 1927. ‘I trusted that people would make it the deposit for their own emotions.’ To the Lighthouse, her fifth novel, outsold the previous four and readers have been depositing or discovering their emotions in it ever since. In the story, the Lighthouse (it is capitalised throughout) is barely more present than Godot. An often postponed trip to carry supplies to the keepers takes place only at the end of the b...

Review: 'Magic Mike's Last Dance,' a sweetly romantic sequel, doesn't quite stick the landing

Mike Lane is now a bartender. His custom-furniture company went belly up during the pandemic, and so there he is, mixing drinks at a swanky Miami charity event, when he meets Maxandra Mendoza (Salma Hayek Pinault), an embattled London socialite on the verge of a messy divorce. She could use some distraction, and Mike, she learns, happens to have one up his sleeve, among other soon-to-be-divested pieces of clothing. After some coaxing and negotiating, plus a little soul searching, he gives Max...

Tender Maulings

In Luke Carman’s 2013 debut, An Elegant Young Man, the Kerouac-revering narrator from Western Sydney had his wayward literary influences corrected by a university education, and went running back to ‘beat, beat, beat’ on the doors of his old friends to apprise them of the fact ‘that Australia is not the place for ecstatic truth’. As the coy repetition suggests, the evangelistic about-turn was an ironic one: Carman had no interest in preserving the sanctity of an ‘Australian’ voice, dramatisin...

A Hollywood Executive’s Notes on a Birthing Video

Hello, Birth 101 class staff — My wife and I attended your screening of Birthing Video last night, and I have some notes. Protagonist I hate to say it, but your female lead just isn’t likable. For the film to work, we have to want to root for the main character, but I couldn’t empathize with her at all. Does she really have to be shouting obscenities the whole time? I know she’s in pain from the contractions and the vaginal tearing, but you should consider giving her an underlying...

Knock at the Cabin fan spots ‘incredible’ Easter egg that suggests film takes place in same universe as Old

Get our free weekly email for all the latest cinematic news from our film critic Clarisse Loughrey Get our The Life Cinematic email for free A fan of Knock at the Cabin has spotted an Easter egg which could tie back to one of director M Night Shyamalan’s previous releases. The film, released in cinemas this week, focuses on a family staying at a remote holiday cabin, who are approached by four members of what seems to be a doomsday cult. In he...

We Opened up the Film Again and Re-imagined the Entire Scene

Twice Colonized, courtesy of Sundance Institute Every production faces unexpected obstructions that require creative solutions and conceptual rethinking. What was an unforeseen obstacle, crisis, or simply unpredictable event you had to respond to, and how did this event impact or cause you to rethink your film? We had a moving scene in the film where Aaju had a conversation with some friends who were concerned for her well-being, but it was a very private conversati...

You Resemble Me - Jennie Kermode - 18153

"Both girls deliver exceptional performances in the powerful opening section, and if the film struggles to make the same impact afterwards, that serves to bring Hasna’s loss into sharp relief." Hasna Aït Boulahcen hit the headlines when she died in the early morning of 18 November, 2015. It was reported that she was a suicide bomber, but forensics experts subsequently concluded that this was not the case; a man in the same room had blown himself up, and she ...

Eye Brother Horn

1862 to 1864 Bhejane Mvelinqangi made everything. That’s what Gogo says. Mvelinqangi made the first human in the sky and lowered him to earth with a rope plaited from the intestines of an ox. The whole sky is his umuzi. The stars shine through holes in the ground of the sky that were created by the passing hooves of Mvelinqangi’s cattle—the Milky Way is the entrance to the kraal. The earth is held up by four white oxen, and death came to the world because the chameleon was slower than the ...

The Captain’s Log – before the coffee gets cold (Toshikazu Kawaguchi)

Ahoy there me mateys!  This book was recommended to me by a member of the crew.  It is a Japanese work translated by Geoffrey Trousselot.  The story takes place in a café in Tokyo where urban legend says ye can go back in time.  This story follows four people who visit the café. The book is a bit unusual in that the plot consists of four sections which could be read as short stories but intertwine and enrich each other when read together.  The time travel in this book was excellent due to ...

Medieval Legal Dramas - Justice in Icelandic Sagas

By Declan McClean Law is not universal. We comprehend that different countries have different legal systems, and sometimes laws are varied even within countries. However, the universal nature of the modern state has largely eroded the cultural responses to law and enforcement that were present in previous ages, and we often consider elements of corruption or extra-legal affairs to be maimings of some sort of super-national universal justice, rather than the effects of western legal syste...

Stories About Goblins and Tricksters

What lies in the shadows, just out of view, as we drift through the chilly pits of winter with bare trees casting their creeping silhouettes at night? As long as storytelling has existed, these same long dark nights have inspired stories to explain what ran past the corner of one’s eye, or the rustling of twigs down a long wooded path. It’s where we get our cautionary fairy tales, like The Goblin Pony and the original Goblin Market poem, to warn the youths away from the unknown creatures that...

Terror and the Family: An Interview with Brad Anderson on Blood

By Ali Moosavi. What drew me to Blood was that I could play the family drama aspect of it, the torment that this mother is going through, her struggle to keep her kids healthy and safe, along with the darker supernatural subtext." Director Brad Anderson may not be as well known and highly regarded by critics as the other Andersons, Wes and Paul Thomas but he has been making quality films for over two decades. His films like Session 9 (2001), The Machinist (2004), Transsiberian (...

The jeweler behind 'Black Panther 2' reveals one last Easter egg you might've missed

"Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" received five Academy Award nominations last month, including one for costume designer Ruth Carter and her team, which includes Douriean Fletcher, a jeweler who created the metalwork seen on the Dora Milaje as well as signature pieces that adorn Oscar nominee Angela Bassett’s Queen Ramonda and other members of the cast. One piece in particular plays a major role in the movie: the bracelet that Namor (Tenoch Huerta), from the undersea nation of Talokan, gi...

The Invisible War

BitcoinPac-Man FeverSliced bREADDogecoinD in 23B in 23Dawson CreekDawson ExposDolly Part: NoTrapPacification: HighUpdate: Great AwakeningIf you’ll allow me, I’d like to tell you the true history of the world.It’s not something to take lightly, because once someone starts to look at that world… that world will begin to look back at them!To know it you must know comms. With comms the invisible wonders and dangers become clear. No longer a sheep, but still you will have no power. Many choose to ...

Sexual Repression And Class Warfare In Leslie Stevens’ "Private Property"

Contempt for the bourgeoisie is the driving force behind a wide range of twentieth-century art. Leslie Stevens’ Private Property is a prime example. It was released in 1960, the same year as Hitchcock’s Psycho. In fact, there is a sardonic little nod to Alfred in Private Property when the heroine, Ann, meets her antagonist, Duke. Duke pretends to be a landscaper looking for the Hitchcock family home. After Ann tells him he has the wrong house, she closes the door and repeats "Hitchcock?", as ...

War Trilogy – Three Films by Andrzej Wajda

Watching these harrowing films in rapid succession allows us to watch a great director’s confidence develop at close hand; though 1955’s A Generation (Pokolenie) is an impressive debut for a 27-year old director, both Kanał (1957) and 1958’s Ashes and Diamonds (Popiół i diament) really show Wajda’s technique taking flight. The three films are thematically linked but don’t share any characters, tracing life in Nazi-occupied Poland from 1942 until the end of the Eur...

FBI Agent Phillip Jeffries - Twin Peaks

The TWIN PEAKS Character Series surveys one hundred ten characters from the series Twin Peaks (1990-91 on ABC and 2017 on Showtime as The Return), the film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992), and The Missing Pieces (2014), a collection of deleted scenes from that film. A new character study will appear every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday although patrons will have immediate access to each entry a month before it goes public. There will be spoilers. • indicates passages added or...