Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Writing"

Bottomless Dream - Palindromes and Palimpsests

Menu Skip to primary content Search Drew Lichtenberg Dramaturg and Theater Critic Bottomless Dream (or, Palindromes and Palimpsests) Written in the Winter of 2012 for Ethan McSweeny’s Dream at the Shakespeare Theatre. Indebted to Jan Kott and "The Bottom Translation," but there are worse fates than to be Kott’s amanuensis. -D...


My favorite part of watching films and TV shows is picking out the hidden things the filmmakers have layered in for us to pick up on. Film and TV are visual mediums and thus, lend themselves to tangible symbols that drive home the theme of the story. Symbolism is a powerful device used across various forms of art, including literature, paintings, and music. In the world of film and television, symbolism has the potential to make a significant impact on the audience's understanding and interp...

Text and authority

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Current language: English Wechseln zur deutschen Sprachversion Jump directly to: To the beginning of the text (Jump over the navigation) , Main navigation , Themes navigation , To the search , More settings Navigation by theme Study Research Continuing education Career Press International Search Search the website Search ...

Prescribing Creativity - The Meta-Diaries of Marion Milner

Marion Milner, The Angry Parrot. All images from Marion Milner’s On Not Being Able to Paint (Routledge, 2010), reproduced by permission of Taylor and Francis Group."Before the problem of the creative artist," Freud famously declared in an essay on Russian literature, "analysis must, alas, lay down its arms." Our creative potential—as it is expressed in the most ordinary dream or jokes, or in the extraordinary compositions of great artists—has always been a vital theme in psychoanalysis, but i...

CFP for conference - Towards a Theory of Heteronomous Texts

The creation of texts can take various forms. One seemingly obvious method is to copy an already existing text. The material evidence of this practice in Antiquity and the Middle Ages constitutes the foundation of our knowledge of ancient textual cultures. A partial copy can also be the basis for further work on the material: shortening or adding, expanding, rearranging, or re-collecting are only a few possible ways of dealing with pre-texts. Some texts enclose their pre-texts, as we can see ...

Short Story - The

The short story is a fascinating and versatile literary form, offering a compact yet impactful reading experience. It is a form of literature that typically can be read in one sitting and focuses on a self-contained narrative or a series of linked events. It has a shorter length than a novel, allowing it to be consumed in brief periods. The short story typically focuses on a single event, character, or theme. Despite its brevity, a short story can convey complex emotions, ideas, and narrative...

Writing Is a Bad Habit

I taught the first session of my "Philosophy as Creative Writing" workshop to a packed room at the American Library in Paris yesterday. What a wonderful experience! Wonderful for me, that is, and I hope for those in attendance as well. We have two more sessions to come, and I’ll share some results and reflections here in due course. This is only a one-time thing, but I can say right now I am indeed feeling naturally fit for the task. I have often bristled when I’ve seen professors on social m...

Write, Rinse, Repeat: Text and Context in Derrida’s SEC and in Literary Studies

What today do we make of these issues, so central, so provocative, even galvanizing in Derrida’s early texts: significations and codes, speech and writing, citation and iterability? The temptation is to respond: not much. It’s been a long time since most literary critics or even theorists were moved by concerns pertaining to language and discourse. No doubt, this is with some right—these issues became "played out," as some say, with seemingly little new or urgent left to be said about them, o...

SBIR funny papers part 1

I’ve long been a reader of the SBIR funny papers. SBIR is "small business innovative research" grants -aka the government gives you some welfare cheese to think about something for a while. I actually quit my first job out of grad school to pitch one (failed, because I don’t have people in DC blackmailing the grant administrators -yes, that’s really more or less how it works). There are entire businesses built around this stuff, doing lots of quick little R&D projects to see if something ...

Language of Mythology - Medieval Grammar and Hermeneutics

The spatial sign in the middle ages is the product of the mythology of static, determinate structure.By Dr. Jesse M. GellrichProfessor of EnglishLouisiana State UniversityThe Divine Page, in its literal sense, contains many things which seem both to be opposed to each other and, sometimes, to impart something which smacks of the absurd or the impossible. But the spiritual meaning admits no opposition; in it, many things can be different from one another, but none can be opposed.Hugh of St. Vi...

ChatGPT Content Policy Limitations for Story Writing (and sexting)

The whole principle [of censorship] is wrong; it’s like demanding that grown men live on skim milk because the baby can’t eat steak.Robert A. Heinlein Playing around with ChatGPT 3.5 ( https://chat.openai.com ), I wondered whether it could be used for online/chat sex(ting). I mean, it can take the persona of different people, including Oracles, Coaches, and the like. So why not a spicy character? And if it talks as one person and the user takes the other part, is it re...

Rule of Three in Screenwriting

What is the "Rule of Three" in Screenwriting? Today we're going to go over the twelve character archetypes and show you how they can inform the creation of your characters. We'll also give you examples of character archetypes in modern film and television. So let's dive into character! Where do Character Archetypes come from? You’ve written some great character descriptions and great character names, but how do you develop a great character? We place a lot of stock in things like Joseph Ca...

Bizarrely Specific Things Every Sci-Fi Movie Does

5 Bizarrely Specific Things Every Sci-Fi Movie Does By: Nathan Kamal Andrea Meno February 14, 2018 Anything is possible in science fiction! You can explore the future, delve into the past, chronicle alien civilizations, and probe the endless possibilities of time and space. The genre is limited by nothing but human imagination. Unfortunately, human imagination seems like it was depleted sometime in the 1970s, because no matter what obscure corner of the galaxy you warp to...

Character Types in Storytelling

One of the great joys of screenwriting is character creation. There are so many different kinds of characters out there, the sky is the limit when it comes to your personal creativity. In the diverse world of storytelling, characters are the lifeblood that pumps vitality into the narrative's veins. They are the beating heart that brings a story to life, injecting it with emotion, intrigue, and relatability. From classic literature to modern films, the characters we encounter leave an indel...

Philosophy of Composition

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 The Philosophy of Composition (idea) See all of The Philosophy of Composition, no other writeups in this node. (idea) by ceylonbreakfast Sat May 07 2005 at 3:27:46 Essay on writing by Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), first published in Graham's Magazine, April 1846. It's not altogether clear how serious this essay is. While taken seriously in France, it's often considered to poke fun at simplistic decoders of literature in the Un...


Gosti iz galaksije; AKA Visitors from the Galaxy366 Weird Movies may earn commissions from purchases made through product links.DIRECTED BY: Dusan VukoticFEATURING: Zarko Potocnjak, Ksenia Prohaska, Lucie ZulováPLOT: An aspiring science fiction writer finds he has materialized the aliens from his long-gestating novel, including a space monster.[link ]COMMENTS: Visitors from the Arkana Galaxy is a curious artifact from nowhere. Or at least, from nowhere that exists anymore: a co-production bet...


Download PDFIt's clear these people have no fucking idea what a real estate novelist does. The hustle is nonstop. Ever hear of The House of Mirth? I wrote it. TIu House of thz Spiits? Nfine. Ttu House of 'ttu Sam Gablzs? I wrote half that's three and a half gables. Tlu Haunting of - Hilt House? The House bn Maryo Strufr Btzak House? Paul. Paul. Paul. Those novels made the careers of Whar- ton, Allende, Hawthorne, Jackson, Cisneros, Dickens. RENGW (Real Estate Novelist Ghost Writing) is why "P...

Trip Beyond the House of Craving - A

(Originally written July 10, 2019).PLUS ONE, n. (+) The drug is quite certainly active. The chronology can be determined with some accuracy, but the nature of the drug’s effects are not yet apparent.[1]Shulgin and Shulgin 1990.For some larps it is easy to write about the experience in a way that will make sense to those who were not there. I can describe the events of the larp as a narrative, perhaps focussing on some of the significant set piece moments of the experience, and this will enabl...

literary language

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 literary language (idea) See all of literary language, there is 1 more in this node. (idea) by darl Thu Aug 10 2006 at 17:29:19 What is literary language? Introduction Many critics and poets have tried to nail this down. It's a slippery eel, it really is. It's been defined as "the familiar made strange" (Attridge), which is a nice way to put it. I got out a dictionary, the OED 2nd Ed. and looked up 'literary' to be pointed t...

Star Wars Fanfiction - a Faraway World

The Star Wars galaxy may be far, far away, but the fanfiction it inspires exists within easy reach of those passionate enough to seek it out. When George Lucas and his collaborators created this expansive universe back in 1977, they just wanted to make a great space opera. They had no idea it would birth an entire franchise of TV shows, movies, comic runs, parodies…and Star Wars fanfiction.More importantly, nothing could prepare Lucas for the sheer level of enthusiasm that fans would build ar...

Alice in Wonderland Chapter Three Creaticely Revised

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Alice in Wonderland (idea) See all of Alice in Wonderland, there are 2 more in this node. See also: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (idea) by Azound Wed Jun 28 2000 at 8:38:47 Remake of Chapter VIII The Sea in the Puddle A LARGE ROSE-TREE stood near the entrance of the garden: the roses on it were white. Alice took a step towards the tree, and noticed a puddle to the side of it. She stepped into the puddle, and felt the gro...

Teaching Students About Literary Allusion

In literature, an allusion is a reference to a well-known person, place, event, or literary work that the author expects the reader to recognize and draw meaning from. Teaching students about literary allusion is an important aspect of literature education as it helps students to better understand the text they are reading, and also emphasizes the interconnections between literary works. The first step in teaching allusion to students is to help them understand what it is. It is crucial fo...

On Not Asking if I should Insert Myself in the Text

There is a passage in Ruth Behar’s book, The Vulnerable Observer: Anthropology that breaks your heart, in which she identifies the ‘most difficult feat of all’ for writers: how to ‘insert our participating-and-observing selves into the story’. It was 1996 and Behar was addressing anthropology researchers who were tasked with developing a rich textual account of the workplaces and communities where they had spent months and years. She made a case for using what she called a ‘personal voice’ in...

Compelling Types of Tragedy

This post may contain a small selection of relevant affiliate links. When you purchase a product from an affiliate link, I may receive compensation at no cost to you. See the disclosure page for more info.Here are twenty-five types of tragedy that can be explored in the senior drama or theatre classroom. From ancient Greece to today, tragedy has permeated the theatrical landscape for centuries. For each type of tragedy, below, its origins are discussed, well-known playwrights examined, themes...