Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Writing"

Diving Into the Diverse World of Character Types in Storytelling

Choose your character wisely.  One of the great joys of screenwriting is character creation. There are so many different kinds of characters out there, the sky is the limit when it comes to your personal creativity.  In the diverse world of storytelling, characters are the lifeblood that pumps vitality into the narrative's veins. They are the beating heart that brings a story to life, injecting it with emotion, intrigue, and relatability. From classic literature to modern films, the characte...

STORY ESSENTIALS 9 - Transformation

STORY ESSENTIALS No. 9: Transformation - Michael Hauge Site Clip source: STORY%20ESSENTIALS%20%239%3A%20Transformation%20-%20Michael%20Hauge%20Site https://storymastery.com/STORY ESSENTIALS #9: TransformationYou are here:Home/Articles for Marketers/STORY ESSENTIALS #9: TransformationThis series reveals what I consider to be the ESSENTIAL components of any great story. These are the principles you must master if you want to impact people’s lives – and increase your revenue – whether you’re cre...

No writer can touch sir Walter Scott - Joyce and the Wizard of the North

https://blog.oup.com/2023/06/there-is-no-writer-can-touch-sir-walter-scott-joyce-and-the-wizard-of-the-north/"There is no writer can touch sir Walter Scott": Joyce and the Wizard of the NorthWhile Walter Scott was one of the greatest novelists of nineteenth-century literature, at least in terms of sales, James Joyce was probably the major novelist of the twentieth century in terms of impact and influence. According to Joyce’s brother Stanislaus, the Irish writer "couldn’t stand" the Scot’s wo...

A Writer’s Diary – Toby Litt

[Galley Beggar Press; 2023] Originally published in daily installments on substack, A Writer’s Diary was conceived to be read every day: "It’ll be just like you’re reading it over my shoulder—as I scribble it."  It was going to be, according to Litt, "Not just any diary—an everything diary—a hyperdiary—my life in a year and a year in my life." Now it appears in book form, no longer open for subscriptions or online comments; months can be read in an afternoon, and you could even skip to ...

Book Review: Letterpress Revolution: The Politics of Anarchist Print Culture by Kathy Ferguson

In Letterpress Revolution: The Politics of Anarchist Print Culture, Kathy Ferguson considers the ways in which printers bolstered anarchist movements across the US and UK from the late nineteenth century to the 1940s. More than just a means of spreading ideas, Ferguson posits printing, writing and reading as radical, creative acts essential to community-building within anarchist movements, writes Layla Saleh. Letterpress Revolution: The Politics of Anarchist Print Culture. Kathy Ferguson...

Story Structure: 3 Proven Templates for Timeless Storytelling

 Story Structure: 3 Proven Templates for Timeless Storytelling Posted on Jul 18, 2019 by R.E. Vance NTweet kShare sShare APin40 G40 Shares Your story structure does matter. Get this right, and your readers will definitely see the difference. If your book doesn’t have a cohesive structure…they may not be back for more. This guide to story structure covers: What is story structure?Three Act StructureHero’s JourneyThe 5 Milestones Get Bestselling Plug-...

I’ll Sleep When I’m Undead - Sleep in Contemporary Horror Media

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTSI’ll Sleep When I’m Undead: Sleep in Contemporary Horror Media July 2-7, 2023 in MontrealDEADLINE March 31, 2023CORERISC: the Collective for Research on Epistemologies of Embodied Risk, and The Sociability of Sleep seek participants for a week-long writing workshop (July 2-7, 2023) centered on sleep in 21st century horror media. We aim to explore how horror media–from films to television to social media–responds to the conditions of sleep as a site of embodied risk today....

Laird Hunt Takes This World Sentence by Sentence

A friend explains that the world is divided into paragraph and sentence writers. A paragraph writer is like a brick mason, working with consistent materials and focused on maintaining a clean line as a wall unfolds. Building a stone wall, a sentence writer in contrast begins with a pile of rocks—clots of material formed by processes beyond human measure. In This Wide Terraqueous World, Laird Hunt is a sentence writer in whose hand the sentences turn like prisms, reframing these essays’ collec...

Laird Hunt Takes This World Sentence by Sentence

A friend explains that the world is divided into paragraph and sentence writers. A paragraph writer is like a brick mason, working with consistent materials and focused on maintaining a clean line as a wall unfolds. Building a stone wall, a sentence writer in contrast begins with a pile of rocks—clots of material formed by processes beyond human measure. In This Wide Terraqueous World, Laird Hunt is a sentence writer in whose hand the sentences turn like prisms, reframing these essays’ collec...

The un-difficult novel

that whole period, from late Yeats through early Pynchon, might be considered, in retrospect, as the Age of Difficulty, the time when readers expected a certain degree of hardship when addressing new literary masterworks. That’s from an essay Ted Gioia recently re-posted from his archives about Gravity’s Rainbow (not a novel I have read…) in which he talked about the way difficult fiction finds a less receptive audience today. Mostly, it’s a history and analysis of Pynchon’s novel and we...

Prose that reads like gunfire

James Ellroy has a thing about dogs. During public appearances he’s liable to pant, growl or raise his hands like paws, and "dog talk" – boastful, overbearing, often obscene – is a mainstay of his persona as the "demon dog" of crime fiction. In one of the many documentaries about him (James Ellroy: American Dog, 2006), there’s a scene in which he holds a conversation with a Staffordshire bull terrier that has been fed peanut butter to make her mouth move in a speech-like way. More than once h...

Amarna Letters

Amarna LettersSourceURL: https://www.worldhistory.org/Amarna_Letters/ .cls-1{fill:#231f20;}.cls-2{fill:#b52600;}.cls-3{fill:#fff;}" style="-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;text-rendering:optimizeLegibility;"/> Amarna Letters Definition by Priscila Scoville published on 06 November 2015 Listen to this article Available in other languages: Greek, French, Spanish The Amarna Letters Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin (Copyright) The Amarna Letters are a body of 14th-century BCE correspondenc...

A Rose for Emily - Characters

‘A Rose for Emily’ by William Faulkner contains some memorable characters besides Emily herself. Even the narrator is a curious creation and deserving of further discussion, since Faulkner does some interesting things with narrative in his short story. Let’s take a closer look at the characters in ‘A Rose for Emily’, both great and small, central and peripheral, and explore their significance to the overall story, as well as the part they play in its plot. The Narrator The n...

Interacting with Print

Book Title: Interacting with Print: Elements of Reading in the Era of Print SaturationAbout this ebook A thorough rethinking of a field deserves to take a shape that is in itself new. Interacting with Printdelivers on this premise, reworking the history of print through a unique effort in authorial collaboration. The book itself is not a typical monograph—rather, it is a "multigraph," the collective work of twenty-two scholars who together have assembled an alphabetically arranged tour of ...

Fantasy - How It Works by Brian Attebery

https://www.amazon.com/Fantasy-How-Works-Brian-Attebery-ebook/dp/B0B5RYQL7Z/ref=strangehorizonsCharles Vess’s stunning cover will be one thing that draws readers into Brian Attebery’s examination of fantasy; another, of course, will be the author’s reputation as a critic and editor, particularly as editor of the Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts. The nine chapters collected here (a tenth summarises the conclusions he has earlier come to, drawing threads together and organising them free fr...

Renaissance science – XLVI

One area that is not usually counted among the sciences is cryptography, lying as it does, in this day and age, between, logic, mathematics, and informatics. In earlier times it is perhaps best viewed as a part of logic. Perhaps surprisingly, cryptography underwent a major development during the Renaissance provoked by an earlier development in the hands of Islamicate scholars.Cryptography means literally hidden writing, coming from the Greek kryptos meaning hidden and graphiameaning write, e...

Imagery in Poetry and Literature

Could you define imagery or tell us the types that occur in poetry and literature?  The very core of storytelling is organic imagery. When we work to make a film or TV show or anything else, the visuals we put on the screen need to represent the core themes and beats of the story. This appeals to the audience's sense of humanity.  These ideas were not created by us filmmakers. They date back to the first human writing, poetry, and literature. They were brought about by finding...

Life-writing and why it matters

https://blog.oup.com/2022/11/what-is-life-writing-and-why-does-it-matter/Oxford University Press has recently launched its new seven-volume Oxford History of Life-Writing in English. Three of the volumes are already in print, with the latest being my own, which covers the period from 1945 to the present day. This is the first time a history of life-writing on anything like this scale has been published, which begs the question—what is life-writing, and why does it matter?Over the last few dec...

Star Trek Lesson Plan

Required Materials:Star Trek: TNG, "Cause and Effect"$14.95 at amazon.com Optional Materials:Roland Barthes, S/Z$11.20 at amazon.com Some text-based or web-based introduction to narratology and film THIS CLASS, ENGL 373 (Science Fiction and Fantasy) doubles for me as introduction to a number of theories. The allegorical and speculative nature of science fiction makes the genre a helpful tool in teaching students what are often quite difficult concepts. The students tend also to get a ki...

Typographic Firsts: Adventures in Early Printing, a new book from John Boardley

Typographic Firsts: Adventures in Early Printing ( attr(href) ) How were the first fonts made? Who invented italics? When did we work out how to print in color? John Boardley’s ( attr(href) ) award-winning book, Typographic Firsts, charts the formative early history of the printed or typographic book. Many of the standard features of the printed book were designed by pioneering typographers and printers in the latter half of the fifteenth century. Although Johannes Gutenberg is credited wi...

Intertwining Fiction and Memory - Elizabeth McCracken on The Hero of This Story

Short story author and novelist Elizabeth McCracken has just published a book, The Hero of This Story, in which the main character is Natalie Jacobson McCracken, educator, writer, and former editor-in-chief of Boston University alumni magazine, Bostonia. Elizabeth herself is the narrator of this novel. And, also, the daughter of Natalie. In the novel. In real life. To make matters even more interesting, I worked as Natalie’s assistant from 2000 to 2003 and know Elizabeth via her mother. In...

James Baldwin on Art, Life, Writing, Reading, and More

Happy birthday, James Baldwin! Here are some quotes from the writer:   "Artists are here to disturb the peace."   "This is the only real concern of the artist, to recreate out of the disorder of life that order which is art."   "When you’re writing, you’re trying to find out something which you don’t know. The whole language of writing for me is finding out what you don’t want to know, what you don’t want to find out. But something forces you to anyway."   "Most of us,...