Ziad Shihab

Speaking of Bards and Brads and Bretts and Brains and Brats and Big Bird - Shakespeare references Q

It just occurred to me that maybe "check out the big brain on Brett" in Pulp Fiction might actually be a reference to poets in general, with Shakespeare being a prime example. SEE:
Bard Influences - Shakespeare

Iambic pentameter, for example, is a formula or system for hosting one's poetry. The structure accommodates a lot, while still giving the poem a structure to adhere this work to all of the other preceding artworks ever regarded by the audience.

Hence, poets who respect and acknowledge some established pre-existing structure. In poetry, this structural scaffolding is often supplied as a matter of "meter". Poets who produce works employing or referencing other works in the same structure can be said to be using the "metric system" to showcase novelty in variations on a theme.

21 MAY 2019 06:55 EDT