Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Soberreflections"

Bird as bard

Could birds in English literature be a reference to poets and playwrights? More ancient languages would suggest a different but not opposite meaning. Birds are often symbolic of the female psyche, and the virtual function of females in the storyworld as potential powerful diplomats. Birds can carry and deliver informed messages (sometimes literally on paper) without causing a direct threat. (Hitchcock's The Birds being one exception) or angelic spy -- a neither necessarily friendly nor nece...

Pulp Fiction metaphor for Holland

Is Mia's visiting Amsterdam a metaphorical expression of going to Los Angeles? The real world one I mean. Mia allows herself to go into her self-exploration mode in the opposite way that we do in the real world. Our entertainment retreat - the film world - becomes Mia's and Vincent's work world -- their real world is in the story. But for us it's the reverse: we go to work and live our dramatic lives, while Mia visits her dream world (our real world) as Uma Thurman. is Holland: HAL landHO...

Color filtering as colorblindness

I suspect Kubrick would have considered the experience of colorblind folks, and that he would want to give them a personal treat. Their colorblindness would be shown to have an advantage rather than a disadvantage only. Experiment with light color filters to mimic the main types of colorblindness, which are: proto (red)Duetero (green)Tri - something (blue - very rare) SEE Colorblindness

Speaking of Bards and Brads and Bretts and Brains and Brats and Big Bird - Shakespeare references Q

It just occurred to me that maybe "check out the big brain on Brett" in Pulp Fiction might actually be a reference to poets in general, with Shakespeare being a prime example. SEE: Bard Influences - Shakespeare Iambic pentameter, for example, is a formula or system for hosting one's poetry. The structure accommodates a lot, while still giving the poem a structure to adhere this work to all of the other preceding artworks ever regarded by the audience. Hence, poets who respect and acknowl...