Ziad Shihab

Space Duel (thing) by Stavr0 - Everything2.com

Space Duel (thing)

See all of Space Duel, no other writeups in this node.
by Stavr0 (7.7 mon) CC Rep: 17 ( +18 / -1 ) (Rep Graph) (+) Thu Feb 28 2002 at 10:45:56
(thing) 1 C! · C? by Stavr0 (7.7 mon)
 ____    ____    ____    ____    ____        ____    ____    ____    ____   
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| | S | | | P | | | A | | | C | | | E |     | | D | | | U | | | E | | | L | 
 \|___|  \|___|  \|___|  \|___|  \|___|      \|___|  \|___|  \|___|  \|___|
Manufacturer: Atari
Released: 1982
Display: Color Vector
Controls: Buttons for Left, Right, Fire, Thrust and Shield

This is a direct descendent of the original Asteroids and Asteroids Deluxe, with asteroids replaced by colorful geometric shapes like cubes, diamonds and spinning pinwheels. Shoot all objects to complete a level.

Like its ancestors, the object is to clear the level of miscellaneous objects cluttering the screen. Extra difficulties come from green and red pips (saucers in the original) that shoot at the player, slow-moving star shapes that require many shots to be destroyed, and the occasional ship-seeking glowing shapes. The red and green pips sometimes gang up on you and bounce a fast-moving plasma bolts between them.
The most interesting variant is the two-player cooperative mode where both ships are joined by a tether until death do us part. Scoring is unified, and there is no friendly fire damage. Whenever a player dies, their ship is restored, but the next death results in the tether turning into a dynamite fuse inevitably creeping to the surviving ship and blowing it up.

Today the game can be played under the MAME emulator, and has been emulated under Norbert Kehner's Java Arcade Emulator.

Apologies to TheBooBooKitty for muscleing in on his node turf...