Ziad Shihab

Cats are in Control

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Cats are in control

(idea) by freezeup Sat Nov 13 1999 at 10:03:59
You may think you own a cat.

Your cat knows that you are its butler.

(idea) by Mischa Tue Apr 11 2000 at 16:07:06

Deep in its cat brain, below its awareness, a cat has the genetic knowledge that you are made of meat.

(idea) by morgandorf Mon Aug 21 2000 at 20:34:44
There is an old saying about cats and (pardon my bringing the great furry oafs into this discussion) dogs:

If you bring a dog in out of the cold, give it shelter and food, and a warm place to sleep, it thinks you're God.

However, if you bring a cat in out of the cold, give it shelter and food, and a warm place to sleep, it thinks it's God.

That pretty much sums up cats, IMHO.

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