Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Quote"

Cultural Sophistication and Self-Reference on American Television

Fully:Cultural Sophistication and Self-Reference on American Television: Seeds of Hope?by Ralph DumainGenerally when I look at American culture these days I see little but degeneracy. I am rarely heartened even by the obvious sophistication that our society has achieved in certain respects over the past two decades, because it is so heavily counterbalanced by increased fragmentation, intellectual laziness, dehumanization, and superficiality. The sophistication that we do have is not so much a...

Amarna Letters

Amarna LettersSourceURL: https://www.worldhistory.org/Amarna_Letters/ .cls-1{fill:#231f20;}.cls-2{fill:#b52600;}.cls-3{fill:#fff;}" style="-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;text-rendering:optimizeLegibility;"/> Amarna Letters Definition by Priscila Scoville published on 06 November 2015 Listen to this article Available in other languages: Greek, French, Spanish The Amarna Letters Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin (Copyright) The Amarna Letters are a body of 14th-century BCE correspondenc...

Carmelina: Figures & Virgil Kills: Stories – Ronaldo V. Wilson

NOTE: See below for this great quote. -zas"The dick, itself, is not remarkable—that it is there is what actually matters."If "Lineage is different/ from rhetorical sequence," as Ronaldo Wilson claims in Carmelina: Figures, then one issue raised by this assertion is the relationship between these two phenomena, between genetic and narrative grammars and syntaxes, especially when narration takes up bloodlines in an attempt to "describe the impossible." Impossibility is, here, the rubric for a b...

James Baldwin on Art, Life, Writing, Reading, and More

Happy birthday, James Baldwin! Here are some quotes from the writer:   "Artists are here to disturb the peace."   "This is the only real concern of the artist, to recreate out of the disorder of life that order which is art."   "When you’re writing, you’re trying to find out something which you don’t know. The whole language of writing for me is finding out what you don’t want to know, what you don’t want to find out. But something forces you to anyway."   "Most of us,...

Roosevelt Montás on Rescuing Socrates

0:37    Intro. [Recording date: March 10, 2022.]Russ Roberts: Today is March 10th, 2022 and my guest is educator and author Roosevelt Montás of Columbia University, where he is Senior Lecturer in American Studies in English and the former director of Columbia's Center for Core Curriculum between 2008 and 2018. He is the author of--great title--the author of Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation, which is our subject for today. Rooseve...

Celebrity is a mask that eats the face

Inge Morath, Saul Steinberg Masquerade From John Updike’s Self-Consciousness: Memoirs: Celebrity, even the modest sort that comes to writers, is an unhelpful exercise in self-consciousness. Celebrity is a mask that eats into the face. As soon as one is aware of being ‘somebody,’ to be watched and listened to with extra interest, input ceases, and the performer goes blind and deaf in his over animation. One can either see or be seen. Most of the best fiction is written ou...

What Is Isolated Can Be Seen Better

A taste for aphorism comes with age. It’s a matter of patience. Careful readers, as we get older, lose tolerance for clumsy verbiage. Time is short. A well-crafted aphorism, a mere handful of words, contains more thought-matter than most novels. I choose "matter" purposely. A good aphorism seems to confirm Einstein’s notion that matter isenergy. I think of aphorisms lying on the page, coiled to strike when released by the reader. There’s often a casual stridency about aphorisms that offends s...

Cats are in Control

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Cats are in control (idea) by freezeup Sat Nov 13 1999 at 10:03:59 You may think you own a cat. Your cat knows that you are its butler. I like it! 1 C! (idea) by Mischa Tue Apr 11 2000 at 16:07:06 Deep in its cat brain, below its awareness, a cat has the genetic knowledge that you are made of meat. I like it! (idea) by morgandorf Mon Aug 21 2000 at 20:34:44 There is an old saying about cats and...

Quote from Sauerberg book

Not that there’s much need to remember; we are seldom defeated online in our search for what we have already found. Now we depend not on orientation to page or wall but on a set of remembered words, not necessarily in sequence. And here we participate in a relationship of some interest. We used to consult a list of books in a catalogue, which was itself a book. Hence the identity or homology of items listed with the instrument that lists. Having thus located the book in the large space of the...

Quotes in Odyssey with Examples and Analysis - Literary Devices

Search for:Literary DevicesDefinition and Examples of Literary TermsMain menuSkip to contentFull List of Literary DevicesGrammatical TermsPoem AnalysisBook Literary AnalysisPhrase AnalysisEssay WritingWhat are Literary DevicesCitationOdyssey QuotesQuotes or quotations are those few representative lines that give an idea about the story line. They, sometimes, refer to a universal theme or idea, which becomes memorable. Some of the famous quotes from Homer’s Odyssey have been given below with e...

Ron Ruble – Medium

Ron Ruble 7 Following 1 FollowersProfileClapsHighlightsHighlighted by Ron RubleSee more From Why Most People Never Get What They Want by Benjamin Hardy, PhD"Success" can lead you down a strange rabbit hole, and you might not like where you wind up.Claps from Ron RubleSee more The entire economy is too, in fact!Ziad ShihabPredicting the Stock Market Is Easier Than You ThinkConcodaHow to Build a Business that Will Make you BillionsChris Herd

Northwest Passage Quotes - eNotes.com

Northwest Passage Quotes Download Northwest Passage Study Guide Subscribe Now "Men Who Hunt Perpetually For Their Personal Northwest Passage" (Magill's Quotations in Context) Context: This quotation, serving as the foreword to the first book of Northwest Passage, a novel of exploration and adventure during the latter half of the eighteenth century, fittingly reflects the theme and subject matter of the book as a whole. It is the story of two men, one with a...

Jean-François Lyotard quote

Philosophers Home Jean-François Lyotard @PoMoCondition (1924-1998)Major Works: The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, Libidinal Economy, Differend: Phrases in Dispute Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Wikipedia ...

We have already seen that we can have knowledge of two kinds of things: sensible objects and the Ideas

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John Ruskin Quotations

poetry ondemandHome    Stories    Scruffy    Cookery Mainpage/Recipe Index    the Nuisance Page    Blather Mainpage    Pre-Raphaelites    Rossetti Quotes    Ruskin Quotes    Difuegaltie    LinksA collection of quotations from the Pre-Raphaelite writers:JOHN RUSKIN Dante Gabriel RossettiJohn RuskinChristina RossettiWilliam MorrisAlgernon Charles Swinburne    The writings of this remarkable man fill 39 volumes. For more information on his life and work, check out The Ruskin Centre, and The Vict...