Ziad Shihab

Cameraless films

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From: Jonah Kozlowski <Jonah@nwfilmforum.org>
Date: Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 11:01
Subject: Aspiring experimentalists, DIY your way to Brakhage brilliance! ➰✂➰
To: <zshihab@umd.edu>

Lighting + sound in the production intensive series
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* * * Open Script Read * * *
Has been canceled!

It will return.
Click above for a video sample of Prof. Ramey's experiments!

Saturday, Nov. 2 – 11am – 4pm
Cameraless Filmmaking: Photograms and Ray-o-grams
Instructor: Kathryn Ramey
$150 to register
$100 for Forum Members
$50 Scholarship

Release your inner (or outer) experimentalist! Explore a range of ultra-accessible 16mm filmmaking processes, both in the dark and lights-on; hand-painting unexposed stock with developer, photogramming with paper clips, beads, seed pods, earrings, pencil shavings (whatever tiny objects you have!), exposing film with flashlights, and adding soundtracks from found footage.

Some of these processes are immediately satisfying, some gradually, but all can be looped and projected before the workshop lets out. No filmmaking or camera experience required. Presented in anticipation of Engauge Experimental Film Festival 2019 (Nov. 7–9).

Wednesdays, Nov. 13 & 20 – 6:30–9:30pm
DSLR Videography
Instructor: Craig Downing
Experience level: All levels

$95 to register
$80 for Forum members

Come explore the basics of DSLR video filmmaking! Using our Canon 60D (or your own gear), this class covers standard camera functions. Learn how to manually control exposure to create professional, artistic video content and practice core skills under the guidance of an experienced instructor. The concepts learned in this workshop will apply to most any camera. The Forum can provide Canon cameras during the workshop, and cameras are also available for rent to workshop participants.

One each Saturday, from 11am to 5pm, Oct. 12 – Nov. 23
Saturday Production Intensives with Reel Grrls & NWFF
Tuition is the same for each:
$95 General (including NWFF Members)
$70 HS/college/university students

With a huge student discount, these courses are designed for emerging filmmakers ages 17–26, but are open to all who are looking to break into production!
Students ages 17–26 who complete all of the workshops will be eligible to join RGPro, a production company that produces broadcast-quality media for nonprofit organizations, local businesses, and institutions.

Saturday, Nov. 2
Lighting for Film and Media
Instructor: David Ayala

Learn the essentials of lighting an interview and portrait shoot, and how to get the most out of your location's available light to get a clean, professional look. This workshop takes place at The Pound Arts Bldg, 1216 10th Ave.

Saturday, Nov. 9
Sounds Good: Production Sound
Instructor: Tara Munoz

Learn the priorities of a good sound mixer and get hands-on with demos of all the gear in a sound mixer’s kit, from timecode equipment to boom poles, in this rundown of a sound department's role on set.

Saturday, Nov. 16
Producing for Film and Media
Instructor: Laura Jean Cronin

This workshop provides the basics of producing for a client video, including pre-production, production, and post, exploring what the producer does during each. Students will receive a breakdown of scheduling, budgeting, and client relations, with a focus on organizational skills and techniques.

Saturday, Nov. 23
Scriptwriting and Storyboarding
Instructor: Kalee Forsythe

Bring in your own material or practice with a provided script in this exploration of professional scriptwriting format and structure. We'll talk current software options, storyboarding techniques for different types of projects, format, and style. The workshop's format is a mix of lecture, practice, and feedback.

Wednesdays, 6–9pm
Open Lab Nights
Instructor: Brian Marks

FREE for all! Space is limited

Grab your hard drive and beat feet to Open Lab Night, which provides free access to NWFF's professional editing equipment and software (Adobe Creative Cloud with Premiere, After Effects and more, Final Cut Pro x, DaVinci Resolve, etc!). Six editing stations in the lab means six potential future project collaborators, friends, and/or fountains of filmmaking knowledge. Whether you're working towards a deadline or just talking shop in the lobby, you're welcome here!
Takeaways is an ongoing series of youth workshops for middle and high school students that focuses on creative editing and production tools and techniques

** Youth Workshop! **
Saturday, Nov 23 – 11am – 4pm

Takeaways: Animated Portraits
Instructors: L Fried & Lise Bengson
$45 to register
$30 for Forum members

In this workshop, students will get an introduction to animation by learning how to make a moving portrait in Adobe After Effects. They will learn how to turn frames of video or drawing into a short animated portrait of themselves or someone else. From designing a shot that will work well for animation, to recording and drawing, to editing the final video, this workshop will take students through the entire creative process!

** Youth Workshop! **
Saturday, Dec 14 – 11am – 4pm

Takeaways: Foley Sound
Instructors: L Fried & Lise Bengson
$45 to register
$30 for Forum members

In this workshop, students will learn how to create, record and edit custom foley sound effects for a short film. Together the class will design sound effects using various everyday objects for a selected short film. They'll learn how to perform and record the effects in time to the film using professional microphones, then work together to layer the sounds in Premiere and create a bed of sound for the film.


Mondays & Wednesdays, Dec. 2–11 – 6:30–9:30pm
Applied Cinematography
Instructor: Craig Downing
$190 to register
$175 for Forum members

This workshop is designed to provide next level techniques to our Intro to DSLR Videography workshop. It is for those who know their way around their DSLR, and want to learn tools and practice cinematography techniques for professional productions. Practice camera movement, angles, storyboarding, stabilization systems, lenses, filters, lighting techniques; the whole kit and caboodle!

FREE Edit Lab drop-in hours for youth on Wednesdays

Each Wednesday from 2–6pm, teens can edit or learn software for free, getting project help from mentors in the NWFF Edit Lab.

Dracula runs at ACT Theatre in downtown Seattle Oct. 17 – Nov. 18 which is the perfect time to bring attention to the need for donating blood. ACT will be hosting a blood drive with the American Red Cross at their theatre on Thursday, November 7th 1–6pm. It will only take about an hour; a blood donation can help save a life!

"We know that there is a need for blood in this community—that there are times in the year where Seattle gets desperately low on its blood supply. So we are aligning ourselves with the American Red Cross to highlight that need through the reach of this production. We hope you will join us and donate."
— John Langs, ACT Artistic Director

For more info or to schedule another blood donation appointment, visit RedCrossBlood.org or please call 1-800-733-2767 with the sponsor code: ACT.
Receive updates about new opportunities in the local film scene, whether for work or for collaboration with other artists.