Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Rachel"

Liquid Lunch: Milk Fed By Melissa Broder

Photo by Lord ByronA tale of paradoxes from start to finish, Milk Fed is a whirlwind of energy. Melissa Broder’s newest novel is a thirst-quenching mix of love, loneliness, sex, and insatiable appetites. Broder’s straightforward writing style encapsulates the complexities of modern life: the entanglement of mental illness with self-image, the jarring of same-sex love with orthodox religion. The theme of pleasure woven throughout offers readers an easy, and enticing, way in. A slim, attractive...

The cute kitten represents violence and carnage (idea) by Anark - Everything2.com

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2The cute kitten represents violence and carnage (idea)See all of The cute kitten represents violence and carnage, no other writeups in this node.(idea)by Anark Mon Mar 21 2005 at 4:57:44The smell of a good barbecue can draw visitors like vultures to a battlefield. There's something Jungian about wood smoke and roasting meat; they reveal a human kinship deeper than mere culture. Facing an unexpected crowd, most casual cooks will either generously...