Ziad Shihab

Storium — Storium AI Alpha

Storium — Storium AI Alpha

Become a Storium AI alpha tester!

In partnership with computer science researchers at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Storium is participating in academic research about machine learning and AI-assisted storytelling. We hope that someday this research will enable us to make useful and fun improvements to Storium, making it both easier to play and even more creatively fulfilling!

As a first step towards that goal, we are launching an alpha tester program. Storium users who opt-into this program will be able to participate in experiments by trying out new AI-assisted writing tools.

What happens when you join

  • You will be able to access new experimental features. These features are built-into Storium itself and are only available for publicly-visible games.
  • When you use these features, writing that you submit as part of playing Storium will be used as input into machine learning algorithms. Your data will be anonymized, and only data from publicly-visible games will be utilized.
  • After using these features, you’ll be asked to rate or review them. Your responses will be anonymous and used to improve the underlying technology.

What you can expect from this alpha program

This program is highly experimental. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are complex and evolving technologies, and our use of them on Storium is especially cutting-edge.

This means that the results you get when you use these experimental features may not always be of high-quality, nor look like what you expect. And in fact, that’s an important part of the experiment! In order to assess whether the technology underlying these suggestions is an improvement over other existing approaches, we need to follow the scientific method and "A/B" test these results. Your feedback on these features is therefore crucial, no matter how "good" or "bad" you think we’re doing.

Currently available experiments

  • Jan 5, 2020: "Get a suggestion from the AI" — Our first experiment to launch, this feature allows players to request suggested text for their next move, based on the story they’re playing and the cards they choose to play.