Ziad Shihab

Repeater Builder

Welcome to:

"Repeater Builder"
So, you want to build a repeater?

Repeater Builder is an informational help site by Kevin Custer W3KKC.
This is the largest repeater information site in the world!

Below is a Google ad (to help pay the bandwidth and hosting bill). No endorsement of the products is implied.

Donations are appreciated for the continued availability and upkeep of this site. We have over 11,000 publicly-accessible files occupying over 12 GB of server space. About 50% are PDFs, about 36% are JPGs and GIFs, and about 10% are HTML files. All of this is freely downloadable information, and our server transfers (i.e. downloads) over 250 GB per month!

The repeater-builder web group that is associated with this web site has over 6,400 members worldwide and is a tremendous resource of technical knowledge on repeaters and repeater-building, be they amateur, commercial, GMRS, public safety, CAP, or ...

The contents of the information pages at this web site are totally dependent on donations of information. If you have expertise on a particular piece of equipment, or detailed knowledge on a topic, please consider contributing an article or two to this web site.

This web site is privately owned and operated; all financial support comes from donations from individuals. There is little advertising on this web site except for a few small amateur-owned companies that manufacture boards and parts of interest to the repeater community, and a few Google ads like the one above that help pay the hosting fees.

Please help support this site -- we accept donations using PayPal.
We also accept donations using a credit or debit card via PayPal.

Remember seeing something you are interested in but can't remember where?
Use the Search Engine to find it!

Type your search terms in the box above to search this site.
Due to the fact that we are using the free Google search there will be advertisements in the Google search results.
Note that you can't use this if you're running IE8 or earlier. Thanks, Google!

The Concept of This Site:

The Main Modification and Information Index
Everything here was donated by somebody in the spirit of sharing.
What information do you have to contribute?

Want to see your name in print on this web site??
Click here for our "wish-list"
and a list of some articles we need
Don't see an article on what you came here for??
See the last paragraph on the above link.

Manufacturer: (If you don't see the brand you're looking for, see the "Other Manufacturers" listing at the end.)

Other Pages on Various Repeater Related Topics:


The R-B Group / Reflector:

Miscellaneous stuff that doesn't seem to fit anywhere else:

Hungry Spam Bots! Dinner_Served Here!

Visit the Awards page. See the awards this site has received.

Legal and other important stuff......

GENERAL DISCLAIMER - - This site and its entire contents is for informational purposes only!
If you chose to follow any link or procedure outlined herein, you do so at your own risk.

Note that the repeater operational rules vary from country to country. What is legal in one place will in many cases get you in trouble elsewhere. The staff of this web site and authors of the articles assume no responsibility for anything YOU do.

Our authors are not looking over your shoulder as you do surgery on a radio. We and they cannot, nor will not, be responsible for any possible damage to radio equipment, to yours or anothers personal property, to yourself or to others caused by modifications that you or someone else may make to any equipment as a result of your reading of the contents of any web page at this web site, or any web site we link to.

The Repeater Builder's site does not evaluate the accuracy of materials created by persons beyond its control or supervision. Therefore, although this site links to many additional web sites, the Repeater Builder's site is not responsible for the availability of, completeness of, or the accuracy of any materials contained within those web sites.

The terms Repeater Builder®, Repeater-Builder®, Repeater Builders®, Repeater Builder Dot Com®, and Repeater Builder's Technical Information Page®, are registered trademarks of Kevin Custer and are registered in the United States under the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

All trademarks, trademark names, service mark names, trademark images and logos used on this web site are done so with an educational or informative intent. All trademarked names belong to the owner and no violation or infringement is intended.

Photographs, images, drawings, diagrams, PDF files, HTML files, articles, and notes were submitted to, or received by, Repeater Builder anonymously unless otherwise indicated. Copyright is retained by the original author or submitter, if known.

Click here for information on the "fair use" doctrine and U.S. copyright law

This site and its contents are protected under US copyright laws. You may reproduce the contents of this site (partial or full) for your own use, but you may not reproduce it in quantity or sell the contents (partial or full) for any profit without written consent of the originating author(s).

Links to this index page are allowed from other private web sites, but you are not allowed to link to this site (or any pages or files contained within) from public auction sites like eBay, or any other public web site without prior arrangements from the site owner and the article author. Besides, links to specific pages or files will break sooner or later when we move things around or rename them. So it's best to link to the index page and provide directions to get to a specific page.

This site and its contents are the intellectual property of Kevin Custer and the contributing authors. The information contained within it cannot be used for any form of personal gain by anyone outside of the originating authors or those given permission to do so (in writing) by Kevin Custer.

Note: The appearance of any email addresses, phone numbers or fax numbers on any web page that is a part of this web site is intended solely for the convenience of persons wishing to contact us regarding this Internet web site or the information contained here. Permission to use such information for the purpose of email, fax or telephone solicitation by others is absolutely and specifically denied.

This web site, and the information presented in and on its pages is © Copyrighted 1995 - current by Kevin Custer W3KKC and multiple originating authors.

Read this disclaimer!!

Contact Information - Click Here

This page was initially created and copyrighted © 20 March 1995 by Brian L. Fritz and Kevin K. Custer.
This page was last updated on 24-Jan-2021