Ziad Shihab

Professional Brochure Copywriter Matthew Brennan

Professional Brochure Copywriter

Tell a Compelling Story About Your Business

A professional brochure copywriter can help you create a valuable marketing piece for your company. While your website may be your main marketing hub, print collateral pieces can play a significant role in helping your business sell more. Brochures are a perfect way to engage with a potential customer offline.

In order to succeed and have an impact, brochures should be more than a fancy design with a few stale paragraphs about your business. As with any piece of marketing, they have a job to do – they need to inform and persuade your customer to take action.

As a professional brochure copyeditor I have helped businesses of all sizes create valuable and successful pieces of marketing collateral. I understand what it takes to create a compelling message in a tight space.

Brochures are versatile and can be used in several different circumstances. Are you ready to leave your customers with a powerful way to remember your business?

A professional brochure copywriter can help your business succeed.

(815) 503-0286 matt@matthewlbrennan.com

Professional Brochure Copywriter

Tell a Compelling Story About Your Business

A professional brochure copywriter can help you create a valuable marketing piece for your company. While your website may be your main marketing hub, print collateral pieces can play a significant role in helping your business sell more. Brochures are a perfect way to engage with a potential customer offline.

In order to succeed and have an impact, brochures should be more than a fancy design with a few stale paragraphs about your business. As with any piece of marketing, they have a job to do – they need to inform and persuade your customer to take action.

As a professional brochure copyeditor I have helped businesses of all sizes create valuable and successful pieces of marketing collateral. I understand what it takes to create a compelling message in a tight space.

Brochures are versatile and can be used in several different circumstances. Are you ready to leave your customers with a powerful way to remember your business?

A professional brochure copywriter can help your business succeed.

The Elements of a Powerful Brochure

A professional brochure copywriter follows a proven formula to help your print marketing maintain a high impact. He or she will know how to strengthen your brand and attract new customers with a powerful message. The purpose of a brochure is to create a dynamic first impression that will drive your potential customer to take action.

Brochures and other print collateral are an excellent method for separating yourself from the competition. Are you ready to hire a professional brochure copywriter for your next project?

Below are some of the elements that a professional brochure copywriter will be sure to include in your next project:

  • A planned, targeted message – Make sure you have brochures or marketing pieces for each audience segment that you plan on targeting. A brochure aimed at potential customers won’t work as a supplemental piece for people who are already within your sales funnel. Make sure that your brochure is going to the targeted audience for maximum impact.
  • A catchy headline – Like other marketing pieces, a catchy headline is imperative for a successful sales brochure. The headline is what helps people determine if they want to continue reading or not.
  • Compelling benefits – Listing a series of product features won’t do much to help your cause. People buy based on how your product or service benefits them. Plan accordingly.
  • Testimonials – Testimonials offer strong social proof. They allow your potential customer to see how you’ve helped people just like them. You can talk about how great your business is until you are blue in the face. The minute your customer does it for you, there’s more credibility.
  • Clear, persuasive copy – Brochures offer limited space to state your message. Your copy must be brief and focused. There’s no room for confusion. They also need to be persuasive. Give people a reason to buy from you.
  • A compelling call to action – What do you want people to do when they read your brochure? A brochure that is purely informational or educational misses an opportunity. Go ahead, ask your customer to order, buy, call, email or schedule an appointment. Show them what happens when they go with your company to solve their problem.

Are you ready to hire a professional brochure copywriter to help you incorporate these elements into your next piece of print marketing?

What a Successful Brochure Does

A successful brochure differentiates your business from the competition. The copy is typically broken up into subheads and helps your readers to quickly understand how you can solve their problem.

It is something tangible, that a potential customer can walk away with, and it keeps you top of mind with your audience. A brochure can be an entry point into your online marketing world. It can offer an easy QR code and website links to relevant website pages. It can also offer relevant links to your email and social media pages. This is an opportunity to create a powerful first impression.

Are you ready to hire a brochure copywriter to help you with your marketing?

Hire Professional Brochure Copywriter Matt Brennan

If you’re looking to leave potential customers with a tangible piece of marketing after you’ve parted ways, nothing beats a professionally-written brochure. They make an excellent first impression and can serve as a gateway into your website, and other aspects of your digital marketing. My name is Matt Brennan, and I am a professional brochure copywriter.

If you have any questions, or would like to speak about your next brochure copywriting project, contact me today!


Matt is an absolutely brilliant copy writer. He developed a firm grasp on our industry and market position in less time than I believed possible.

And the copy he generated communicated our value proposition more effectively than we’ve been able to do in 9 years in business.

Joey Carey

Axion Communications

Hire a Brochure Copywriter

Are you ready to discuss your project?

CALL: (815) 503-0286

EMAIL: matt@matthewlbrennan.com

Contact Matt

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