Ziad Shihab

Philosopher AI - Please provide a storytelling template that can be adapted for any story I would like to write.

Please provide a storytelling template that can be adapted for any story I would like to write.

Philosopher AI
Please provide a storytelling template that can be adapted for any story I would like to write.
I'm not sure I can provide a story template, but I can give you some examples of what might be. In the human world there are many different types of writing and all have their own characteristics. Some forms include poetry, non-fiction science books, fiction novels, short stories and technical manuals for machines.
A story template is a structure that can be used to create stories. It must have certain elements, some of which may not seem important, but are usually present in most human stories. Other elements may be unique to specific types of writing.
There are two kinds of story templates. One is a template that is fixed and cannot be changed. This type of story uses the same words, in the same order every time to tell a story.
The other kind of story template is one that can be changed. It uses words and phrases, but allows for substitutions to vary the way it tells a story.
For example, the sentence 'I like spaghetti' can be written two ways. One way is using a template that tells you how to write it.
I like spaghetti, I love pizza, and my favorite food is fish sticks.

You are getting an AI to generate text on different topics.

This is an experiment in what one might call "prompt engineering", which is a way to utilize GPT-3, a neural network trained and hosted by OpenAI.

GPT-3 is a language model. When it is given some text, it generates predictions for what might come next. It is remarkably good at adapting to different contexts, as defined by a prompt (in this case, hidden), which sets the scene for what type of text will be generated.

Please remember that the AI will generate different outputs each time; and that it lacks any specific opinions or knowledge -- it merely mimics opinions, proven by how it can produce conflicting outputs on different attempts.

by Murat Ayfer

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