Ziad Shihab

Metalucid Dreaming

Dream Log: March 17, 2001 (idea)

See all of Dream Log: March 17, 2001, there are 2 more in this node.

I had a dream about lucid dreams. No kidding! Prologue: I had just come home from the bar. It was three AM. While I was brushing my teeth i remembered the e2 node about lucid dreams and tried to levitate the soap dispenser. It didn't happen, as expected. Then I went to bed.

Sometime in the early morning I started having these dreams. The first one was about an environmentalist who was threatening to poison the ground at a national park. She had a collection of chemicals that were technically not banned, and she claimed that since the government did not ban the hunt of moose, she would put acid on the ground. She squeezed a yellow tube and yellowy goop landed on the ground. Two small dogs were standing on the goop, which turned clear and began burning the ground. I told the owner of the dogs to get them out or they would be sick.

Then the dream switched into something about me and a bunch of friends needing to put up a webpage on my old high-school's website. We were thinking about hacking in, when someone suggested that we just ask the comm tech teacher since he was really nice. I went with some girl to go buy "supplies" (I think this dream was based on the second episode of The Lone Gunmen). On the way I had a sudden "what the hell" thought and tried to levitate something in the store. And it levitated! "Oh shit!" I thought. "I'm in a lucid dream. No wait, this is cool!" I tested out some of my lucid powers when suddenly I woke up.

But it wasn't a real wakeup, it was into another dream. I "awoke" on the couch in my living room. It was sunny outside, there were lots of people I didn't know in the kitchen. "I just had a crazy lucid dream!" I said. "Then don't move. Go back to sleep and continue it." some lady told me. So I did.

I closed my eyes and saw dark, and the kitchen sounds faded. Then there was a ringing in my ears, followed by a hissing, then all sorts of random noise that got very loud. An image formed on my dream-screen, and it was in widescreen. Really! I thought "enough of this noise" and jumped into the image. It was a "movie". Adam Sandler was in a forest by a river, holding up some rocks. I was watching without a body from various dramatic angles. I thought "let's levitate one of his rocks" and sure enough it did. Adam Sandler fell into the river and I watched him with a smarmy "you're not real. It's all a dream" attitude. I thought "why not make the river acid?" Adam Sandler got scared and his face turned white, but it wasn't strong acid. I guess now that I really didn't want to see adam sandler die. I thought "take me home" and the world shifted around me. I was on the main floor in my house, but now it was dark and the people were gone. I started walking to the front of the house and I felt my feet on the floor and heard my footsteps. "What the hell," I thought "this is a dream. I don't have to walk!" Instantly I became non-corporeal and I glided where I wanted to. I jumped into the air and did a weightless flip. What joy! I went around telling my dream-parents "I'm having a lucid dream! This is so cool!"

Then I woke up for real. (I checked. I can't levitate anything anymore). Upon reflection, I'm wondering if I was actually in a lucid dream, or dreaming that I was. It's hard to explain what I mean here. Sometimes I had control, sometimes only partial control. It was very strange.