Ziad Shihab

Joseph Campbell's 'The Hero's Journey' Materials

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Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey

This page contains a bunch of material to help you understand traditional plotting using mythologist Joseph Campbell's notion of "the hero's journey" or "the monomyth" from his book, "The Hero with a Thousand Faces." Do not think of this as a formula you must follow; in fact, this has kind of been done to death, as many critics suggest. It's also more useful for longer works than short stories. However, it's still perhaps the most-useful tool for helping you get past that point when you run into plot problems, or you feel you're forcing your characters to do something unnatural, or can't figure out why your story just feels flat. Enjoy, and here's hoping your protagonist drags your reader along on her journey!
First you'll see a few diagrams that show the journey visually, which I find really helps, and then you'll find a wonderful chart on the bottom of this page that analyzes how Star Wars and The Matrix used Campbell's monomyth.
Here's a simplified diagram:

Next up, a detailed diagram by Lisa A. Paltz Spindler:

Now one with great detail:

Finally, I love this gameboard-style depiction:

Next up, a nice analysis of two popular SF works and how they use Campbell's ideas, by the "Star Wars Origins" people.


Star Wars

The Matrix

I: Departure

The call to adventurePrincess Leia's message"Follow the white rabbit"
Refusal of the callMust help with the harvestNeo won't climb out window
Supernatural aidObi-wan rescues Luke from sandpeopleTrinity extracts the "bug" from Neo
Crossing the first thresholdEscaping TatooineNeo is taken out of the Matrix for the first time
The belly of the whaleTrash compactorTorture room

II: Initiation

The road of trialsLightsaber practiceSparring with Morpheus
The meeting with the goddessPrincess Leia (wears white, in earlier scripts was a "sister" of a mystic order)The Oracle
Temptation away from the true pathLuke is tempted by the Dark SideCypher (the failed messiah) is tempted by the world of comfortable illusions
Atonement with the FatherDarth and Luke reconcileNeo rescues and comes to agree (that he's The One) with his father-figure, Morpheus
Apotheosis (becoming god-like)Luke becomes a JediNeo becomes The One
The ultimate boonDeath Star destroyedHumanity's salvation now within reach

III: Return

Refusal of the return"Luke, come on!" Luke wants to stay to avenge Obi-WanNeo fights agent instead of running
The magic flightMillennium Falcon"Jacking in"
Rescue from withoutHan saves Luke from DarthTrinity saves Neo from agents
Crossing the return thresholdMillennium Falcon destroys pursuing TIE fightersNeo fights Agent Smith
Master of the two worldsVictory ceremonyNeo's declares victory over machines in final phone call
Freedom to liveRebellion is victorious over EmpireHumans are victorious over machines

Common Mythic Elements

Two Worlds (mundane and special)Planetside vs. The Death StarReality vs. The Matrix
The MentorObi-Wan KenobiMorpheus
The OracleYodaThe Oracle
The ProphecyLuke will overthrow the EmperorMorpheus will find (and Trinity will fall for) "The One"
Failed HeroBiggsIn an early version of the script, Morpheus once believed that Cypher was "The One"
Enemy's Skin
Luke and Han wear stormtrooper outfitsNeo jumps into agent's skin
Shapeshifter (the Hero isn't sure if he can trust this character)Han SoloCypher
Animal familiarR2-D2, ChewbaccaN/A
Chasing a lone animal into the enchanted wood (the animal usually gets away)Luke follows R2 into the Jundland Wastes; The Millennium Falcon follows a lone TIE fighter into range of the Death StarNeo "follows the white rabbit" to the nightclub where he meets Trinity
And there it is, a pretty good introduction to Campbell's Hero's Journey; now start using this to analyze your own work. I hope you find this useful!

updated 6/30/2012