Ziad Shihab

Hidden Meanings in the drug culture


Symbols are everywhere So Symbols rule the world.

Hidden Meanings in the drug culture

Before you look at our report…..You have to be totally committed and resolute in finding the truth. You have to understand that there are forces that want to control and manipulate you for their own hidden agenda. You have to understand that when you are being manipulated, EVERYTHING means something, nothing is shown to you by chance….nothing is shown to you by accident…nothing is trivial. The answer to the first question is obvious to anyone who has truly studied history. There is an age-old conspiracy consisting of high ranking people in the upper levels of various secret societies.

From their vantage point, which is shrouded by secrecy, they are able to plan, scheme, and choreograph the events of the world. In other words, things don’t just happen to happen. They happen because someone wants them to happen and has the power to make them happen. The major events of history happened by design and manipulation. This includes every major war and revolution. One of these high-ranking Illuminists openly admitted to all of this. The late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt brazenly stated, "….if it happened, you can bet that we planned it that way."

Most of Walt Disney’s films are metaphors and allegories. The same thing is true of movies like "The Wizard Of Oz." Both of these films are steeped in the Occult and loaded (Pardon the pun) with drug references. We’ll concentrate on just a few of them here. One example is people that are using cocaine. When they get their dose of Snow White, they are gonna get Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Grumpy, Dopey (Dope), Bashful, then you head to the Doc. Cocaine is sometimes called: Snow, White Lady, Charlie, Coke, Powder and even Snow White.

The names of the 7 dwarfs are in order……Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Grumpy, Dopey, (Dope) Bashful , and Doc.. Why does Disney put an emphasis on "Dwarfs?" Why couldn’t they be just "people?" Or men? Or women?..etc. What are "Dwarfs?" Why are they made to be important? Why are "midgets" and "poppies" (Drug reference) important in the "Wizard of Oz?" Is there something that ties all of this together? In ‘The Wizard of Oz’ are the poppies that the witch creates to put Dorothy and her friends asleep the same thing as opium? Why do you think the United States is in Afghanistan? It’s because of the CIA led drug trade of Opium. It has nothing to do with Osama Bin Laden. He’s long dead. It has nothing to do with "protecting our freedoms". It is only about black market drugs which our intelligence operations control. Do you get it?

Opium, Codeine, Morphine, Heroine, Darvocet, Percocet, Oxycontin, Demerol, Vicodin, to name a few, are all derived from the sedative plant the Opium Poppy. Let’s read on….

Snow White is a movie that indiscreetly makes reference to the drug white gold. For one, her name is Snow White, the color of cocaine. Snow White has black hair…so where does the term "Snow White" come from? She doesn’t wear the color white. Cocaine is referred to as "Snow White" or "White Snow" or "Snow" in the drug culture. It is an allegory that is used by Disney to promote the underground drug culture and mind control.

This right here is a dead giveaway! The names of the dwarfs are named after the symptoms of cocaine usage! People that are addicted to cocaine speak of the drug as almost a sexual relationship….Snow White? Their beards were also white, it seems they would be that way because they are old, but it’s only that way to the untrained eye. To anyone who knows about the drug culture, they know exactly what the white beards mean! And they all have hats…look at the hats from back to front in this picture. The hats go up, down, up, down, up down..etc…Do you see that? It’s a drug reference of being "up" and "crashing" constantly. Not only sexually, but mentally as well….Also, see the "doc" is the only one without a diamond pick….

It also looks like they work in a diamond mine, but those are no ordinary diamonds, they are crack diamonds, which they process into their drug of cocaine.

All of them are guilty of the crime of being a drug reference. The "Doc" is the one who enables them with their "drug of choice" and fixes them when the user tears up their nose. Let’s look at them in the order that they were intended:

1. Happy – Cocaine puts you in a euphoric state of mind, and this guy is the perfect example. So much cocaine usage has left him in a blissful state. It’s tragic. But this is what initially sucks the user into this destructive drug..You are happy and in a state of euphoria….at first.

2. Sneezy – Now this is a sad case, to most people when he has his finger up to his nose it may seem he is stifling a sneeze, but in reality, this poor midget is getting his fix of coke by putting it on his finger. The other dwarfs think he has a sneezing problem, but he is much smarter than them. Hiding your habit by putting it on your nose…..But this goes without saying. Sneezing is a major symptom with cocaine users. People! Use common sense! What animator would use a character of "sneezy", combined with all the rest of the symptoms we’ve pointed out unless it was a drug reference that went up your nose? This isn’t rocket science…

3. Sleepy – You become sleepy from doing cocaine. Too much cocaine makes this guy seem like a sufferer of narcolepsy. The problem is, since cocaine is a major "upper’ it most likely will not let the user sleep. Even though they crave sleep..

4. Bashful – When you do cocaine you go into withdrawal after the initial "High"…It leads to a feeling of isolation and depression and a general feeling of wanting to stay away from other people.

5. Dopey – When you hear Snow White, you either think of her or this dwarf. He may be the goofiest of the dwarfs, but wouldn’t you be if you were a cocaine symptom, he always runs around with the over sized tunic and ears looking ridiculous and also crazy. He’s pretty much level-headed when he doesn’t take his cocaine. But dopey (DOPE), is what ALL cocaine users become.

6. Grumpy – After a while on a cocaine high, you get angry, just as this curmudgeonly old bastard does. Oh the "Doc" will tell you "He just has a mental imbalance" but while on cocaine he’s a rambling psychotic, dangerous to talk to and more dangerous to interact with. Men that are on cocaine are more likely to abuse their spouse when high on this drug. The lack of sleep, even though the user is sleepy leads to this symptom…Also, depression, anger (grumpy) and a host of other symptoms are related to this.

7. Doc – You’ll need one to do repairs on your nose or get you more for medicinal purposes…The "doc" actually becomes an enabler….Do you see what’s going on?

Hummmm, Snow White and the seven dwarfs…..What does it really mean? It should be obvious by now.. What it looks like: Comes as a white powder. (Snow White). The risks users take: Tremors, muscle twitching, craving can turn cocaine into an expensive habit. Damaged nose membranes and nose bleeds. Damaged veins, HIV & Hepatitis (if it’s injected), Heart attack and death if a large amount is taken, also expect accidents due to slowed reactions. Mixing cocaine with other drugs such as heroin (a speedball) is particularly dangerous. That’s how Saturday night live comic John Belushi died.

THE LAW: Cocaine is classified as a Class A drug.
1.Having or using Cocaine can lead to 7 years in prison and/or an unlimited fine.

2.Supplying Cocaine (which includes passing it on to a friend) is punishable by up to life imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine.

3.Getting a criminal record can make it more difficult to travel abroad or get certain jobs.

There are alot of Disney movies that have some relation to drugs. Here are some examples: Dumbo: dumbo drinks a barrel of a mysterious liquid, has very odd dreams and wakes up in a tree in the middle of who knows where… Peter Pan: sprinkles ‘fair dust’ *que finger quotations such as dr. evil does on Austin powers on the children, next thing you know they are on adventures in a mysterious land where they can fly and never age… Mary Poppins: every night feeds the children ‘medicine’ and then they jump into paintings and have yet more adventures…"A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down" What medicine are they speaking of? And why do we need sugar to help the "medicine" go down? And why would this seemingly trivial concept be a flagship song in a major motion picture? This is a big manipulation……Do you see that?

Alice in Wonderland: eats magic ‘mushrooms’. You can also see a blue Demonic being obviously smoking out of a bong…People! WAKE UP!!

C’mon people this is obviously drug lord programing the minds of future generations to become potential buyers… THE TRUTH MUST BE EXPOSED! After this report, you can’t possibly miss it! If you do, it’s because you are not resolute in finding the truth and you choose to be in the darkness….

Source : Joe Lanier

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Traces Of A ‘Secret Owl Society’ Soaring Through History

The owl is a symbol that persists in many sculptures; it is known worldwide as a symbol of wisdom. Far from being simply a symbol of wisdom, however, there is a distinct possibility that the owl is the chief icon of an elite yet undiscovered secret society moving throughout history. In the article, we’ll see images of the owl in stone and art, unlock the occult meaning of the owl, and examine how this magic, majestic, and nocturnal bird actually symbolizes an ancient self-empowerment doctrine once known and practiced worldwide.

Top Left: Owl on Merchants Building on Broadway at 4th Street in NYC. Top Right: Detail on the Catford Broadway Theatre, London. Bottom Left: Owl depicted on the façade of the Woolworth Building in Manhattan, NYC. Bottom Right: Owl on a bridge of the Merritt Parkway in Connecticut.

This secret society, using the owl as its trademark, could very well be exerting a hidden yet continuous and measureable influence on world affairs, undetected by scholars, journalists, and historians; its members, possibly those same scholars and journalists, are well-versed in mystical traditions, ancient mystery teachings, and eastern philosophies.

Their involvement and existence is not immediately obvious, but if we look backward in time and connect the various fraternal orders and organizations that have used or are currently using the owl as a logo, we begin to uncover what appears to be a lineage of the same Secret Owl Society operating for centuries.

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Who is Pan?

Who is Pan?
Pan is the demonic pagan god of sexual perversion, pedophilia and rape he’s also portrayed roaming through the forests, penis erect, drunk and lascivious, frolicking with nymphs and piping his way through the wild. We might say he ruled the lower nature of man, its animal side. The attributes or symbols associated with Pan are woods, pastures, umbrella, phallus and the flute(also called Pan flute). He is depicted with goat’s feet and two horns, and wearing a lynx-pelt.

The goat connection may be even more significant than the cat. It goes back to antiquity. A powerful clan in ancient Greece, the Palentids, claimed they were originally descended from a sacred goat. The horned and hoofed Greek goat-god, Pan, is one of the most important entities of Witchcraft.

Source : Encyclopedia Mythica

Pan is also the god of music, the god of goats, and sheep, and their shepherds.

Baphomet in Freemasonry

The Baphomet is one of the most evil of all symbols. Looking closely at the Baphomet(left) you will see that the emphasis is on sex. This Being is androgynous both male and female, you can see it has the breasts of a woman, and an erect phallus.

"I rave; and I rape and I rip and I rend

Everlasting world without end!

Mannikin, maiden, maenad, man,

In the might of Pan."

– Hymns to Pan (1929) by Lead Satanist and Pan follower Aleister Crowley

You’ll notice that the erect phallus has two serpents coiled around it. The Baphomet has the head of a "Horned Goat".

Satan is not a black god, but negation of God … this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may represent evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent this Force … under the mythologic and horned form of the God Pan; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer.

Source : Pike, Morals and Dogma

Disney's Peter Pan

Peter Pan, is the boy who never ages or body or of mind, flying, causing a great stir in the Milky Way?

In the novel, when Peter appears, the description of this is provided by James Barrie is far removed from that popularized by the Walt Disney cartoon. Here yet green leotard, any more than matching hat with a feather, but a tunic "made of dry leaves joined with the sap oozing from trees."

Nevertheless, the careful reader will be careful not to focus attention on this difference is related clothing details. Disney made these changes in full knowledge of, and solely in order to better highlight the symbolism that we would be tempted to call … bright.
If Walt Disney adopted during the Second World War, policy options and questionable to say the least questionable, he was also a 33° Freemason and, as such, the symbolism of the work of James Barrie could not have escaped him.

Despite appearances, there are notable similarities between three mythical character from English literature. Peter Pan, Robin Hood and Gulliver. All three are linked to nature, and a forest green color. Who noticed that the costume of Peter-at least the one popularized by the cinema, and clothing of Robin Hood are the same? Even green tunic, whose fringes are reminiscent of tree leaves, even little hat decorated with a feather.

It’s no surprise Michael Jackson have been accused of sexual molestation on a 13 years-old boy in 1993, as he referred to himself as Peter Pan and built the Neverland Ranch, he knew about the esoteric and true meaning of the story of Peter Pan, i’m sure many of his fans will disagree with me, now whether he was pedophile or not this was surely used against him by the "Illuminati" to bring him down as he was trying to free himself from them.

In 1993, a 13-year-old boy accused Michael Jackson of sexual molestation. Jackson had befriended the boy in 1992. Soon the boy became a regular guest at Jackson’s Neverland Ranch in Santa Ynez, California. Jackson gave the boy gifts and paid for several vacation trips around the world. In 1993, the boy started to spend the night at Jackson’s residence. This was not unusual as Jackson would often have children sleep over at his Neverland Ranch. According to the allegations, Jackson had kissed and fondled the boy while they were alone in bed. Allegedly, this repeatedly took place during a four-month period.

Mr Tumnus in Narnia’s chronicles

Lucy Pevensiecter and Mr. Tumnus’ character, and their subtle interactions, give the impression of a pedophile trying to lure a little girl into his house. The whole scene is creepy and the spirit of pedophilia is definitely at work in this movie. Tumnus (Pan, a faun) represents the Devil, trying to seduce a young girl.

The FACT that Tumnus is modeled after Pan, one of the most sexually perverted gods in witchcraft, doesn’t bode well for Walt Disney’s intentions. If you doubt what I am saying, you won’t by the end of this article. In fact, you are going to be sickened. Furthermore, Tumnus’ and his flute have magical powers, just like the Devil. Tumnus puts the little girl to sleep with his music. The next scene shows the little girl waking up and Tumnus crying, claiming that he has done something very bad. The subtle implication is that he sexually molested her.

Lewis said that the first Narnia story, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, all came to him from a single picture he had in his head of a faun carrying an umbrella and parcels through a snowy wood. In that way, Tumnus was the initial inspiration for the entire Narnia series

Source : Wikipedia

Furthermore, the movie encourages little girls to trust strangers. In today’s world, Tumnus would be considered a pedophile. No man with a brain would bring a strange little girl alone into his home. The whole atmosphere created by this scene is one of pedophilia. Also notice how innocent and precious Walt Disney makes the little girl look…as if the best is prepared for Satan’s delight (a Satanic sacrifice). The whole concept of pan being a good character in NARNIA is Satanic in itself. Pan is widely recognized by witches and Satanists as the god of fertility, an absolute pervert who can’t get enough sex. Pan is a pedophile.

Zelda’s main character Link is Pan

Notice the smiliarities with Robin Hood and Peter-Pan?

The Legend of Zelda is one of the most successful and famous video games series in history and Ocarina of time released in 1998 on Nintendo 64 is considered by many the best video game ever. The main hero of the game is Link who is considered an iconic character in the industry of video gaming and the very symbol of the Zelda franchise, and is one of the most popular video game protagonists.

Link vanquishes his enemy and becomes a legendary hero. Link is considered an iconic character in video gaming and the very symbol of the Zelda franchise, and remains one of the most popular video game protagonists.

Link almost invariably wields his sword in his left hand, though there are exceptions. Link is also remarkably proficient with a wide variety of musical instruments, being able to use them immediately upon obtaining them. In many games, Link uses an instrument with powerful magical abilities, such as the Ocarina of Time, the Harp of Ages, and the Spirit Flute.

The Spirit Flute…

Source : Zelda.wikia

Shigeru Miyamoto (and No i’m not going to talk about the connection between his Super Mario and Alice in Wonderland…okay here’s a clue mushrooms.)

The Legend of Zelda was principally inspired by Shigeru Miyamoto’s explorations as a young boy in the hillsides surrounding his childhood home in Sonobe, Japan where he ventured into forests with secluded lakes, caves, and rural villages. According to Miyamoto, one of his most memorable experiences was the discovery of a cave entrance in the middle of the woods. After some hesitation, he apprehensively entered the cave, and explored its depths with the aid of a lantern. Miyamoto has referred to the creation of the Zelda games as an attempt to bring to life a "miniature garden" for players to play with in each game of the series

Source : Wikipedia

Link and Sheik in a Musical duel or is it The Musical Duel of Pan and Apollo ?

Boujeloud in Morocco

This is only known by few people of Jajouka a village about 90 km south of Tangier in the foothills to the West of the Rif Mountains, where the music of the region has a strong connection to Pan. According to the tale, thousands of years ago a goat-man called "Bou Jeloud" appeared to an Attar ancestor in a cave, and danced to his music. The musicians of the village re-enact this event annually.

This suite of music is played while a boy sewn into fresh goat skins dances in frenzy. The music is used to keep the goat-man at bay. The music for Boujeloud, or the Father of Skins, is frantic and has six movements which would equate to a symphony or the score of an opera if it were European classical music. The festival and ritual originate in the worship of the God Pan. Pan was evoked in the springtime to ensure the fertility of both the crops and the people. The people of Joujouka have kept this ancient tradition alive.

Boujeloud from The Global Conversation on Vimeo.

This music is, in its essence, part of a fertility ritual, a variant of which has existed for millennia but which is perhaps best preserved in Jajouka. Similar traditions are found throughout the Mediterranean lands where masked and frantic characters, at certain times of the year, spread panic and fear amongst the villages. Some theories (notably those of the 19th-century anthropologist, Edvard Westermarck) point to the similarities of these traditions and the Roman Lupercalia Festival.

Source: jajouka.com

Westermark, in his book on pagan survivals in Morocco forty years ago, recognized their patron: Bou Jeloud, the Father of Skins, to be Pan the little goat god with his pipes. An account of their dances led him to conclude they must be celebrating the Roman Lupercalia which once occurred in the first two weeks of February, but attached itself to the principal Muslim feast "Aid El Kebir" when the Arab invaders turned the calender back to the lunar year.

In the old city of Fes there’s a "monument" called Bab Boujeloud and every year a Music Festival is dedicated to it…

Faunus in Rome.

The Lupercalia was an annual Roman festival, held on February 15 to honour Faunus, god of fertility and forests. Justin Martyr identified Faunus as Lupercus, ‘the one who wards off the wolf’, but his identification is not supported by any earlier classical sources, and the wolf is rather a protective ttem of Rome (mythological foster mother of the citcy’s founding twins Romulus and Remus).

The festival was celebrated near the cave of Lupercal on the Palatine (one of the seven Roman hills), to expiate and purify new life in the Spring. This festival’s origins are older than the founding of Rome.

The religious ceremonies were directed by the Luperci, the "brothers of the wolf (lupus)", priests of Faunus, dressed only in a goatskin. During Lupercalia, a dog and two male goats were sacrificed. Two patrician youths were anointed with their blood, which was wiped off with wool soaked in milk, after which they were expected to smile and laugh.

The Luperci afterwards dressed themselves in the skins of the sacrificed goats, in imitation of Lupercus, and ran round the Palatine Hill with thongs cut from the skins in their hands. These were called Februa. Girls and young women would line up on their route to receive lashes from these whips. This was supposed to ensure fertility and ease the pains of childbirth.

The festival "Lupercalia" was a celebration of fertility rites the most prominent was the race of Luperci, during which of half-naked men chasing women and beating
with strips of goatskin. Thong received the blows were to ensure women to be fertile and have a happy pregnancy.

It is also said that on this occasion, a lottery of love was organized which was to randomize the names of girls and boys enrolled in a train couples for the rest of the year. In these "Lupercalia, the names of young women were placed in an urn,
then drawn by men. Of course, these marriages were accompanied by sexual immorality.
Of the draw comes the phrase "be my Valentine", and in the year of 496 Pope Gelasius ended the festival of Lupercalia and replaced it with St. Valentines Day, declaring St. Valentine the patron saint of lovers.

Puck in Britain.

One of the most popular characters in English folklore of the last thousand years has been the devil known by the name of Puck or Robin Goodfellow.

The Welsh called him Pwca, which is pronounced the same as his Irish incarnation Phouka, Pooka or Puca. These are far from his only names.

Parallel words exist in many ancient languages - puca in Old English,puki in Old Norse, puke in Swedish, puge in Danish, puks in Low German, pukis in Latvia and Lithuania – mostly with the original meaning of a demon, devil or evil and malignant spirit … Because of this similarity it is uncertain whether the original puca sprang from the imaginative minds of the Scandinavians, the Germans or the Irish.

Source: Gillian Edwards, Hobgoblin and Sweet Puck p.143

Because of the similarity in name, Robin Hood is often thought to be a manifestation of Robin Goodfellow, the mischievous hobgoblin also known as Puck. Jacob Grimm apparently noted the close association of the two Robins, but did not elaborate upon it.

Robin Hood is a clearly a trickster figure, and may have indeed taken on attributes associated with Robin Goodfellow. He is often content to publicly humiliate a foe, rather than kill him. Moreover, he is a master of disguise and enjoys misleading his enemies.

Other Festivals that can find their origins in the above "rituals":
Strumica Carnival
Brazilian Carnival

Pan is Everywhere !

Azazel in X-Men First Class

Philoctetes in Disney’s Hercules

Fauna in Pan’s Labyrinth

So Who is really Pan?

Pan is simply one of the many names of Satan and as they say the Devil is in the details…

Please remember that this is my own research on the subject and i may be wrong on some points so please do your own research and God knows best.

Encylopedia Mythica
Hermetic and Masonic Symbolism of Peter Pan