Ziad Shihab

Golden Eagle the book

Golden Eagle the book



Picking up my first satellite
Sources and methods
Tracking Soviet reconnaissance satellites

Tracking Soviet piloted spacraft on shortwaves
Hearing cosmonauts talk from space
Tracking Salyut-4, -5, -6
A cosmic conundrum
On the trail of three space stations
Tracking Luna-20 and -24
Signals from ocean reconnaissance and killer satellites
Tracking American satellites
Into the world of Software-Defined Radios

Things I have not written about
Tracking accounts by other Kettering Group members

- Univ. of Florida Student satellite tracking station - Richard Flagg
- The Schoolboy's tale of satellite tracking - Robert Christy
- A small-scale Receiving System for NAVSPASUR Echoes - Mark Severance

"Landing angle" - Ugol Pasadka - a story covered in the book.

Provda launch announcements, an
important source of news of Soviet