Ziad Shihab

Gold, Money, 666 and The Mark of the Beast

Gold, Money and The Mark of the Beast 666

One of the most convincing characteristics that suggests that the Mark of the Beast is a physical object is its requirement to buy and sell.

In contrast, it's very difficult to imagine how a spiritual symbol could be used for such purposes.

There's an important verse in the Old Testament that supports the Mark of the Beast's close connection to money and 666.

Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold
1 Kings 10:14

in this series:

The law of first mention gives a special significance to the first use of a word or symbol, a significance that is carried throughout the entire Bible [1]. This is the first occurrence of the number 666 in the Bible. Many scholars have attempted to link 666 to Solomon or the Queen of Sheba but the plain fact is that the direct context of 666 in this verse is gold, six hundred threescore and six talents of gold to be exact.

Another verse directly related to gold is found in the book of Daniel. This verse describes an idol that represents a succession of worldly powers, the first of which is described as a head of gold. The last kingdom, represented by the idol's feet, will rise in the last days to be ultimately destroyed by Jesus Christ
(the stone that was cut without hands.)

  1. Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible.
  2. This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,
  3. His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay.
  4. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.

The chapter goes on to explain that the head of gold belongs to the then current king, Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel2:37-38). Nebuchadnezzar was later transformed into something of a beast to graze in the field (Daniel4:15-16). Not only do we have a link to gold but also to a kingdom and a beast. (For more info on Nebuchadnezzar and idolatry see Lucifer Has Fallen.)

There's also another "image" in Daniel that's made of gold and shares similar characteristics with the Mark of the Beast and 666. These characteristics include the numbers six and sixty as well as idolatry and punishment for those that refuse to worship the image (Revelation13:15).

Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon. Daniel3:1

Nebuchadnezzar spake and said unto them, Is it true, O Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, do not ye serve my gods, nor worship the golden image which I have set up? Daniel3:14

But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. Daniel3:18

And he commanded the most mighty men that were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace. Daniel3:20

The New Testament also contains a verse that hints at the Mark of the Beast's close relationship to gold. Acts is the only other book that uses the word charagma, the same Greek word translated as mark in Revelation. It's only used once, translated as "graven," and like 1 Kings is used in the same context as gold. Also alluded to is the Mark of the Beast's connection to idolotry. Note that graven implies a sharp pointed tool, very close to the syringe used to implant the Verichip.

Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. Acts17:29

Gold as a Modern Currency

Gold is looked at as the de-facto standard for money. It's been used for millenia in trade and is what many currencies have been weighed against to hold their value. When a currency is backed by gold its called a gold standard [2]. The economy of the United States was based on a gold standard from 1944 until 1971.

During the last few decades an interesting phenomenon has taken root in Digital Gold [3]. e-Gold and e-Bullion, among others, had gained ground as popular currencies before being shut down by the US Treasury due to their criminal adoption [4]. The touted benefits of such a currency include security, stability, anonymity, and low fees. Altogether Digital Gold is an attractive form of payment and a logical alternative for paper money, but it will never succeed widely until it can overcome the same problems of cash - accountability and traceability. It needs to be tied to identity. Bitcoin shares the same problems.

Started in 1996, e-Gold was the first provider of Digital Gold, a full four years prior to any of its competitors [5]. e-Dinar was later founded in 2000 and is unique in its support of an Islamic gold standard.
Islamic law strictly forbids the use of paper money like the American dollar to pay zakat [6], which is similar to the Christian tithe. This has caused some Muslim leaders to encourage the exclusive use of Islamic currency to pay zakat. An Islamic gold standard calls Muslims to use an Islamic based currency such as the gold Dinar not just for zakat but whenever and wherever possible.

When the US gave up it's gold standard it needed to ensure that the dollar would continue to hold value. They did this by striking a deal with Saudi Arabia to trade oil (black gold) exclusively for American dollars. In exchange the US would provide weapons and military backing. Other oil producers soon followed. To this day most countries must first buy dollars in order to purchase oil. This system is collectively known as the petrodollar.

It has been theorized that a switch from the petrodollar to the gold Dinar would cause the US economy to collapse. Whether or not that theory actually holds weight is anyone's guess, but it's been suggested that Gaddafi was killed for pushing that exact agenda [7]. Saddam Hussein had also started accepting the Euro for oil before being captured, tried, and hanged for crimes against humanity. Iran and Russia have recently abandoned the petrodollar and the US is no position to attack either by conventional means.
The Euro could completely replace the exclusive use of the dollar to purchase oil. If you take a look at any Euro coin there's a distinct 666 on the back, blazened right across Europe. It's also very interesting that the Greek two Euro coin depicts a woman riding a beast (Revelation17:3). The Euro will continue to grow stronger and could very well play a supporting role for the Mark of the Beast.

If there was ever a stable world-wide currency, gold is it. If digital currencies continue growing in popularity they could easily become the backing for microchip payment formats like the Verichip. The number 666 and the Mark of the Beast do hold spiritual significance, but held alone such interpretations do not support a requirement to buy and sell. The physical associations with gold, money, and 666 are very clear.

To close, the book of James contains a verse that sums up the hoarding of gold (and silver) in the last days.

Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. James5:3

Next: The Mark of the Beast as a Spiritual Symbol

Verses referenced in this study:

  • 1 Kings 10:14
  • Daniel 2:31-34; 2:37-38; 3:1; 3:14; 3:18; 3:20; 4:15-16
  • Acts 17:29
  • James 5:3
  • Revelation 13:15; 17:3

Links referenced in this study:

[1] The Law of First Mention
[2] Gold standard - Wikipedia
[3] Digital gold currency - Wikipedia
[4] All about e-gold, pecunix, goldmoney
[5] In Gold We Trust
[6] Islamic Dinar
[7] The Real Reason Why Gaddafi Was Killed


11 of 1636 Comments for Gold, Money, 666 and The Mark of the Beast

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by Anonymous - 4/08/22 5:55 PM
The Royal Family Must Be A Bunch Of Satan Worshipers

They Say They Rule The World And Have A

Royal Jack Which Is Satanic AS Hell
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by Anonymous - 4/08/22 4:28 PM
All The People Who Lied And Got Married Owe's Us Godzillions And

Godzillions Of Dollars

Where I Live Your Suppose To Kill Them All Off

Lie And Get Married And They All Told Me Thousands

Of Times In A Extreamly Powerful Way If You Lie And

Get Married Their...


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by 666 - 4/08/22 5:46 PM
Now All The Satan Worshipers Think They Can Rip Off My


All Those Your Suppose To Kill Off


by Anonymous - 4/07/22 6:41 PM
The Jews Owe Me Ton"s And Ton's Of Doe And Diden't Send Me A Penney

Then They Give The Ukrainians Pigs Ton's And Ton's Of Relief Aid
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by Anonymous - 4/07/22 8:34 AM
MPIXXT... Rev 14-9 Rev 16 Mat 24 Mat 13-40 Rev 21-8 Ref 9-13

The Rule Is No Wifes For Liars Rev 21-8 All Those Your Suppose To

Casted Into Eternal Hell

If Your Marrie The Wrong One You Can't Have Sex Power And Money

It's Payson You All Have To Pay



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by Anonymous - 4/03/22 6:14 PM
The Camels Has To Kill All The Liars Off, If They Don"t Their

All Dead
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by Anonymous - 4/03/22 5:48 PM
MPIXX... Rev 14.9 Rev 16 Rev 18.8

They All Told Me In An Extreamly Powerful Way No Lieing Ever

And Ment It And If You Lie They All Think They Can Kill You Off

And Takes Cuts

They Diden't Cast All The Weeds Into The Fire They Might Be A

Bunch Of Mother...


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666 The President

by Anonymous - 4/02/22 1:57 PM

Joe Biden Curseing Trillion Watts Of My Power

100 Sign Boards The Really Good Ones Too

My Linears Transimitters Transistors And Antenna

It's The Spirit Of Truth Than Roles The World

Not Joe Biden With His Satanic Flag Rosary Beads And Porn



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by Anonymous - 4/02/22 8:59 AM
MPIXX... Rev 19.9 Rev 16 Rev 18.8 Mat 13.40

They Told Me In A Extreamly Power Way No Lieing For Over 30 Years

And And Ment It

And If You Lie They All Think They Can Kill You Off And Take Cuts

Their Gods

Rev 9.13 Mat 13.40

Evolution The Way The...


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by Anonymous - 3/29/22 4:13 PM
MPXXX... Mat 13-40

Everybody Who Told Me No Lieing In A Extreamly Power Way For

Over 30 Years Has To Kill All The Liars Off

Evolution The Way The Truth And The Life

It.a The Spirit Of Truth That Rules The World
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by Anonymous - 3/27/22 1:25 PM
Mp IXX... Rev 14-9 Rev 16 Rev 18-8

WDC It Seams To Me Their All Ways Trying To Curse All My Power

Transimitters And Linears

God Hates The American Flag And All Liars

He Wants To Kill Them All Off

Which Is OK By Me

Even Tho He Don"t Exist



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