Ziad Shihab


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From: MUBI <hola@mubi.com>
Date: Fri, May 27, 2022 at 20:00
Subject: Festival Focus: Cannes Film Festival | MULHOLLAND DRIVE
To: <zshihab@gmail.com>

Initially conceived as a TV pilot, only to be transformed into a feature film, Mulholland Drive is an uncorked lightning-in-a-bottle of Hollywood fantasies, baroque emotions, and noir dreamscapes. David Lynch’s surreal puzzle box unfolds a bewitching story of love and revenge in the City of Angels.
Initially conceived as a TV pilot, only to be transformed into a feature film, Mulholland Drive is an uncorked lightning-in-a-bottle of Hollywood fantasies, baroque emotions, and noir dreamscapes. David Lynch’s surreal puzzle box unfolds a bewitching story of love and revenge in the City of Angels. Film of the Day
Cannes Takeover

Mulholland Drive

David Lynch, 2001

Initially conceived as a TV pilot, only to be transformed into a feature film, Mulholland Drive is an uncorked lightning-in-a-bottle of Hollywood fantasies, baroque emotions, and noir dreamscapes. David Lynch’s surreal puzzle box unfolds a bewitching story of love and revenge in the City of Angels.

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