Ziad Shihab

A classic biography of the Prophet Muhammad is back in print

Now 30% off


Maxime Rodinson
Translated from the French by Anne Carter
Afterword by Robert Irwin

Maxime Rodinson, both a maverick Marxist and a distinguished professor at the Sorbonne, first published his biography of Muhammad in 1960. The book, a classic in its field, has been widely read ever since. Rodinson, though deeply versed in scholarly studies of the Prophet, does not seek to add to it here but to introduce Muhammad as having led a life of extraordinary drama and shaped history as few others have.

The NYRB Classics edition includes a new afterword by historian Robert Irwin.

"There can be no doubt that Professor Rodinson’s book is the major contemporary Occidental work on the Prophet, and is essential reading."
—Edward W. Said

For three days only, Muhammad will be available at 30% off, along with these three other biographies:

Germs by Richard Wollheim is the February selection for the NYRB Classics Book Club. If you join the NYRB Classics Book Club by February 17, Germs will be your first selection.

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