Ziad Shihab

42 - Lewis Carrolls Magic Number - E2

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42 (person)

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(person) by mcc (5.9 y) Rep: 42 ( +56 / -14 ) (Rep Graph) (+) Tue Apr 17 2001 at 12:13:05
The number 42 seems to have had some special signifigance to Lewis Carroll. It is reported that 42 was Carroll's Magic Number, although to be honest i haven't the slightest clue what that means. At any rate the man seems to have had a thing going for the number.

The book Alice in Wonderland has exactly 42 illustrations not counting the cover, and near the end references a Rule 42 in the judicial code of Wonderland: All persons more than a mile high are to leave the court.

It is in Carroll's undisputed nonsense masterwork The Hunting of the Snark, however, that these things begin to get interesting:

This writeup created with the help of the Annotated Edition of the Hunting of the Snark, and http://www.empirenet.com/~dljones/

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