Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Zoroastrianism"

Influence of Zoroastrianism on Christianity and Islam

Clip source: The%20Influence%20of%20Zoroastrianism%20on%20Christianity%20and%20Islam%20%28idea%29%20by%20Eclectic%20Scion%20-%20Everything2.com Near MatchesIgnore ExactFull Text Everything2The Influence of Zoroastrianism on Christianity and Islam (idea)See all of The Influence of Zoroastrianism on Christianity and Islam, there is 1 more in this node.(idea)by Eclectic ScionWed Oct 11 2000 at 0:02:54Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest world religions. In fact, some have dated it as the world's...

Philosopher AI - What is the message of Thus Spake Zarathustra?

Philosopher AINew topicWhat is the message of Thus Spake Zarathustra?➹ Share ⟳ Try againZarathustra criticizes the herd mentality of those who think in terms of ordinary logic. That is, he attacks their mechanistic view of ultimate reality and how they attempt to understand it. Zarathustra says that trying to understand ultimate reality using ordinary logical thinking is like tying a millstone around your neck and jumping into an infinite abyss in order to reach the bottom.29 Aug 2020, 04:17Z...

Ahriman - from Zoroastrianism

Follow Us: Membership Ahriman Definition by Joshua J. Markpublished on 10 February 2020 Ahriman is the evil spirit in Early Iranian Religion, Zoroastrianism, and Zorvanism, Lord of Darkness and Chaos, and the source of human confusion, disappointment, and strife. He is also known as Angra Mainyu (evil spirit or dark spirit) and exists in opposition to Spenta Mainyu (good spirit or bright spirit) also known as Ahura Mazda and Ormuzd. In the e...

Pouruchista | The Iranian

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Compare Islam and Zoroastrianism - ReligionFacts

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