Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Zas"

Burning Patience (2022) Netflix Movie Review

Share this Article Burning Patience (2022): Romance is a genre that I have often observed people either loving or hating. Some find the fantasy elusive, while the same elusiveness makes some others cherish it. Often poets, artists, and other mental gymnasts spend their days and nights professing their love of love. ‘Burning Patience’ is a story borne out of similar minds. The movie is adapted from Antonio Skármeta’s book of the same name. We witness a story of two lovers who fall ...

DNA Q plus 8 equals Ye

DNA – BasicsDNA – Comms HistoryGenome Soldiers: MGSDNA: Cloned SheepDNA: EvolutionNeon Genesis EvangelionFly Me to the MoonJackie RobinsonD.N.A. Answer to Everything: 42DNA2DNA-BMA: GenesUpdates: Fifa, Kanye, MuskFrom the most recent Q post: "What is coded in your DNA?"Have you noticed how many things going on right now are tied to a curious shape that could be defined as a Helix/DNA? Or the many stories going on with a JEAN/GENE symbolism?Did you notice that it’s connected to Kanye West’s br...

Carmelina - Virgil and the screen

https://www.full-stop.net/2022/12/05/reviews/tyrone-williams/carmelina-figures-virgil-kills-stories-ronaldo-v-wilson/ That this superficial "screen" remains saturated with a brutally efficient and ongoing history is not lost on Virgil, a name which might simply be a synonym for lack, a bottom whose depths remain immeasurable

Guillermo del Toro - Pinocchio - Imbues story with historical darkness

Of the numerous films Federico Fellini was unable to make in his lifetime, his version of Carlo Collodi’s 1883 novel The Adventures of Pinocchio is perhaps the one he most lamented. Characteristically nonconformist as a kid, Fellini disliked books, which he associated with adults and school, and "school did not seem to be something that opened up the world," he said in I, Fellini, "but something that closed it, something that interfered with my freedom and imprisoned me for the longest and be...

Carmelina: Figures & Virgil Kills: Stories – Ronaldo V. Wilson

NOTE: See below for this great quote. -zas"The dick, itself, is not remarkable—that it is there is what actually matters."If "Lineage is different/ from rhetorical sequence," as Ronaldo Wilson claims in Carmelina: Figures, then one issue raised by this assertion is the relationship between these two phenomena, between genetic and narrative grammars and syntaxes, especially when narration takes up bloodlines in an attempt to "describe the impossible." Impossibility is, here, the rubric for a b...

Renaissance science – XLVI

One area that is not usually counted among the sciences is cryptography, lying as it does, in this day and age, between, logic, mathematics, and informatics. In earlier times it is perhaps best viewed as a part of logic. Perhaps surprisingly, cryptography underwent a major development during the Renaissance provoked by an earlier development in the hands of Islamicate scholars.Cryptography means literally hidden writing, coming from the Greek kryptos meaning hidden and graphiameaning write, e...

Masters of the Lamp

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Masters of the Lamp (review) See all of Masters of the Lamp, no other writeups in this node. (review) by Glowing Fish Fri Nov 05 2021 at 19:58:08 "Masters of the Lamp" is a 1970 novel by Robert Lorry, published as one half of an Ace Double, with the other side being "A Harvest of Hoodwinks", a short short story collection by the same author. "Masters of the Lamp" is a more conventional novel, following a single story for about 130 ...

Review: THE FABELMANS, Dreams Can Also Be Fun

Dreams are scary. In The Fabelmans, Steven Spielberg puts his own childhood up on the big screen, through the Dream Factory, with the help of many of his regular collaborators, including screenwriter Tony Kushner (Munich, Lincoln), John Williams (Jaws, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park) and Janusz Kaminski (Schindler’s List, Saving Private Ryan, West Side Story), among others. His story starts from his parents taking him as a young child, Sam, to the movies to see The Greatest Story Ever Tol...

In Praise of Tears - A Short Intellectual History

Written by Georgia Smith"In Praise of Tears  Pleurer / crying  The amorous subject has a particular propensity to cry; the functioning and appearance of tears in this subject.  …  Who will write the history of tears? In which societies, in which periods have we wept? Since when is it that men (and not women) no longer cry? Why was ‘sensibility’, at a certain moment, transformed into ‘sentimentality’?" Roland Barthes, A Lover’s Discourse (1978)  For Barthes "the amorous body is doubled by a hi...

Grandpa Tibbles

Lovecraft derived his pseudonym ‘Lewis Theobald Jr.’, later ‘Grandpa Theobald’ and variants, from the pioneering but much put-upon Shakespeare scholar Lewis Theobald (1688-1744). I’ve now discovered a curious thing relating to this choice. The discovery occurred this way. I was looking at the early medieval talking-fox cycle Reynard the Fox as a source for Tolkien. Part of the evidence is found in one early version of Tolkien’s "The Tale of Tinuviel", in which the hero is enslaved by th...

Uncovering the Myths of the Diamond Industry

It’s become burrowed in our psyche: the necessity of a diamond ring when it comes to marriage proposals. Not to mention the most prized gift a significant other could desire no matter the situation. When did this idea begin? And in an industry where synthetic, man-made diamonds are on the rise, what is the future for value of the product? All these questions (and many more) are answered in Jason Kohn’s new documentary Nothing Lasts Forever. A perfect double-feature with Uncut Gems, the entert...

Netflix’s 1899 fails where Dark succeeded - Polygon

1899 fails where Dark succeeded We wanted to love it, we really did [Ed. note: The following contains spoilers for the entirety of 1899 season 1 and Dark.] I love Dark, the German sci-fi show that nearly broke my brain as I worked overtime (literally) keeping track of its multiple timelines and complicated family tree. While many puzzle-box series lose their luster once everything’s been uncovered, after repeated viewings of the ...

Wearing of the Veil Traditions Throughout History | Ancient Origins

Wearing of the Veil Traditions Throughout History | Ancient OriginsAuthor: Ziad Shihab Wearing of the Veil Traditions Throughout History | Ancient Origins SourceURL: https://www.ancient-origins.net/history-ancient-traditions/veil-wearing-tradition-0017535 Updated 16 November, 2022 - 21:59 Robbie Mitchell Wearing of the Veil Traditions Throughout History There is perhaps no piece of clothing in history that has caused more controversy than the veil. Currently, protests to raise awareness of ...

Commenting on Hollywood From Within Hollywood

Universal Pictures/Ringer illustration The new movie documenting two female journalists’ investigation into Harvey Weinstein is thorough and at times even powerful. But how do you reconcile the fact that Weinstein’s behavior was enabled by the silence of Hollywood with that same industry’s impulse to make a film about his demise? Once Harvey Weinstein’s crimes—and the larger picture of a system that allowed them to persist—became public, the film industry didn’t wait long to sta...

Hypercube - Everything2.com by artemis entreri

Hypercube - Everything2.com by artemis entreri https://everything2.com/title/hypercube(thing) (anonymous) Rep: 14 ( +25 / -11 ) (Rep Graph) (+) Down Tue Apr 18 2000 at 23:35:16 A hypercube may be modelled as an assembly consisting soley of 2-Dimensional planes. Thus it appears to have no volume! Just surface area -- despite that it is a 4-Dimensional object. (Did the 4th dimension cancel out one of the others? :) C? (thing) (anonymous) Rep: 13 ( +20 / -7 ) (Rep Graph) (+) Down Sat Feb ...

Yes, Tár Is Real — Real Boring!

Focus Features The hot topic or mostly joke, on "Film Twitter" (don’t ask) this past week, has been over whether the Todd Field movie Tár, starring Cate Blanchett, is about a real person. The Cut titled their review "No, Lydia Tár Is Not Real," a nice companion piece for the countless explanations for why you’d have to be an idiot for believing that Lydia Tár was real, facetious jokes claiming she is real, and on and on. I can understand the impulse — both to wonder if Ly...

Hue and cry, or the mystery of red gold

https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/t/0/_/oupblog/~https://blog.oup.com/2022/10/hue-and-cry-or-the-mystery-of-red-gold/As a student, I read Homer in English and ran into the phrase wine-colored sea. At that time, I did not know that in Old English, waves were sometimes called brown and only wondered what kind of wine the Ancient Greeks drank. No one in my surroundings could enlighten me. Since that time, I have read many articles and books on the history of color perception and in 2014 even reviewe...

Typographic Firsts: Adventures in Early Printing, a new book from John Boardley

Typographic Firsts: Adventures in Early Printing ( attr(href) ) How were the first fonts made? Who invented italics? When did we work out how to print in color? John Boardley’s ( attr(href) ) award-winning book, Typographic Firsts, charts the formative early history of the printed or typographic book. Many of the standard features of the printed book were designed by pioneering typographers and printers in the latter half of the fifteenth century. Although Johannes Gutenberg is credited wi...

Semiotics for Beginners

http://visual-memory.co.uk/daniel/Documents/S4B/SourceURL: http://visual-memory.co.uk/daniel/Documents/S4B/ http://visual-memory.co.uk/daniel/Documents/S4B/http://visual-memory.co.uk/daniel/Documents/S4B/This is a popular hypertext guide to semiotics by Daniel Chandler at Aberystwyth University.Semiotics for Beginners by Daniel ChandlerSourceURL: http://visual-memory.co.uk/daniel/Documents/S4B/semiotic.html Semiotics for Beginners Daniel Chandler Order the book! ...

On the End of the Canon Wars

The highlight of my freshman year in college was a double-credit course where we read three books a week, starting with the ancient Greeks and ending with Virginia Woolf, for two whole semesters. It transformed my life for the better. I’d come to campus with a self-imposed mission to learn how to be a writer by becoming well-read; I left it a fanatic for a particular idea of what reading really means. All of who I am today is bound up with my unreconstructed belief that experiencing and discu...

Reloading Laughter: Žižek and a Theory of Comedy

Despite his reputation for telling jokes and the central role that humor plays in his philosophy, the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek does not have a theory of comedy. In his work, Žižek does not just tell jokes or explain the popularity of certain genres such as Holocaust comedy films. He has also made brief interventions in the theory of comedy that include mostly applications of Hegel’s theory of objective humor or Alenka Zupančič’s Hegelian theory of comedy. At the outset of the "The C...

Shuttered Room - The - 1967

Dan Roberts wrote on We Are Cult: ‘The Shuttered Room’ (1967) revisited ❉ The Red Door is opened one more time… [link ] A question to ponder. How many times should you watch a film in order to decide if you like it or not? This is something which has bubbled up recently with a film I first saw in 1981. I was eight years old and completely obsessed with horror films. Mainly old ones. My constant companion at that time was Alan Frank’s Horror Film Handbook and to me it was the King ...

223 Wick

The worst crime any media can commit is being irredeemably dull. Unfortunately, director Sergio Myers’ 223 Wick is sleep-inducing. Written by Jes […] The post 223 Wick first appeared on Film Threat.