Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "X"

Star Trek Lesson Plan

Required Materials:Star Trek: TNG, "Cause and Effect"$14.95 at amazon.com Optional Materials:Roland Barthes, S/Z$11.20 at amazon.com Some text-based or web-based introduction to narratology and film THIS CLASS, ENGL 373 (Science Fiction and Fantasy) doubles for me as introduction to a number of theories. The allegorical and speculative nature of science fiction makes the genre a helpful tool in teaching students what are often quite difficult concepts. The students tend also to get a ki...

Ukrainian Names U to Z

U is for unrulySourceURL: https://drkottaway.com/2022/04/25/u-is-for-unruly/ I am blogging from A to Z about Helen Burling Ottaway, my artist mother, and other women artists. Artists are unruly. They are not obedient. They are usurpers. They are unreasonable. This is another etching of my mother, a self portrait, titled "Giantess". She looks giant, rising from an ocean. Will she have arms and hands and legs, or is she an octopus? We do not know. It may depend on her mood. ...

XXXX is alive and well and living in YYYY (idea) by viterbiSearcher - Everything2.com

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 XXXX is alive and well and living in YYYY (idea) See all of XXXX is alive and well and living in YYYY, no other writeups in this node. (idea) by viterbiSearcher (1.9 y) Rep: 58 ( +60 / -2 ) (Rep Graph) (+) Mon Jun 11 2001 at 21:36:30 It seems there are three different geographical versions. In his book "The phrase that launched 1,000 ships", Nigel Rees tends to believe the "alive and well" began in a natural way, probably aft...