Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Virgil"

Carmelina - Virgil and the screen

https://www.full-stop.net/2022/12/05/reviews/tyrone-williams/carmelina-figures-virgil-kills-stories-ronaldo-v-wilson/ That this superficial "screen" remains saturated with a brutally efficient and ongoing history is not lost on Virgil, a name which might simply be a synonym for lack, a bottom whose depths remain immeasurable

Vergil, Seduced by Imitation

From Samuel Johnson’s, The Rambler No. 121: Yet, whatever Hope may persuade, or Reason evince, Experience can boast of very few Additions to ancient Fable. The Wars of Troy and the Travels of Ulysses have furnished almost all succeeding Poets with Incidents, Characters, and Sentiments. The Romans are confessed to have attempted little more than to display in their own Tongue the Fictions of the Greeks. There is in all their Writings such a perpetual Recurrence of Allusions to the Tales of ...