Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "V"

Ukrainian Names U to Z

U is for unrulySourceURL: https://drkottaway.com/2022/04/25/u-is-for-unruly/ I am blogging from A to Z about Helen Burling Ottaway, my artist mother, and other women artists. Artists are unruly. They are not obedient. They are usurpers. They are unreasonable. This is another etching of my mother, a self portrait, titled "Giantess". She looks giant, rising from an ocean. Will she have arms and hands and legs, or is she an octopus? We do not know. It may depend on her mood. ...

Ectropy (idea) by ianah0 - Everything2.com

Ectropy (idea) See all of Ectropy, no other writeups in this node. by ianah0 (4.2 y) CC Rep: 2 ( +8 / -6 ) (Rep Graph) (+) Fri Jan 09 2004 at 10:09:54 While discussing the coaction cardioid,in 1969, Willard Van Orman Quine coined the word ectropy. He reasoned that since entropy is Greek for turning in, the opposite term, turning out, in Greek would be ectropy. Ectropy also refers to the general increase in organization, or making order from chaos. It also lead to the coining ...

IYPT Elements | Compound Interest - Part 4

Menu Skip to primary content Home Infographics Index IYPT2019 Elements Chemunicate Buy the Book! About & Contact Archives Shops Search Compound Interest Explorations of everyday chemical compounds Posted in IYPT Elements IYPT 2019 Elements 024: Chromium: Rubi...