Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Telephone"

Apparatus Theory

I have been reading a lot about film theory lately, and getting into some of the specific terms people use to describe what happens on screen. One of the ones that kept coming up and being debated was Apparatus Theory. This intriguing concept, emerging from the confluence of psychoanalytic thought, Marxist ideology, and film theory, offers a framework for understanding the impact of cinema on viewers' perceptions and beliefs. That seems like an important topic to get into! So, today we'll get...

Also starring a telephone as The Telephone

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Also starring a telephone as "The Telephone" (idea) See all of Also starring a telephone as "The Telephone", no other writeups in this node. (idea) by RalphyK Thu Oct 10 2002 at 22:13:54 You know it when you see it. It's a classic device to increase tension in a movie. The hero goes to see a friendly person who might have information for him. After much questioning, the friendly person denies knowing anything, so eventually the...

Tim Parks: Have you seen my hand?

‘Look both ways when you cross the street,’ Giovanni’s mother tells him when he goes out. He’s a careless boy, easily distracted, and the reader is primed. In the street, the boy is ‘so pleased with how careful he’s being that he starts hopping along like a sparrow’. A polite gentleman warns him that this is carelessness indeed: ‘You see? You’ve already lost a hand.’ Looking for his hand, Giovanni’s attention is absorbed by a tin can, then a limping dog. He doesn’t even notice he’s lost ‘a wh...

Chronology of communication before electricity (idea) by legbagede - Everything2.com

Clip source: Chronology of communication before electricity (idea) by legbagede - Everything2.com Chronology of communication before electricity (idea)See all of Chronology of communication before electricity, no other writeups in this node. See also :Chronology of Communication after electronics to 1998, A Chronology of Communication from electricity to electronics, A Convoluted History of Early Telecommunications. c. 20,000 B.C.- Cave painting is widespread in Eurasia. Etchings are fig...