Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Propaganda"

See the Oldest Printed Advertisement in English: An Ad for a Book from 1476

Nobody pays much mind to advertising, at least the haphazard kind of advertising that clutters the space around us. But here in the 21st century, when both that space and the ads that appear throughout it are as likely to be digital as physical, we might take a moment to look back at how the practice of putting up notices to sell things began. In the English language, it goes back to at least to the mid-fifteenth century — specifically, to the year 1476, when Britain’s first printer William C...

Mass psychogenic illness - Wikipedia

Home Random Nearby Log in Settings About Wikipedia Disclaimers Open main menu Search Mass psychogenic illness EditWatch this pageRead in another language Mass psychogenic illness (MPI), also called mass sociogenic illness, mass psychogenic ...