Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Poetry"

Best descriptions of winter weather in literature

Oh, the weather outside is frightful! But the reading is so delightful… Weather (sorry) or not you love the snow—blanketing your driveway, stalling your subway lines—it’s hard to deny that there have been some pretty darn good descriptions of it in literature, the kind that make you want to curl up by the fire (or, in my case, the space heater). Personally, I think I like winter weather best when it’s on the page and not the thing standing between me and the closest bar or the corner bodega w...

inclination (person) by etouffee - Everything2.com

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 inclination (person) See all of inclination, there are 2 more in this node. (person) by etouffee Sun Oct 17 2021 at 14:52:54 A tendency towards another body or point- 1913 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary He asked if she was so inclined, hoping she would understand the meaning She tilted her head to one side, half smile with eyes blinking from sunlight or while pondering a response Oh, it's possible, she said demu...

Female poets of ancient Hellas

We have all heard of Sappho, but did you know there were many other female poets whose work survives to this day? I'd like to share some of them with you today--and about the women who wrote them. Anyte of Tegea Anyte of Tegea (Ἀνύτη Τεγεᾶτις) was an early 3rd century BC Arcadian poet, was the leader of a school of poetry and literature on Peloponnesus, which also included the poet Leonidas of Tarentum. Antipater of Thessalonica listed her as one of the nine earthly muses. At least ...

Tafsir Talk 1: The Nature Of The Quran and Its Levels of Tafsir | Perspectives Of A Fellow Traveler

Tafsir Talk 1: The Nature Of The Quran and Its Levels of Tafsir 1 Reply It is said that if you want to talk to God, then you should pray, but if you want God to talk to you then you should read the Quran. As Muslims we believe that the Quran is the verbatim speech of God. With that being the case, it only makes sense that if we want a message from God, that one should turn to the Quran. If the Quran is God’s speech then how should we interpret what He is say...

Van Gogh’s Bed

Van Gogh’s Bed By Jane Flanders is orange, like Cinderella’s coach, like the sun when he looked it straight in the eye. is narrow, he sleeps alone, tossing between two pillows, while it carried him bumpily to the ball. is clumsy, but friendly. A peasant built the frame; and old wife beat the mattress till it rose like meringue. is empty, morning light pours in like wine, melody, fragrance, the memory of happiness. Summary of Van Gogh’s Bed The popularity of "Van...

The Secret of Poetry

When Geoffrey Hill began his fourth lecture as Oxford Professor of Poetry in 2011, the audience members clearly expected a mischievous performance. In his first lecture, Hill had promised a future evaluation of contemporary British poetry, and in the subsequent oration he did not hold back, appraising creative writing as a neoliberal efflorescence of a doomed literary culture, with its ‘plethora of literary prizes’ and false evaluation of its own health. Anti-élitist ‘accessibility’ was the b...

The United Fruit Company

The United Fruit Company By Pablo Neruda When the trumpet sounded, it was all prepared on the earth, the Jehovah parcelled out the earth to Coca Cola, Inc., Anaconda, Ford Motors, and other entities: The Fruit Company, Inc. reserved for itself the most succulent, the central coast of my own land, the delicate waist of America. It rechristened its territories as the ‘Banana Republics’ and over the sleeping dead, over the restless heroes who brought about the greatness, the liberty an...

The Handle on the Door to a New World: Poet Jane Hirshfield on the Magic and Power of Metaphor, Animated

"A metaphor is language that simultaneously creates and solves its own riddle; within that minute explosion of mind is both expansion and release… It is how the mind instructs itself in a more complex seeing." It is a marvel, though hardly a surprise, that children’s minds are machines for metaphor. We are meaning-making creatures — from the moment we begin trying to make sense of the world, and even as we face the terrifying prospect of its meaninglessness, the familiar becomes our...

Duos 19 – Adverts for Actual Hats

The poems are taken from a series, Adverts for Actual Hats, in which William Repass and Dan Ivec observed a number of Ivec's illustrations - all featuring a hat of some sort - and dreamed together prose poems which act as deranged commercials for the hats seen in the drawings. If the reader is understandably covetous of such headgear, they may direct queries via Instagram: @venial_usa. In the 19th of the Duos series, new poetry by Dan Ivec and William Repass. The post Duos #19 – Advert...

Aimé Césaire (person) by Gethsemane - Everything2.com

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Aimé Césaire (person) See all of Aimé Césaire, no other writeups in this node. (person) by Gethsemane Thu Aug 31 2000 at 9:05:01 "Poetic knowledge is born in the great silence of scientific knowledge." Aimé Césaire (b. 1913 in Martinique) is amongst the foremost poets of the Caribbean. He studied at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, where he was a progenitor, with Léon Gontran-Damas and Léopold Senghor, of the notion of Négri...

The Best Dog Poems Reveal the Good and the Mischievous in Our Canine Friends

Sometimes I find myself reciting poetry to Topsy, the smooth fox terrier from Texas who my wife rescued seven years ago. As with everything else I say to Topsy, she understands every word, and indicates her approval of the poem by tapping me with her paw; if she doesn’t like it, she walks away. I’m sure, if she were capable of speech, she would make learned observations—"Bad use of dactylic hexameter," that kind of thing. Poetry is in most cases an intimate thing, something that springs fr...

The smoking wall and lit numbers changing (thing) by stand/alone/bitch - Everything2.com

The smoking wall and lit numbers changing (thing) See all of The smoking wall and lit numbers changing, no other writeups in this node. by stand/alone/bitch (18.6 y) CC Rep: 31 ( +33 / -2 ) (Rep Graph) (+) Wed Nov 15 2000 at 9:29:54 Sitting on the wide, shallow, curving steps in Union Square Park, the number display and the smoking wall hold my attention as usual. The smoking wall: O...

Discovering LaRochefoucauld | The New Criterion

The lightning & the key: a letter from William Franklin to Joseph Priestlyby Daniel Mark Epstein Exile to exile, England to America, Driven hence by nothing more than faith In our convictions, we commune once more, Old friend, man of science, man of God. Here they torched your house, there they burnt mine. Here your people fear your love of France— Marat, Danton, and the bonnet rouge— As mine once feared my fealty to the Crown. Hail, fellow, outcast across the sea! And thanks abundant, deep, ...

The part I know by heart (poetry) by BookReader - 237th writeup

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 The part I know by heart (poetry) See all of The part I know by heart, there is 1 more in this node. (poetry) by BookReader Wed May 06 2020 at 4:07:10 I do not know what lives in me when I speak the words I cannot know whose heart I eat when I mouth the part I haven’t thought what thoughts I think when I hold my breath I will not breathe my last full breath when I close my eyes I am not leading the life I live when I use my legs I ...