Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Philosophy"

Socratic Irony - examples from film

Socratic irony is a rhetorical technique in which one feigns ignorance (plays stupid) to expose another person’s ignorance or inconsistency.Socrates allegedly used Socratic irony to draw out the knowledge and assumptions of others, leading them to realize their lack of understanding or the flaws in their reasoning.Key Characteristics of Socratic IronyFeigning Ignorance: Socrates often acted as if he did not know the answer to a question, encouraging others to explain it to him.Eliciting Respo...

Text and authority

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Current language: English Wechseln zur deutschen Sprachversion Jump directly to: To the beginning of the text (Jump over the navigation) , Main navigation , Themes navigation , To the search , More settings Navigation by theme Study Research Continuing education Career Press International Search Search the website Search ...

Translated fiction - Memory - history - sampling other novels

All novels can be said to be in conversation with other novels. But while influences on the form and viewpoint of a novel are easily acknowledged, there are particular novels that more directly speak through borrowings. Notions of postmodernist intertextuality allow for all of this and in the novels of Kathy Acker, for example, unacknowledged quotations are seen as radical rather than robbery.In 1968, when Bound to Violence by Yambo Ouologuem, translated from the French by Ralph Manheim (Peng...

Election - film by Alexander Payne now Relevant as Ever

From Roger Ebert dot com:There’s an ongoing theme in Alexander Payne’s films -- the people we think are the antagonists aren’t actually bad people; we simply force ourselves into the corner of seeing them that way. From the simple-minded and unfortunately coiffed future in-laws in "About Schmidt" to the adulterous characters in "Sideways" and "The Descendants," to the animosity of the student-teacher relationship at the heart of "The Holdovers," these films all feature cases of the protagonis...

Teaching Media Archives

We welcome submissions from all graduate students and faculty or independent scholars Apologies for cross-posting Synoptique is soliciting proposals for book reviews for our upcoming issue 11.1, which is a special issue with the topic "Teaching Media Archives." We invite reviewers to propose reviews for both the themed and general review sections. If you are interested in writing a review for this issue, please contact book.reviews@synoptique.ca with a short proposal (maximum 250 words) outl...

Signature Event Context and The Possibility of History

1I would like to mark the recent fiftieth anniversary of "Signature Event Context" (SEC) by looking at some of the varied contexts for this paper on the problem of context and by treating SEC as part of Derrida’s wider engagement with the problem of history.In an important and timely article, Joshua Kates has recently argued that when it comes to the question of history, Derrida both rejects the constrictions of historicism and affirms the transformations of historicity.1 For Kates, the tensi...

I AM Statements - Jesus in the Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon contains a unique literary witness of the Savior. While the Gospel of John is known for "I AM" statements of Jesus (like "I am the Bread of Life" or "I am the Door"), the Book of Mormon also has similar divine declarations. In some cases, they line up neatly with the Old Testament and New Testament. In others, they represent unique titles for Jesus Christ found only in Restoration scripture. In this interview, Joshua Matson expounds on the first-ever published study of I AM...

Language of Mythology - Medieval Grammar and Hermeneutics

The spatial sign in the middle ages is the product of the mythology of static, determinate structure.By Dr. Jesse M. GellrichProfessor of EnglishLouisiana State UniversityThe Divine Page, in its literal sense, contains many things which seem both to be opposed to each other and, sometimes, to impart something which smacks of the absurd or the impossible. But the spiritual meaning admits no opposition; in it, many things can be different from one another, but none can be opposed.Hugh of St. Vi...

ChatGPT Content Policy Limitations for Story Writing (and sexting)

The whole principle [of censorship] is wrong; it’s like demanding that grown men live on skim milk because the baby can’t eat steak.Robert A. Heinlein Playing around with ChatGPT 3.5 ( https://chat.openai.com ), I wondered whether it could be used for online/chat sex(ting). I mean, it can take the persona of different people, including Oracles, Coaches, and the like. So why not a spicy character? And if it talks as one person and the user takes the other part, is it re...

UAPs and Non-Human - Alien - Intelligence

Editorial noteI originally intended to publish the essay below in an (online) magazine, not my own blog. I still have this intention, but opted to publish the complete draft here first for several reasons: (a) most magazines will place the essay behind a paywall (I already tried to negotiate this out, but it is not negotiable); (b) most magazines will require me to significantly shorten the essay (even Aeon Magazine, which publishes long-form essays, limits them to 5,000 words, while the text...

Religious Evolution of Human Civilizations - From Animism to Monotheism

BY DIMOSTHENIS VASILOUDISAnimism: The Dawn of Religious ThoughtTotemism: The Spiritual Connection with NaturePhysiolatry or Naturism: The Worship of NatureMonotheism: The Belief in One GodConclusionThe religious beliefs and practices of human civilizations have evolved remarkably over millennia, reflecting the complexities and changes in human societies. This evolution can be broadly categorized into five stages: animism, totemism, physiolatry or naturism, polytheism, and monotheism. Each sta...

literary language

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 literary language (idea) See all of literary language, there is 1 more in this node. (idea) by darl Thu Aug 10 2006 at 17:29:19 What is literary language? Introduction Many critics and poets have tried to nail this down. It's a slippery eel, it really is. It's been defined as "the familiar made strange" (Attridge), which is a nice way to put it. I got out a dictionary, the OED 2nd Ed. and looked up 'literary' to be pointed t...

Thou shall not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind (idea) by apathy42 - Everything2.com

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Thou shall not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind (idea) See all of Thou shall not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind, there are 2 more in this node. (idea) by apathy42 Fri Aug 29 2003 at 4:01:27 This statement is the primary commandment of the Great Convention in the universe of Dune (written by Frank Herbert). It is not only a civil law, but also a religious commandment, featured in the Orange Catholic Bi...

Time Cube - Wikipedia

Time Cube Article Talk Language Watch Edit Time Cube was a pseudoscientific personal web page founded in 1997 by the self-proclaimed "wisest man on earth," Otis Eugene "Gene" Ray.[1] It was a self-published outlet for Ray's theory of everything, also called "Time Cube," which polemically claims that all modern sciences are participating in a worldwide c...

If You Were Dead, You’d Be Obsessed with Death Too

Extinction by Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi On a balmy summer day in 2019, at the tender age of twenty-five, I left Los Angeles, that angel-less city of angels, with the intention never to look back. As the plane traveled at five-hundred and seventy-five miles per hour towards Barcelona, I muttered a quick prayer of thanks to the New Migrant Voices Fund for footing the bill in acknowledgement of my courageous literary sensibilities. In my mind’s eye, I was already disembarking, finding my e...

Teaching Students About Literary Allusion

In literature, an allusion is a reference to a well-known person, place, event, or literary work that the author expects the reader to recognize and draw meaning from. Teaching students about literary allusion is an important aspect of literature education as it helps students to better understand the text they are reading, and also emphasizes the interconnections between literary works. The first step in teaching allusion to students is to help them understand what it is. It is crucial fo...

Stealing Reason from God - Theft in Time Bandits and The Fisher King

Time Bandits (1981) | Avco Embassy Pictures> Theft as metaphor/metaphor as theftWho is the God of the white man of the midwestern United States? And once we know who God is, we have to ask: does he have anything worth nicking? Former American Terry Gilliam has directed 12½ feature films, all of them fantastical reflections of our society and its foibles. Gilliam is the most cynical fantasist in cinema, and his surreal, misty films often put our own bad behavior on display. Gilliam crafts a sh...

Regeneration through Violence

Note: If you wish to receive, via e-mail, (1) my weekly newsletter or (2) daily copies of these posts, notify me at rrbates1951@gmail.com and indicate which you would like. I promise not to share your e-mail address with anyone. To unsubscribe, send me a follow-up email.TuesdayOne problem with MAGA’s rhetoric of violence is that different figures compete for who can sound the most bloodthirsty. While it’s difficult to decide who wins the prize, Ron DeSantis’s "We’re going to start slitting th...

Ange Mlinko - His Eyes - Her Voice

An unnamed​ man and woman come together, slowly and arduously, over the course of a novel. She is a poet who has turned mute; he is a language teacher going blind. Her first bout of muteness, which struck when she was a teenager, was cured suddenly in French class by a single word: ‘bibliothèque’. Now she is attending classes in Ancient Greek to see if something in the language can dislodge her mysterious impediment. ‘She is almost entirely uninterested in the literature of Homer, Plato and H...

Linguistic Idealism as a Weapon of Poststructuralist and Postmodernist Politics

This is the follow up to my essay ‘Poststructuralism and Deconstruction as Forms of (Linguistic) Idealism’. My last essay was about Catherine Belsey’s poststructuralism, and how it’s strongly reliant (if implicitly) on linguistic idealism. (Belsey was a literary critic and academic.) This essay, on the other hand, attempts to show how Belsey and other poststructuralists/postmodernists use the philosophical position of linguistic idealism (if without using that term) as a means to further vari...

I’ll Sleep When I’m Undead - Sleep in Contemporary Horror Media

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTSI’ll Sleep When I’m Undead: Sleep in Contemporary Horror Media July 2-7, 2023 in MontrealDEADLINE March 31, 2023CORERISC: the Collective for Research on Epistemologies of Embodied Risk, and The Sociability of Sleep seek participants for a week-long writing workshop (July 2-7, 2023) centered on sleep in 21st century horror media. We aim to explore how horror media–from films to television to social media–responds to the conditions of sleep as a site of embodied risk today....

Rift Valley

Rift Valley SimpCSourceURL: https://refind.com/links/141565788?via=refind RefindWe are restless even in death. Entombed in stone, our most distant ancestors still travel along Earth’s subterranean passageways. One of them, a man in his 20s, began his journey around 230,000 years ago after collapsing into marshland on the lush edge of a river delta feeding a vast lake in East Africa’s Rift Valley. He became the earth in which he lay as nutrients leached from his body and his bone minerali...

Moral Threat of Profound Loneliness

The Moral Threat of Profound Loneliness (Presidential Address) Paul Carron Baylor University Forthcoming in the Southwest Philosophy Review 39:1 I. Introduction Ours is a wonderful but strange new world. We live in a truly global community, where we can instantly connect with anyone, anywhere on the planet. We are constantly connected to others, yet our students suffer from anxiety, depression, and related mental health problems at unprecedented and alarming rates (Twenge et al., 2019). W...