Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Peter"

On Peter Pan

Scene from Mabou Mines Peter and Wendy with Karen Kandel. Photograph taken by Richard Termine.I remember reading Peter Pan as a kid, a version based on the 1953 Disney movie—based on J. M. Barrie’s story. It turned me on. I’m six or seven, and I’m flipping through the pages, and there’s a picture of Peter with his arms crossed and his back to Wendy. He’s angry with her for some reason, and it turned me on. The words, the image, the anger? All of it, some kind of thrill-ball a kid has no words...

Why Does Hollywood Keep Returning to Peter Pan?

As I suffered through David Lowery’s Peter Pan & Wendy on Disney+, I kept wondering what it is about this character that has kept him alive for more than a century. Hell, how about just the past 30 or so years? Every cinematic adaptation of J.M. Barrie’s children’s tale in those years has been a critical and commercial disaster. Why do we keep going back to this well? Although this latest adaptation is mostly a retread that adds little to the pantheon of Pans, it does offer—inadvertent...

John Greyson Un©ut

the crime of three peters by Douglas Messerli John Greyson (screenwriter and director) Un©ut/ 1997 Canadian director John Greyson may be one of the most original and talented of late 20th century LGBTQ filmmakers. His Zero Patience (1993) and Lillies (1997) are both near the top of my lists of favorite LGBTQ works, and I’ve still to see several of his films which are often difficult to obtain in the US, an odd fact since, as this film argues against, rights and permissions (ou...

IAPETUS (Iapetos) - Greek Titan God of Mortality

. Theoi Project - Greek Mythology Greek Gods >> Titans >> Elder Titans >> Iapetus (Iapetos) IAPETOS Greek Name Ιαπετος Transliteration Iapetos Latin Spelling Iapetus, Japetus Translation Wound, Pierce (with spear) (iaptô) IAPETOS (Iapetus) was one of the elder Titanes (Titans), sons of Ouranos (Uranus, Heaven) and Gaia (Gaea, Earth). Led by Kronos (Cronus), Iapetos and his brothers ambushed their father as he descended to lie with Mother Earth. Krios (Cr...

Peter Orlovsky - Everything2.com

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Peter Orlovsky (person) by transform Mon Jul 10 2000 at 7:19:07 Allen Ginsberg's non-monogamous partner for more than 40 years. From all accounts, it seems that the two were very much in love, but they also had an agreement for a seuxally open relationship. Peter was even known to take a woman or two into his bed, completely messing up most assumptions and interpritations of his relationship with Ginsberg. However, the eventual ...