Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Penis"

Words of a feather

My query: In languages other than English, is there any euphemistic meaningful of the words for birds, and in particular the rooster?Copilot response: Certainly! The use of euphemistic and taboo terms varies across languages, and some non-English languages indeed have parallels to the English situation. Let's explore this further: 1. **German**: - In German, the word for **rooster** is **"Hahn"**. While it doesn't directly carry a secondary taboo meaning like "cock" in English, it's wor...

one-eyed trouser snake (thing) by Rancid_Pickle - Everything2.com

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 one-eyed trouser snake (thing) See all of one-eyed trouser snake, no other writeups in this node. (thing) by Rancid_Pickle Sun Nov 26 2017 at 23:40:33 "One-eyed trouser snake" is a euphemism for a penis. The one eye portion refers to the hole where the urine and semen come out. The trouser portion is because normally one has their penis behind a pair of trousers when out in public. The snake refers to the long shaft of the penis, a...

On Peter Pan

Scene from Mabou Mines Peter and Wendy with Karen Kandel. Photograph taken by Richard Termine.I remember reading Peter Pan as a kid, a version based on the 1953 Disney movie—based on J. M. Barrie’s story. It turned me on. I’m six or seven, and I’m flipping through the pages, and there’s a picture of Peter with his arms crossed and his back to Wendy. He’s angry with her for some reason, and it turned me on. The words, the image, the anger? All of it, some kind of thrill-ball a kid has no words...

Mohel The man who circumcised Jesus

Skip to content Missions Paul A blog by Regional Leader for the North East and Midlands Elim Churches UK Posted on December 30, 2018 by missionspaulMohel: The man who circumcised Jesus Mohel: The man who circumcised Jesus Luke 2: 21 On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise the child, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he was conceived. The traditional Chur...

Today I Learned Something About My Boyfriend That No Girl Should Ever Have to Discover | by andrew costa | Human Parts

Today I Learned Something About My Boyfriend That No Girl Should Ever Have to DiscoverMark was the stuff of dreams Mark was the stuff of dreams. Kind, caring, attentive, enough to make all of my friends jealous. But today something happened, something horrible. Something I wouldn’t wish on even my worst enemy. I found out something about Mark that will forever change my opinion about him, and my ability to trust men has been forever shattered.Shortly after dinner, my best friend Jessica calle...

Carmelina: Figures & Virgil Kills: Stories – Ronaldo V. Wilson

NOTE: See below for this great quote. -zas"The dick, itself, is not remarkable—that it is there is what actually matters."If "Lineage is different/ from rhetorical sequence," as Ronaldo Wilson claims in Carmelina: Figures, then one issue raised by this assertion is the relationship between these two phenomena, between genetic and narrative grammars and syntaxes, especially when narration takes up bloodlines in an attempt to "describe the impossible." Impossibility is, here, the rubric for a b...

Dick Powell’s Radio Detectives

I don’t know about you, but I get into classic star moods. Lately my obsession is Dick Powell’s voice on the radio. It’s much easier for me to work listening to old-time radio programs than it is to try to watch movies and so here I am to share a collection of Dick Powell radio detectives. I say this often when I pay tribute to a star whose voice is smooth as silk…it is made for radio. That is true of Dick Powell who brings a sharp delivery and a wonderful deep noir lilt I cannot get en...

Frank Answers About Swimming Naked – Frank Answers

Frank Answers About Swimming Naked – Frank Answers I recently attended a reunion of the class of 1961 of Bennett High School in Buffalo, NY. As part of the weekend events we were given a tour of our high school to see what had changed and what remained the same. When we went to the pool our tour guide said, "you men will probably remember the barbaric practice of having to swim nude." Shocked to hear him say this so matter-of-factly I blurted out, "it wasn’t barbaric, it was a good tradition...

Notes on Hats

On hats and their symbolism: From Dictionary of Symbols: Hat According to Jung, the hat, since it covers the head, generally takes on the significance of what goes on inside it: thought. He recalls the German saying ‘to put all ideas under one hat’, and mentions that in Meyrink’s novel The Golem, the protagonist thinks the thoughts and undergoes the experiences of another man whose hat he has put on by mistake (32). Jung also points out that, since the hat is the ‘crown’ and summit of an...

All the Kings Men, by Robert Penn Warren (Harcourt) - The Pulitzer Prizes

Close Cookie NoticeThis website uses cookies as well as similar tools and technologies to understand visitors' experiences. By continuing to use this website, you consent to Columbia University's usage of cookies and similar technologies, in accordance with the Columbia University Website Cookie Notice. 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds until t...

Overthinking it podcast Episode 574: Setup, Setup, Setup, Punchline

Support Overthinking It by becoming a member for $5/month! Jordan Stokes joins Mark Lee and Matthew Wrather to consider, "What even is a thing?" as they overthink John Carpenter’s seminal 1982 horror film, The Thing. Download (MP3) Subscribe: iTunes Other Apps The Thing Wikipedia and IMDbAmazon, iTunes Jibblies from the Homestar Runner WikiHoxter, J. (1996) "The Evil Dead, Die and Chase: From Slapstick to Splatshtick" (good luck finding it though)   Ep...

He Grasps Me in an Intimate Manner

The terrible, wonderful device that bears his name was invented by the American urologist Frederic Foley (1891-1966) in 1929. I left rehab on Friday with my faithful friend Foley at my side. More specifically he hangs from my walker. He is demanding but reliable, like a good teacher. On Saturday, my friend Dave Lull asked: "Has Foley ever inspired a decent (or indecent) poem?" Naturally Dave answered his own question with a poem titled "My Friend Foley" by the late James B. Sinclair (1927-201...

The Phallus in Lysistrata

The PhallusSymbolism, Imagery, Allegory The phallus is another symbol that's still kicking around today (or, um, not kicking, because that would hurt). The Burj Khalifa. The Shanghai Tower. One World Trade Center. You know: symbols of mankind's strength and prowess, symbolized by erecting something that's very tall, very hard, and very impressive.These, of course, are phallic symbols in the abstract. Tall buildings, shooting rockets, and heavy artillery are often said to symbolize erect pe...