Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Paradox"

The Theory of Two Truths in Tibet - RSS

[Revised entry by Sonam Thakchoe on May 28, 2022. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography] Tibetan philosophers argue that the two truths theory is not only core ontological doctrine as it is understood within the Indian Buddhist thought, it also makes the central theory behind epistemology and soteriology. The Indian Buddhist schools are named after the theories of the two truths they each upheld as in the entry on the theory of the two truths in India. The same cannot be said about the schools ...

The Paradox of Suspense - RSS

[Revised entry by Aaron Smuts on October 26, 2021. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography] The ultimate success of Hollywood blockbusters is dependent upon repeat viewings. Fans return to theaters to see films multiple times and buy DVDs so they can watch movies yet again. Although it is something of a received dogma in philosophy and psychology that suspense requires uncertainty, many of the biggest box office successes are action movies that fans claim to find suspenseful on repeated viewings....

Carson McCullers

Early Life A renowned American Novelist, playwright, and essayist, Carson McCullers, was born on the 19th of February in 1917 in Georgia, the United States. She was a precocious daughter of Lamar Smith, a jeweler by profession, while her mother, Marguerite Waters, was a homemaker. Carson shared the aesthetic and unique creative abilities of her parents from a very young age; she took piano lessons when she was five. Later, after recognizing her unique writing abilities, her father gifted C...

“Tenet” Isn’t Paradoxical—It’s Christopher Nolan on Climate Change

In Christopher Nolan’s 2014 movie Interstellar, Anne Hathaway, starring as Brand, a member of a team of scientist-astronauts sent through a wormhole in search of an Earth-like planet in the face of desperate conditions on Earth, states: "Time is relative, okay? It can stretch, and it can squeeze, but… it can’t run backwards. Just can’t." The movie was celebrated by many critics (myself very much included) and scientists for its realistic engagement with physics, especially general relat...

felix culpa defined

fe·lix cul·pa /ˈfāliks ˈko͝olpə,ˈfēliks/noun noun: felix culpa the sin of Adam viewed as fortunate, because it brought about the blessedness of the Redemption. an apparent error or disaster with happy consequences. "he presents the revolt as a felix culpa"Origin Latin, literally ‘happy fault’.

Knights on Marx, Pitt, Paltrow and the dialectic

Knights on Marx, Pitt, Paltrow and the dialectic IMOGEN WEST-KNIGHTS OCTOBER 1, 2019 Anna Kornbluh MARXIST FILM THEORY AND ‘FIGHT CLUB’ 200pp. Bloomsbury. Paperback, £14.99. Richard Ayoade AYOADE ON TOP 229pp. Faber. £12.99. Lift up the carpet at any sixth form college and students will scuttle out from under it, ready to tell you how deep Fight Club is. Since its release in 1999, David Fincher’s film about two disillusioned men who meet and start an underground fight club has become a cult ...