Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Nudity"

Naked: Conditioning Uncovered

"Where there is perception, there is deception." – Thich Nhat Hanh It’s strange to feel naked while clothed, but it’s a feeling I have all the time these days. The last time it happened was on the beach. I had just moved to Toronto and on the first warm day in May, I met up with my sister, Holly, and her daughters Ella, seven, and Keira, five. We had only seen each other twice in the past year, masked and distanced, one of those times in the snow. This was an exciting day for everyone....

Female Nudity In Art: 6 Paintings And Their Symbolic Meanings

Nudity and art have been connected since the beginning of humanity. Female nudity in art, divine or mortal, became a fascinating and shocking symbol. For centuries, artists have been accused, absolved, marginalized because of the subjects but at the same time gained admiration, glory, and acceptance. Take a look at these six seminal paintings of female nudes and find out more about why they became so important for the history of art.   Female Nudity In Art Over Time The ...

Frank Answers About Swimming Naked – Frank Answers

Frank Answers About Swimming Naked – Frank Answers I recently attended a reunion of the class of 1961 of Bennett High School in Buffalo, NY. As part of the weekend events we were given a tour of our high school to see what had changed and what remained the same. When we went to the pool our tour guide said, "you men will probably remember the barbaric practice of having to swim nude." Shocked to hear him say this so matter-of-factly I blurted out, "it wasn’t barbaric, it was a good tradition...