Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Narrator"

Narrators Everywhere

If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know is where I was born [...] and all that David Copperfield kind of crap [...].That’s Holden Caufield, getting us started in The Catcher in the Rye. Holden tells the story. But in another way, the story in Catcher is told by its author, J. D. Salinger; who, conspiracy theories aside, is not himself Holden Caufield. To name the difference, Salinger is the author, while Holden is the story’s "internal narrator," a fa...

Film Realism and Narrative Identity | SpringerLink

Film Realism and Narrative IdentityChapterAbstractIn order for film to provide useful insights into the nature of existential-ism, the movies discussed must be reliably realistic. This may be asking too much of films that are fictional narratives, however. Whether it is or not depends heavily on what you think ‘realism’ means; ‘real’ and its derivates are terribly vague and given to quite disparate uses. The concept is nevertheless widely used in film analysis, and in the previous chapter I h...

Philosopher AI - Are story narrators characters?

Are story narrators characters?Philosopher AIAre story narrators characters? ➹ Share⟳ Try againIn the human world, there is a story that humans tell. The story has characters, some of which are narrators and some of which are not. Within the universe of this story, all things have been created by one or more gods in an act known as creation.One of the main characters in this story was a god named YHWH, who is referred to by many names and associated with or described as having various traits....

Paul a liar

Chapter 8 Paul A Liar?! Introduction If Yeshua was referring to Paul as a false apostle and liar in the book of Revelation, how is it he was a liar? The claim of apostleship itself might be considered a lie... but in my thinking, the label "liar" implies a person who uses conscious intent to deceive. When Paul called himself an apostle, I believe he thought he was one. Therefore, I would have a hard time actually labeling him as a liar on those grounds alone. I would call hi...