Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Milk"


Labor Day in Spain is celebrated on May 1. It’s a national holiday, and it’s called día del trabajador. Everyone who can, takes a break. On that day my running partner and I went south to a village called Burganes de Valverde in the province of Zamora, where a footrace was being held.We left at 10 a.m. The two-hour drive took us nearly three hours, plus stops, because we chose a scenic route and then visited several towns on the way to:wander the markets,admire the architecture, andenjoy our ...

Moloch - Myth Encyclopedia - mythology, god, ancient, Roman, king, people, children, fire

Moloch Moloch, or Molech, was a god to whom some cultures of the ancient Near East sacrificed children. Some scholars have identified Moloch with Melqart, a god worshiped in the city of Tyre on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Roman sources state that a sculpture of Moloch stood in Carthage, a city in northern Africa. The people who performed the sacrifices there placed children on the outstretched hands of the statue, and t...

‘Our Moloch’

‘Our Moloch’SourceURL: https://www.nybooks.com/daily/2012/12/15/our-moloch/ I’ve linked to this 2012 essay by Garry Wills before, and, alas, I probably will again: That horror cannot be blamed just on one unhinged person. It was the sacrifice we as a culture made, and continually make, to our demonic god. We guarantee that crazed man after crazed man will have a flood of killing power readily supplied him. We have to make that offering, out of devotion to our Moloch, our g...

Story idea from Dream Log - 17 Aug 2000

Just an idea: make this into a real fiction story? Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Dream Log: August 17, 2000 (thing) See all of Dream Log: August 17, 2000, there are 3 more in this node. (thing) by abiessu Thu Aug 17 2000 at 13:42:15 This dream was about coffee (thanks, knifegirl! no, I'm not mad about it, it was an interesting dream . . . [this reference is from a chatterbox conversation earlier in which knifegirl mentioned coffee in some way tha...


Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Molech (thing) See all of Molech, there is 1 more in this node. (thing) by Demerick Fri Sep 22 2006 at 3:44:50 Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.Leviticus 20:2 The Name The name Molech (sometimes spelled Moloch, Milcom...

Melvyn Minnaar: Bacchus, Barthes and the Bible - winemag - Wine Magazine

It was a Bacchus-inspired moment. Revival of spirit was in the air, spring-like in our garden of delights, and the wine had been poured around the cheerful table of friends. The heady subject: "What is wine today?"The question had oozed out of discussions about prices, prizes, preferences and philosophies about why we love wine. Why we constantly talk about it, whether in purple prose as judges, or simply communicating with one another the enjoyment experience. We are drinkers and thinkers – ...

'They Are Gone to Milk the Bull'

"I believe that the work of literature, in so far as it is valuable, approximates a real apprehension and communication of a particular kind of objective truth."  Certain readers, perceiving the confidence with which Yvor Winters utters these words, will be stricken with philosophical apoplexy. Don’t worry. They’ll live. The rest of us will think a little harder about Winters’ observation from the foreword to In Defense of Reason (1947), and read a little further: "The absolutist be...

Liquid Lunch: Milk Fed By Melissa Broder

Photo by Lord ByronA tale of paradoxes from start to finish, Milk Fed is a whirlwind of energy. Melissa Broder’s newest novel is a thirst-quenching mix of love, loneliness, sex, and insatiable appetites. Broder’s straightforward writing style encapsulates the complexities of modern life: the entanglement of mental illness with self-image, the jarring of same-sex love with orthodox religion. The theme of pleasure woven throughout offers readers an easy, and enticing, way in. A slim, attractive...

Illegal Milk

I had no idea what we were doing was illegal. I was six at the time. And not well-versed in the milk pasteurization laws of Prince Edward Island. And yet, there I was. With my grandfather and father. Three generations. Bandits all. Breaking the law. My grandfather, for background, was born on his family’s farm […]

Milk as Metaphor

Milk as Metaphor From a carvery lunch in Howards End to emotional Eurocrats. Thea Lenarduzzi and Lucy Dallas are joined by Norma Clarke to discuss the role in literary creation of food and its increasingly fraught means of production, and Russell Williams reports on the bookshops of Paris during lockdown and reviews the new novel by a totemic figure in French literature, Jean-Philippe Toussaint. The Literature of Food: An introduction from 1830 to present by Nicola Humble...

The cute kitten represents violence and carnage (idea) by Anark - Everything2.com

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2The cute kitten represents violence and carnage (idea)See all of The cute kitten represents violence and carnage, no other writeups in this node.(idea)by Anark Mon Mar 21 2005 at 4:57:44The smell of a good barbecue can draw visitors like vultures to a battlefield. There's something Jungian about wood smoke and roasting meat; they reveal a human kinship deeper than mere culture. Facing an unexpected crowd, most casual cooks will either generously...

udder (n.)

udder (n.) Old English udder "milk gland of a cow, goat, etc.," from Proto-Germanic *udr- (source also of Old Frisian uder, Middle Dutch uyder, Dutch uijer, Old High German utar, German Euter, and, with unexplained change of consonant, Old Norse jugr), from PIE *eue-dh-r "udder" (source also of Sanskrit udhar, Greek outhar, Latin uber "udder, breast").

urine - etymology - Interesting

urine (n.) c. 1300, from Old French orine, urine (12c.) and directly from Latin urina "urine," from PIE *ur- (source also of Greek ouron "urine"), variant of root *we-r- "water, liquid, milk" (source also of Sanskrit var "water," Avestan var "rain," Lithuanian jūrės "sea," Old English wær, Old Norse ver "sea," Old Norse ur "drizzling rain"), related to *eue-dh-r (see udder).

The milkman is making a comeback as coronavirus keeps people from shopping

News Weather Coronavirus News Election 2020 Entertainment Sports Lifestyle Health & Fitness Food & Drink Travel Autos Video Kids For Good Sign in Connect your Microsoft account A Microsoft account helps us personalize your Microsoft experiences and keeps your music, documents, app favorites, settings and more in sync with your Phone, PC or Xbox. Si...

significance of milk

Additional idea added 2 July 2021 -zasMilky plants, such as lettuces, dandelions, sow-thistles, are its favourite dish. In a neighbouring village one was kept till by tradition it was supposed to be an hundred years old. An instance of vast longevity in such a poor reptile! dateNov 12, 2019ZAS Note from 12 Nov 2019 Storytelling and Science -Milk - Significance of Milk may be generally about the general intelligence and adaptability of mammals, all of whom make milk. Also, MLK - Martin Lu...