Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Logic"

Complicated conversations - Tactics for dealing with conspiracy theorists

The season is upon us, which means you’ll likely be gathering with family members and friends to share a holiday meal, but that can also mean sharing some dubious claim someone has seen on the internet.  So we’d like to offer you a couple of tactics to use over the holidays to counter those claims you might face from your wacky relatives or friends — and to keep the peace. Moon landing Let’s start with a conspiracy theory that is very common. Ever since NASA sent men to the ...

Knights on Marx, Pitt, Paltrow and the dialectic

Knights on Marx, Pitt, Paltrow and the dialectic IMOGEN WEST-KNIGHTS OCTOBER 1, 2019 Anna Kornbluh MARXIST FILM THEORY AND ‘FIGHT CLUB’ 200pp. Bloomsbury. Paperback, £14.99. Richard Ayoade AYOADE ON TOP 229pp. Faber. £12.99. Lift up the carpet at any sixth form college and students will scuttle out from under it, ready to tell you how deep Fight Club is. Since its release in 1999, David Fincher’s film about two disillusioned men who meet and start an underground fight club has become a cult ...