Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Literature"

Banned Books 2019 - Two Boys Kissing - Marshall Libraries

Marshall Libraries Home Research Tools Research Tools Summon MU Library Catalog Other Library Catalogs All Databases Popular Databases Marshall Digital Scholar Browse Journals Search Journals Electronic Resources Research Assistance Research Assistance Research Guides Research Specialists Writing/Research Center How To Cite...

Theophrastus — De historia plantarum 1644 - The Library of William Morris

Menu Skip to primary content HomeAbbreviations About Acknowledgments Technical issues Search The Library of William Morris A Catalogue ¶ Theophrastus — De historia plantarum (1644) Theophrastus. Theophrasti Eresii De historia plantarum libri decem, graecè et latinè. Amsterdam: H. Laurentius, 1644. Illustrated. Provenance: Mo...

Page duBois

UC San Diego Literature SearchMenu People Graduate Programs Undergraduate Program ...

Paul a liar

Chapter 8 Paul A Liar?! Introduction If Yeshua was referring to Paul as a false apostle and liar in the book of Revelation, how is it he was a liar? The claim of apostleship itself might be considered a lie... but in my thinking, the label "liar" implies a person who uses conscious intent to deceive. When Paul called himself an apostle, I believe he thought he was one. Therefore, I would have a hard time actually labeling him as a liar on those grounds alone. I would call hi...

Intertextuality - Examples and Definition of Intertextuality

Search for:Literary DevicesDefinition and Examples of Literary TermsMain menuSkip to contentFull List of Literary DevicesGrammatical TermsPoem AnalysisBook Literary AnalysisPhrase AnalysisEssay WritingWhat are Literary DevicesCitationIntertextualityDefinition of IntertextualityIntertextuality is a sophisticated literary device making use of a textual reference within some body of text, which reflects again the text used as a reference. Instead of employing referential phrases from different l...

Mary, Duchess of Gloucester, the Baskett "Vinegar Bible," and the Forgotten Art of Extra-Illustration

This is a guest post by Sean Nortz, a PhD student in the Department of English at the Graduate Center, CUNY. The title page and frontispiece of the 1717 Baskett "Vinegar" Bible, PML 23768. I was very pleased to be granted a CUNY Graduate Center fellowship this summer to work on the Morgan Library & Museum’s collection of extra-illustrated books from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. As a junior literar...

significance of milk

Additional idea added 2 July 2021 -zasMilky plants, such as lettuces, dandelions, sow-thistles, are its favourite dish. In a neighbouring village one was kept till by tradition it was supposed to be an hundred years old. An instance of vast longevity in such a poor reptile! dateNov 12, 2019ZAS Note from 12 Nov 2019 Storytelling and Science -Milk - Significance of Milk may be generally about the general intelligence and adaptability of mammals, all of whom make milk. Also, MLK - Martin Lu...

Bird as bard

Could birds in English literature be a reference to poets and playwrights? More ancient languages would suggest a different but not opposite meaning. Birds are often symbolic of the female psyche, and the virtual function of females in the storyworld as potential powerful diplomats. Birds can carry and deliver informed messages (sometimes literally on paper) without causing a direct threat. (Hitchcock's The Birds being one exception) or angelic spy -- a neither necessarily friendly nor nece...

Surrealist automatism - Wikipedia

Home Random Nearby Log in Settings About Wikipedia Disclaimers Open main menu Search Surrealist automatism Read in another language ...

nine creepy books

https://email.nybooks.com/t/y-l-ujellk-tktidjuhhh-r/BEST READ AFTER DARK: NINE SPOOKY NYRB CLASSICS FOR 50% OFF Free US shipping on all orders over $50 "What would your feelings be, seriously, if your cat or your dog began to talk to you, and to dispute with you in human accents? You would be overwhelmed with horror. I am sure of it. And if the roses in your garden sang a weird song, you would go mad. And suppose the stones in the road began to swell and grow before your eyes, and if the...

Pulp Fiction metaphor for Holland

Is Mia's visiting Amsterdam a metaphorical expression of going to Los Angeles? The real world one I mean. Mia allows herself to go into her self-exploration mode in the opposite way that we do in the real world. Our entertainment retreat - the film world - becomes Mia's and Vincent's work world -- their real world is in the story. But for us it's the reverse: we go to work and live our dramatic lives, while Mia visits her dream world (our real world) as Uma Thurman. is Holland: HAL landHO...

Era of Print in development of human technology

The Printing Era took place between 1450 and 1699. This Era was preceded by the Scribal Era and followed by the Newspaper Era. The most memorable people born in this era include Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and Christopher Columbus. The most important cities in this era, ranked by number of deaths, were undefined (142), undefined (106), and undefined (84).SCRIBAL ERAPRINTING ERANEWSPAPER ERARADIO & FILM ERATELEVISION ERAPERSONAL COMPUTER ERA MOST REMEMBERED Between 1450 an...

Radiance (Literature) - TV Tropes

Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos Join Login Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos Ask The Tropers Trope Finder You Know That Show... Trope Launch Pad Tools Cut List New Edits Edit Reasons Launches Images List Crowner Activity Un-typed Pages Recent Page Type Changes Tropes HQ About Us Contact Us Advertise Go Ad-Free Show Spoilers Night Vision Sticky Header Highlight Links Follow TV Tropes Edi...

Spaced Repetition for Efficient Learning - Gwern.net

Home Site Me New: mail /r/gwern support onPATREON Spaced Repetition for Efficient Learning Efficient memorization using the spacing effect: literature review of widespread applicability, tips on use & what it’s good for. topics: psychology, Haskell, bibliography created: 11 Mar 2009; modified: 17 May 2019; status: finished; confidence: highly likely; importance: 9 Spacing effect If you’re so good, why aren’t you rich Literature review Background: testing works! Subjects...