Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Literature"

Dome of Heaven

This is what fools people: a man is always a teller of tales, he sees everything that happens to him through them; and he tries to live his own life as if he were telling a story. But you have to choose: live or tell. — Jean-Paul Sartre, NauseaI. LegacyThe majority of the legendary postmodernists in American fiction lived long enough to be disappointed by their legends. Don DeLillo (87), Thomas Pynchon (87), Joseph McElroy (93) and Robert Coover (92) can still, as yet, contrast life with lore...

Possum Symbolism

Exploring the realm of possum symbolism unveils a complex tapestry of meanings and insights that have captivated human interest for generations. Often misunderstood, the possum holds profound spiritual significance and symbolic value across various cultures. This nocturnal marsupial, emblematic of survival and adaptability, serves as a powerful symbol in the spiritual and symbolic world. Its unique behaviors and attributes offer rich symbolism, from the act of playing dead as a means of self-...

Poetic criticism is not a genre

Poetic criticism is not a program or a genre. It is an insinuation, a tendency. You'll know it when it leaves you dumbstruckI hear, and i find myself tongue-tied." Michel Chaouli’s Something Speaks to Me, in which the Iranian-born scholar of German literature and philosophy argues for what he calls "poetic criticism," starts with a classroom "mishap." While teaching Franz Kafka’s The Trial (1925), Chaouli read out loud a passage he had chosen "because it seemed especially rich." And then, he ...

Fiction Terrifies People

Book jacket for my forthcoming book            Note: If you wish to receive, via e-mail, (1) my weekly newsletter or (2) daily copies of these posts, write to me at rrbates1951@gmail.com. Comments may also be sent to this address. I promise not to share your e-mail with anyone. To unsubscribe, write here as well.WednesdayI recently completed proofreading the galleys (if that’s what they’re still called) of my forthcoming book, which of course is tremendously exciting. Then I had the slightly ...

Book club: Fifteen Wild Decembers by Karen Powell

WUTHERING HEIGHTS, by Emily Brontë, is said to have been the 20th century’s favourite Victorian novel. Yet, in 1847, its sophisticated "Chinese box" narrative structure, its radical investigation of the primitive and the pagan, and its use of Yorkshire dialect baffled the reviewers, most of whom were metrocentric men.Writing in our post-feminist culture, Karen Powell has her own version of Emily narrated in the first person, as in Charlotte’s Jane Eyre and Anne’s Agnes Grey. This gives a shar...

Socratic Irony - examples from film

Socratic irony is a rhetorical technique in which one feigns ignorance (plays stupid) to expose another person’s ignorance or inconsistency.Socrates allegedly used Socratic irony to draw out the knowledge and assumptions of others, leading them to realize their lack of understanding or the flaws in their reasoning.Key Characteristics of Socratic IronyFeigning Ignorance: Socrates often acted as if he did not know the answer to a question, encouraging others to explain it to him.Eliciting Respo...

Text and authority

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Current language: English Wechseln zur deutschen Sprachversion Jump directly to: To the beginning of the text (Jump over the navigation) , Main navigation , Themes navigation , To the search , More settings Navigation by theme Study Research Continuing education Career Press International Search Search the website Search ...

Living Through Words - Ethan Hawke on His Career - Poetry - Wildcat

By-the-books biopics are a dime a dozen and often result in a shallow portrait of their subject. But every once in a while you'll get a filmmaker whose film's unconventional form perfectly aligns with the singular talent at its heart. Such is the case with co-writer and director Ethan Hawke's "Wildcat," starring his daughter Maya Hawke as writer Flannery O'Connor, whose sardonic Southern Gothic humor elevated the ordinary lives of the characters in her stories to otherworldly and grotesque he...

Prescribing Creativity - The Meta-Diaries of Marion Milner

Marion Milner, The Angry Parrot. All images from Marion Milner’s On Not Being Able to Paint (Routledge, 2010), reproduced by permission of Taylor and Francis Group."Before the problem of the creative artist," Freud famously declared in an essay on Russian literature, "analysis must, alas, lay down its arms." Our creative potential—as it is expressed in the most ordinary dream or jokes, or in the extraordinary compositions of great artists—has always been a vital theme in psychoanalysis, but i...

Apocalypse When

Fully: "Apocalypse When: Our Fascination with 'The End' since the Ancient World - Brewminate: A Bold Blend of News and Ideas" Skip to content May 6, 2024 ...

Computational Perspective on the Millennium Trilogy

23 April 2024: We are investigating problems with ecommerce on Cambridge Core. We apologise for any inconvenience and hope to have full functionality restored shortly. Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. Home Cart ( 0 ) ...

With and Against

By James Rushing Daniel.   Dominique Routhier, With and Against: The Situationist International and the Age of Automation (Verso, 2023) In the contemporary art world dominated by glitzy international fairs and heavily licensed celebrity artists, it’s sometimes hard to fathom that art once held more serious political ambitions. Throughout the history of the avant-garde, from Dada to Fluxus, artists, in vastly different national contexts and through a variety of media, sought to cr...

Jonah and genre

Jonah and genre - OUPReading a piece of writing—from instruction manual, to sports page, to Op-Ed piece—according to its genre is something we do so naturally that it seems odd to even talk about it. Indeed, the very phrase "reading according to genre" sounds odd itself, entirely too formal, perhaps suitable for some English or Comparative Literature class, but hardly something that normal people do when reading normal things on an everyday basis. While that is true, to some degree at least, ...

Foreshadowing Shapes Cinema and Storytelling

Across the vast field of storytelling history, foreshadowing is a plot device and a tool that successfully shapes the audience’s engagement. Delicate, but strategically placed hints, can add plot twists to any story. From ancient tales to modern blockbusters, foreshadowing has been present in narratives for centuries. Read on to learn more about how it helps shape different films and stories. The Art of Foreshadowing in Cinematic Storytelling        Storytelling image. Source: Faculty Focus ...

CFP for conference - Towards a Theory of Heteronomous Texts

The creation of texts can take various forms. One seemingly obvious method is to copy an already existing text. The material evidence of this practice in Antiquity and the Middle Ages constitutes the foundation of our knowledge of ancient textual cultures. A partial copy can also be the basis for further work on the material: shortening or adding, expanding, rearranging, or re-collecting are only a few possible ways of dealing with pre-texts. Some texts enclose their pre-texts, as we can see ...

Memoir - autotheory - the personal essay — first-personalism as dark literary style

SINCE THE 1920s, the majority of US college applications have required, along with test scores and transcripts, a written personal statement demonstrating "character." That such a subjective quality should be decisive in admissions is an odd, distinctly (though perhaps not uniquely) American practice that, at its genesis, was motivated by antisemitism and racism. As Jerome Karabel writes in The Chosen: The Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton (2005), requi...

I AM Statements - Jesus in the Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon contains a unique literary witness of the Savior. While the Gospel of John is known for "I AM" statements of Jesus (like "I am the Bread of Life" or "I am the Door"), the Book of Mormon also has similar divine declarations. In some cases, they line up neatly with the Old Testament and New Testament. In others, they represent unique titles for Jesus Christ found only in Restoration scripture. In this interview, Joshua Matson expounds on the first-ever published study of I AM...

ChatGPT Content Policy Limitations for Story Writing (and sexting)

The whole principle [of censorship] is wrong; it’s like demanding that grown men live on skim milk because the baby can’t eat steak.Robert A. Heinlein Playing around with ChatGPT 3.5 ( https://chat.openai.com ), I wondered whether it could be used for online/chat sex(ting). I mean, it can take the persona of different people, including Oracles, Coaches, and the like. So why not a spicy character? And if it talks as one person and the user takes the other part, is it re...


Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Cinderella (thing) See all of Cinderella, there are 9 more in this node. (thing) by SophiesCat Fri Feb 02 2001 at 17:51:53 There are many versions of Cinderella, this version is a fairly cheery and happy one, some of the other versions have the stepsisters cutting parts of their feet off in order to try and fit into the glass slipper. Once there was a gentleman who married, for his second wife, the proudest and most haughty woma...

The Evolution of Literary Fiction - Exploring its Adaptations

Literature, or rather‌ the​ written word, has ⁣been around for centuries, as evidenced by centuries-old written scrolls from ⁢ancient civilisations. ‌What has ⁢held true ​throughout the years, ⁢however, is the adaptability⁢ of⁣ literature, particularly ⁤literary fiction. This article will explore‌ the‌ evolution of literary ⁢fiction ⁣and its various adaptations⁣ throughout the ⁤years.I. Introduction⁣ to Literary FictionThe‌ evolution of literary ⁤fiction ⁢has seen many ​adaptations over the y...

literary language

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 literary language (idea) See all of literary language, there is 1 more in this node. (idea) by darl Thu Aug 10 2006 at 17:29:19 What is literary language? Introduction Many critics and poets have tried to nail this down. It's a slippery eel, it really is. It's been defined as "the familiar made strange" (Attridge), which is a nice way to put it. I got out a dictionary, the OED 2nd Ed. and looked up 'literary' to be pointed t...

Star Wars Fanfiction - a Faraway World

The Star Wars galaxy may be far, far away, but the fanfiction it inspires exists within easy reach of those passionate enough to seek it out. When George Lucas and his collaborators created this expansive universe back in 1977, they just wanted to make a great space opera. They had no idea it would birth an entire franchise of TV shows, movies, comic runs, parodies…and Star Wars fanfiction.More importantly, nothing could prepare Lucas for the sheer level of enthusiasm that fans would build ar...

Alice in Wonderland Chapter Three Creaticely Revised

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Alice in Wonderland (idea) See all of Alice in Wonderland, there are 2 more in this node. See also: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (idea) by Azound Wed Jun 28 2000 at 8:38:47 Remake of Chapter VIII The Sea in the Puddle A LARGE ROSE-TREE stood near the entrance of the garden: the roses on it were white. Alice took a step towards the tree, and noticed a puddle to the side of it. She stepped into the puddle, and felt the gro...

Le Morte d'Arthur 19

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Le Morte d'Arthur:1,19 (thing) See all of Le Morte d'Arthur:1,19, no other writeups in this node. (thing) by Evil Catullus Sun Oct 15 2000 at 21:24:36 Le Morte d'Arthur | TABLE OF CONTENTS | NEXT | PREVIOUS CHAPTER XIX How King Arthur rode to Carlion, and of his dream, and how he saw the questing beast. THEN after the departing of King Ban and of King Bors, King Arthur rode into Carlion. And thither came to him, King Lot's wife, ...