Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "K"

TED K - A War Brewing Inside a Man

There are plenty of arguments about what Ted Kaczynski’s philosophy, put forth through a manifesto forcibly published in The Washington Post, is really saying. It’s been in vogue to reconsider some of his points as reasonable and in common with the disillusioned younger generations of America. Tony Stone’s movie Ted K doesn’t really dig into the ideas within Kaczynski’s manifesto as talking points but rather, simply recapitulates them out as voiceovers juxtaposed with various imagery that may...

KFI Broadcast History

This is the KFI History section of The Broadcast Archive Maintained by: Barry Mishkind - The Eclectic Engineer last update: 1/24/10 A Pictorial Tour of KFI Click here for a more detailed station history of KFI Here are some images and recollections from the folks who worked at KFI, the 50 kW flamethrower in LA. Earl C. Anthony's first transmitter - true "breadboard" construction. 1922 ...

Index - List of Keys

The Keys The name first appeared in a document of 1422 and has provoked much debate as to its origin. Although much publicity has been made that the Keys are the oldest parliament in the British Isles, it is not at all clear that they existed as a permanent body during the first two centuries of the Stanley era. During that time they appeared to have only a judicial function, apparently selected by the Deemsters, with the approval of the council, from the 'worthiest Men' in the Island. The n...