Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Intertextuality"

“Tenet” Isn’t Paradoxical—It’s Christopher Nolan on Climate Change

In Christopher Nolan’s 2014 movie Interstellar, Anne Hathaway, starring as Brand, a member of a team of scientist-astronauts sent through a wormhole in search of an Earth-like planet in the face of desperate conditions on Earth, states: "Time is relative, okay? It can stretch, and it can squeeze, but… it can’t run backwards. Just can’t." The movie was celebrated by many critics (myself very much included) and scientists for its realistic engagement with physics, especially general relat...

The Metamorphosis

Introduction of The MetamorphosisMetamorphosis was originally published in the German language as Die Verwandlung and later translated into English. It is a popular novelette written by Franz Kafka. It was first published in 1915 and immediately created an uproar in the literary circles. Later, it was translated into several other languages, after which it became a foundation for writing about/on the grotesque and psychological issues. The story, though, revolves around a poor salesman and hi...

Aimé Césaire (person) by Gethsemane - Everything2.com

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Aimé Césaire (person) See all of Aimé Césaire, no other writeups in this node. (person) by Gethsemane Thu Aug 31 2000 at 9:05:01 "Poetic knowledge is born in the great silence of scientific knowledge." Aimé Césaire (b. 1913 in Martinique) is amongst the foremost poets of the Caribbean. He studied at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, where he was a progenitor, with Léon Gontran-Damas and Léopold Senghor, of the notion of Négri...

nestor - Everything2.com

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 nestor ("nestor" is also a: user.) (idea) by Hooverdirt Tue Feb 27 2001 at 16:16:59 Nestor - 'Ulysses' - James Joyce Time: 9-10 am Scene: 'The School' Persons: Stephen - Telemachus Deasy - Antinous Sargent - Pisistratus Mrs. O'Shea - Helen Symbol:: -- No symbol yet. Telemachus has no body yet! Art/Science: HISTORY As in Nestor's love for horses, Deasy has the same affection for them too. Also, while Nestor 'boasts' about th...

The Modern Art Of Intertextuality In Recent Films

The Modern Art Of Intertextuality In Recent FilmsWill AshtonMay 25, 2016 5:36 pmNews2There’s a new emotional currency in Hollywood, and it’s called "intertextuality." As explained by Nerdwriter1, it’s something shaped by another text, and that can be the silent first reveal of the Millennium Falcon seen in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" or the presentation of the red rose, alongside the words "Be Our Guest," in the first trailer for the live-action "Beauty and the Beast," just to name two rec...

Word Morph - Everything2.com

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Word Morph (thing) by ½there Tue Jun 05 2001 at 23:05:25 Word Morph: A story, in one language, wherein the written form and the spoken form have entirely different, well formed meanings. The ultimate objective is most likely impossible to attain for monolinguistic humans. Here is an example... when read aloud the reader may not understand, but the listeners should hear parts: "The four tune tell hair stirred hard at hair h...

Parallel Twin Ziggurats: The Tower of Babel and Pyramid of Cholula

From the oasis sands of the biblical cradle of Mesopotamia all the way to the volcanic Valley of Mexico, parallel pyramids and mirroring myths have endured across the ages. Isolated from each other by vast oceans and deserts of time, disperse cultures have incorporated analogous stories into their mythology, building structures, such as the Tower of Babel or the Pyramid of Cholula, that are strikingly similar even though they are located in different corners of the globe. Stories of ziggurat...

Tawny as 2001:A

toowanay Tatoowen tawny as yellow tawny as brown tawny as port - door, portal, monolith? taw·ny /ˈtônē/Learn to pronounce adjectiveof an orange-brown or yellowish-brown color. "tawny eyes" nounan orange-brown or yellowish-brown color. "pine needles turning from tawny to amber"Definitions from Oxford Languages Feedback

This Kind Of Writing

Robert: I’ll tell you what it is. It’s just that I can’t bear being back in London. I was happy…that’s a rare thing. Not in Venice, I don’t mean that. I mean on Torcello. When I walked about Torcello in the early morning I was happy. I wanted to stay there forever.Jerry: (pause) We all…Robert: Yeah, we all…feel that sometimes. (beat) Oh, you do yourself, do you? I mean, there’s nothing really wrong, you see. I’ve got the family. Emma and I are very good together. I think the world of her. And...

No sign in it

In the movie Jeremiah something or other there's the quote to the effect that the Indian (Native American) wife's nipples were hard and cold, and there was no "sign in them" I don't know if it's a pun on 'sighing' or 'sign of life' or what, but it struck me and this might be related to the referred intertext: Read Books Online, for FreeSummerEdith WhartonChapter XVIPage 5 of 8 More Books More by this Author"Mary's over there," someone said; and Mr. Miles, taking the bottle in h...

In Rainbows | Bright Wall/Dark Room

Home Issues Films Contributors Submissions About Subscriptions Merch Issue 36: IdentityIn RainbowsLindsey Romain illustration by Brianna Ashby and Harper Ashby R – I am four and my mother is braiding my hair so I can look like Dorothy. I think all children have this need for affectation; there was my Ariel phase and my Belle phase but there is most important...

Counter-histories of the Internet

What could the internet have been? We’ve grown so used to our digital networks that they can seem like a force of nature, with laws as immutable as the laws of physics. Yet not long ago, these networks were the object of experiments, conflicts, and at times arbitrary choices. And the fates of many industries hung in the balance. For instance, should users pay for online access in units of time, or of bandwidth, or according to the number of websites they enter? This was once a live question; ...

SimpC - Rebecca Bees

"Rebecca" Bees http://hollywood-elsewhere.com/2020/09/rebecca-bees/ Created September 9, 2020 at 08:54PM Eight and a half years ago Variety‘s Jeff Sneider reported that DreamWorks and Working Title Films had agreed to pool forces on a remake of Alfred Hitchcock‘s Rebecca (’40). The plan was for Nikolaj Arcel to direct and Eastern Promises scribe Steven Knight to write the script, but that fell by the wayside along with Universal’s participation. The project eventually wound up at Netflix ...


THE TWISTED FEMMES FATALES OF CHRISTOPHER NOLAN June 1, 2014 by aestheticsforbirds 5 Comments What follows is a guest post by Andrew Kania. Looking at the plots of Christopher Nolan’s films, you might worry about his attitude towards women. At the end of his first feature-length film, Following (1998), the only female character ("The [unnamed] Blonde") is murdered with a hammer by her gangster boyfriend. In Nolan’s first mainstream movie, the revenge thriller Me...