Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Iconography"

A Rose for Emily - Characters

‘A Rose for Emily’ by William Faulkner contains some memorable characters besides Emily herself. Even the narrator is a curious creation and deserving of further discussion, since Faulkner does some interesting things with narrative in his short story. Let’s take a closer look at the characters in ‘A Rose for Emily’, both great and small, central and peripheral, and explore their significance to the overall story, as well as the part they play in its plot. The Narrator The n...

Go deep inside a Masonic temple with The Armed for a fascinating concert film

It’s a truism that most musicians, when agreeing to be filmed in live performance, hope for nothing more than to capture the electric you-are-there frisson generated from a concert. Yet anyone who’s listened to a recording or seen footage of a show they attended knows that’s an impossible ask—and the best concert films generally try to use the cinematic medium to their advantage, creating something different from but as vital as the difficult-to-replicate sensation of watching a great artist ...