Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Hell"


Exiled Bellerophon was a citizen of Corinth who was exiled owing to a murder which he had committed. In those days it was possible to be purified of the guilt of such a crime, and Bellerophon was in due course absolved by King Proetus of neighboring Tiryns. The king's wife, generally identified as Stheneboea, made a pass at the young hero, and when he repulsed her advances she told her husband that it was Bellerophon who made a pass at her. The Letter King Proetus cloaked his ind...

Summary of some interesting entries from the online dictionary of Symbols from University of Michigan

Sulfur as hellSourceURL: http://websites.umich.edu/~umfandsf/symbolismproject/symbolism.html/S/sulfur.html Sulfur According to Christian legend, sulfur is associated with HELL and the Devil (Cooper, 1978), and is often referred to as brimstone. Up one level Back to document index ShadowSourceURL: http://websites.umich.edu/~umfandsf/symbolismproject/symbolism.html/S/shadow.html ShadowWith light, the shadow is the Chinese yin and yang; shadows are often identified with a person...

The Curious Symbolism of Autumn in Literature and Myth

Autumn is at once symbolic of plenty, ripening, harvest, and abundance; and, at the same time, a symbol of decay, decline, old age, and even death, with associations of things being past their prime. To understand this we need to look at how writers have depicted autumn in poetry and other literature. In classical Greek mythology, the goddess of autumn was Carpo, who was part of the Horae or Hours, three goddesses who were the offspring of Zeus and Aphrodite and represented the three se...