Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Greek"

A Summary and Analysis of the Diana and Actaeon Myth

The story of Diana and Actaeon and his band of hounds is a well-known tale from classical myth, especially thanks to Ovid, who included the story in his great anthology of myths involving transformations of various kinds, the Metamorphoses.But who was Diana, and who was Actaeon? Before we analyse this famous myth, it might be worth summarising its key details …Summary of the myth of Diana and ActaeonActaeon was a youth who was raised by a centaur, Chiron, who taught him how to hunt. Centaurs ...

IAPETUS (Iapetos) - Greek Titan God of Mortality

. Theoi Project - Greek Mythology Greek Gods >> Titans >> Elder Titans >> Iapetus (Iapetos) IAPETOS Greek Name Ιαπετος Transliteration Iapetos Latin Spelling Iapetus, Japetus Translation Wound, Pierce (with spear) (iaptô) IAPETOS (Iapetus) was one of the elder Titanes (Titans), sons of Ouranos (Uranus, Heaven) and Gaia (Gaea, Earth). Led by Kronos (Cronus), Iapetos and his brothers ambushed their father as he descended to lie with Mother Earth. Krios (Cr...

Shaping the Pain: Ancient Greek Lament and Its Therapeutic Aspect

Andromache’s lament / Creative Commons Although tragedy belongs to literary tradition, it is a trustworthy source for ancient Greek ritual practice. By Dr. Đurđina ŠijakovićResearch AssociateInstitute of Ethnography, SASA, Belgrade Introduction In this paper, which is the first part of a wider research, I focus on different aspects of ancient Greek lament. One of its most important aspects is the therapeutic aspect: by verbalizing, r...

Meet the masked healers in…

Ancient Greece?! View this email in your browser Masks and healing in ancient GreeceDear Classical Wisdom Reader,It wasn’t at the hospital or even amid a global pandemic but at the theater that healing took place in ancient Greece, according to translator George Theodoridis. There, masks were used on stage instead of on the streets.Mr. Theodoridis has translated all of the extant plays of the fifth-century BCE Athenian dramaturges as well as many of the Lyric poets. He argues in today's artic...


Hyperborea was, in Greek mythology, the land located to the far north of the known world and was so remote it was considered even beyond the North Wind. There a legendary race known as the Hyperboreans lived and worshipped the sun god Apollo. Hyperborea was thought of as an earthly paradise of eternal youth and abundance, but so inaccessible was this far-off land to ordinary mortals, the Greeks believed that only semi-divine heroes like Hercules were capable of ever visiting there. Hyperborea...

Was Greek Philosopher Diogenes the Cynic the First Anarchist?

 Search   GreekReporter.com  Ancient Greece  Was Greek Philosopher Diogenes the Cynic the First Anarchist? Was Greek Philosopher Diogenes the Cynic the First Anarchist? By Philip Chrysopoulos February 27, 2021  Facebook  Twitter  "Diogenes Sitting in His Tub," by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1860). Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Public domain The ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes the Cynic (also known as Diogenes of Sinope) could have been the f...

The Sky Was Blue the Sea Was Blue and the Boy Was Blue review – a monochrome marvel

The Sky Was Blue the Sea Was Blue and the Boy Was Blue review – a monochrome marvel The Guardian - Back to homeContribute Sign inNewsOpinionSportCultureLifestyleShow MoreFilmBooksMusicArt & designTV & radioStageClassicalGamesLockdown cultureThe Sky Was Blue the Sea Was Blue and the Boy Was Blue review – a monochrome marvel Victoria Miro, London; online on Vortic Collect from TuesdayCobalt, indigo, ultramarine; the colour of sadness and a summer’s day… in this uplifting virtual sh...

nestor - Everything2.com

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 nestor ("nestor" is also a: user.) (idea) by Hooverdirt Tue Feb 27 2001 at 16:16:59 Nestor - 'Ulysses' - James Joyce Time: 9-10 am Scene: 'The School' Persons: Stephen - Telemachus Deasy - Antinous Sargent - Pisistratus Mrs. O'Shea - Helen Symbol:: -- No symbol yet. Telemachus has no body yet! Art/Science: HISTORY As in Nestor's love for horses, Deasy has the same affection for them too. Also, while Nestor 'boasts' about th...

Tyro (thing) by chromaticblue - Everything2.com

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Tyro (thing) See all of Tyro, there is 1 more in this node. (thing) by chromaticblue Mon Jan 01 2001 at 3:21:57 Tyro was the daughter of Salmoneus, the wife of Cretheus, and and the mother (by Poseidon) of Pelias and Neleus. The Genealogy of Tyro: Deucalion | Hellen | Aeolus | ...

Kindly Ones - The

Review from The Guardian: One approaches the fictionalisation of any aspect of the Holocaust with suspicion. Art is always at some level entertainment, and the idea of being entertained, however skilfully, by this particular set of horrors seems inherently objectionable. Jonathan Littell's The Kindly Ones reprises the familiar atrocities, in graphic detail and at massive length, from the viewpoint of an SS officer intimately involved in their execution. The book, which has already won the P...

Dionysus - Facts Information and Mythology

Dionysus The youthful, beautiful, but effeminate god of wine. He is also called both by Greeks and Romans Bacchus (Βάκχος), that is, the noisy or riotous god, which was originally a mere epithet or surname of Dionysus, but does not occur till after the time of Herodotus. According to the common tradition, Dionysus was the son of Zeus and Semele, the daughter of Cadmus of Thebes;1 whereas others describe him as a son of Zeus by Demeter, Io, Dione, or Arge.2 Diodorus3 further mentions a tra...

THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY - Exploring Mythology in Classical Literature & Art

. Theoi Project - Greek Mythology THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY Welcome to the Theoi Project, a site exploring Greek mythology and the gods in classical literature and art. The aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive, free reference guide to the gods (theoi), spirits (daimones), fabulous creatures (theres) and heroes of ancient Greek mythology and religion. GREEK GODS OLYMPIAN GODS TITANS & TITANESSES NYMPHS & SATYRS MYTHIC BESTIARY ...

Neptune: The Evolving Roman God Of Fresh Water, The Sea and Horses

The ancient Romans believed that Neptune was the god of the sea. Although he is most commonly compared to the Greek god Poseidon, this had not always been the case. Originally, Neptune was a god of fresh water, and was only associated with Poseidon at a later date. Thanks to Neptune’s connection with Poseidon, there are many Roman myths in which the latter is substituted with the former. Although many similarities can be drawn between Neptune and Poseidon, differences can also be seen....


Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Hyacinth (person) See all of Hyacinth, there is 1 more in this node. (person) by Anacreon Thu Jun 15 2000 at 14:12:25 Hyacinth or Hycinthus was in Greek Myth a Spartan prince that was so beautiful that he was lusted after by anyone who saw him. The poet Tamyris fell in love with him first and thus invented men-to-men love the couple lived for some time in happiness until the god Apollo saw the beautiful youth and fell in love with ...

Repost: blood and blood rituals

The ancient Hellenes had an odd view of blood; for one, they made a very clear distinction between human blood and animal blood, and ascribed powers of pollution and purification to it. It's a fascinating--if not somewhat dark topic--and I'd like to take a moment to discuss blood and blood rituals in ancient Hellas today.To a modern practitioner, 'blood' most likely has a negative connotation to it; it's considered miasmic, after all, at least the blood of humans...

Ectropy (idea) by ianah0 - Everything2.com

Ectropy (idea) See all of Ectropy, no other writeups in this node. by ianah0 (4.2 y) CC Rep: 2 ( +8 / -6 ) (Rep Graph) (+) Fri Jan 09 2004 at 10:09:54 While discussing the coaction cardioid,in 1969, Willard Van Orman Quine coined the word ectropy. He reasoned that since entropy is Greek for turning in, the opposite term, turning out, in Greek would be ectropy. Ectropy also refers to the general increase in organization, or making order from chaos. It also lead to the coining ...

The Beginner's guide to Hellenismos: Ritual and sacrifice in Hellenismos | Baring the Aegis

The Beginner's guide to Hellenismos: Ritual and sacrifice in Hellenismos Today's topic for the 'Beginner's guide to Hellenismos' is sacrifice, the 'offering of food, objects or the lives of animals to a higher purpose, in particular divine beings, as an act of propitiation or worship'. It is one of the--if not the--cornerstones of the modern Hellenistic faith, and was most definitely the cornerstone of the ancient Hellenic faith. A sacrifice to the Gods is a way of bonding, of kharis. ...

Images from Greek alchemical manuscripts

Images from Greek alchemical manuscripts Images from Greek alchemical manuscripts Back to apparatus page Distillation equipment. The still of Democritus. The Balneum-Mariae. The gold making equipment of Cleopatra. The three armed still of Mary the Jewess.

Greek names list excerpt H-K

HADES m Greek Mythology From Greek Ἅιδης (Haides), derived from ἀϊδής (aides)meaning "unseen". In Greek mythology Hades was the dark god of the underworld, a place that was also called Hades. His brother was Zeus and his wife was Persephone.HAIDES m Greek Mythology Ancient Greek form of HADES. After the classical period, the ιin the sequence αι (often written as a subscript like ᾳ) was not pronounced.HECTOR m English, French, Greek Mythology (Latinized), Arthurian Romance Latinized form of Gr...

Isaac and the apple – the story and the myth

MenuSkip to primary contentHomeAboutBiographies IndexContactSubject Index:The emergence of modern astronomy – a complex mosaicThe transition to heliocentricity: The Rough GuidesSearchThe Renaissance MathematicusJust another WordPress.com webloghttps://thonyc.wordpress.com/Isaac and the apple – the story and the mythThe tale of Isaac Newton and the apple is, along with Archimedes’ bath time Eureka-ejaculation and Galileo defiantly mumbling ‘but it moves’ whilst capitulating before the Inquisit...

Diogenes washing vegetables: a parabole about philosophy and politics

About Aphelis.netArchivesContactRandom posts APHELIS May 10, 2020 Diogenes washing vegetables: a parabole about philosophy and politics Share Tweet Pin Mail SMS Some authors affirm that the following also belongs to him: that Plato saw him washing lettuces, came up to him and quietly said to h...


THE EPIC CYCLE The Epic Cycle Translated by Gregory Nagy Proclus’ Summary of the Cypria, attributed to Stasinus of Cyprus 1Zeus, together with Themis, plans the Trojan War. For Eris, while attending a feast of the gods at the wedding of Peleus, instigates a feud [neikos] among Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite about beauty. They, by order of Zeus, are led by Hermes to Mount Ida for judgment by Alexandros. Alexandros judges for Aphrodite, encouraged by a promise of Helen in marriage. 5On the...