Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Greek"

Harry Potter - Aeneas - and the Foundational Text

Venture to the ancient past to explore Harry Potter and the Aeneid as foundational texts. Dr. Mitchell Parks (Knox College) joins us to discuss intertextuality and Harry Potter’s dialogue with classical works like Virgil’s Aeneid. In his chapter in The Ivory Tower, Harry Potter, and Beyond, he examines what it means for a text to be "foundational" in various ways – as a work of literature, on a personal level, for identity groups, as a political foundation.While the Aeneid can tell us about R...

Harry Potter - Aeneas - and the Foundational Text

Venture to the ancient past to explore Harry Potter and the Aeneid as foundational texts. Dr. Mitchell Parks (Knox College) joins us to discuss intertextuality and Harry Potter’s dialogue with classical works like Virgil’s Aeneid. In his chapter in The Ivory Tower, Harry Potter, and Beyond, he examines what it means for a text to be "foundational" in various ways – as a work of literature, on a personal level, for identity groups, as a political foundation.While the Aeneid can tell us about R...

Phoenix and Phoenices

Phoenix and Phoenices Copilot answers zas inquiry about "Phoenix" in mythology The oldest referent of the name "Phoenix" in mythology is associated with the ancient Egyptian Bennu bird. The name "Bennu" relates to the verb "weben," meaning "to rise brilliantly" or "to shine"⁴. This bird is often linked to the sun, creation, and rebirth. The Greek word "phoenix" could have been derived from the Mycenaean Greek "po-ni-ke," which may have meant "griffin" or "palm tree" and is believed to be a...

Homely Comfort in the Ancient World: Furniture Textiles in Classical and Hellenistic Iconography

The dining room, or "triclinium," of a Roman house derived its name from the three couches that were grouped at right angles to one another in a U-shape. Wealthy citizens ate while reclining on these couches. On this example, bronze fittings decorate a wood frame (restored). Straps originally would have supported a mattress covered with luxurious textiles. The ends of the couch are decorated with bronze fulcra, the curving ends of the armrests, which terminate in lion heads in the front and d...

Language of Mythology - Medieval Grammar and Hermeneutics

The spatial sign in the middle ages is the product of the mythology of static, determinate structure.By Dr. Jesse M. GellrichProfessor of EnglishLouisiana State UniversityThe Divine Page, in its literal sense, contains many things which seem both to be opposed to each other and, sometimes, to impart something which smacks of the absurd or the impossible. But the spiritual meaning admits no opposition; in it, many things can be different from one another, but none can be opposed.Hugh of St. Vi...


Thanatos (person) See all of Thanatos, there are 2 more in this node. The Greek personification of Death, elder brother of Hypnos (Sleep) and son of Nyx (Night) - according to Hesiod they had no father:"Night gave birth to hideous Moros and black Ker and then to Death and Sleep and to the brood of Dreams." -TheogenyThanatos' primary responsibility was to collect the spirit of a dying person after the Fates snipped their thread of life. Upon attempting to claim Sisyphus' soul Thanat...

Titanomachy - Fiercest Battle in Greek Mythology

The Fall of the Titans, by Dutch painter Cornelis van Haarlem, 1596–1598. Source: Wikimedia Commons           Different interpretations exist regarding the creation of the world in Greek mythology. Historians and poets have differing accounts of how the universe, along with its gods and deities, came into existence. However, there is consensus on the existence of three generations of gods: the first generation comprising Uranus and Gaia, the second consisting of Cronus and Rhea, and the thir...

Most Famous Sorceresses of Greek Mythology

Witchcraft and sorcery, sometimes also referred to as "pharmakeia," relates to magic, working with herbs, potions, and the ancient healing arts. Although the gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece all had unique powers and magical abilities of their own, there are a few figures that stand out as the most famous sorceresses in Greek mythology. Circe         The Greek sorceress Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses, by John William Waterhouse, 1891. Source: Gallery Oldham, Oldham, United Kingdom    ...

hero - etymology of

hero (n.1)late 14c., "man of superhuman strength or physical courage," from Old French heroe (14c., Modern French héros), from Latin heros (plural heroes) "hero, demi-god, illustrious man," from Greek hērōs (plural hērōes) "demi-god." This is of uncertain origin; perhaps originally "defender, protector" and from PIE root *ser- (1) "to protect," but Beekes writes that it is "Probably a Pre-Greek word." In Homer, of the Greeks before Troy, then a comprehensive term used of warriors generally, ...

Testicles - person

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Testicles (person) See all of Testicles, there is 1 more in this node. (person) by Cor Tonsoris Thu Aug 27 2009 at 5:27:41 Τεστικλής Testicles, son of Orchis, hence also know as Orchides, was a statesman of great achievement and little renown due to revisionist chroniclers in antiquity. Only now is this figure becoming better known, in part through the efforts of Mr Behr, though Behr has evidently been tied up in Ethics and unable...

Centauridae - Half-Women Half-Horses of Greek Mythology

 Search  GreekReporter.comAncient GreeceCentauridae, the Half-Women Half-Horses of Greek Mythology Centauridae, the Half-Women Half-Horses of Greek Mythology By Patricia Claus October 8, 2023  Facebook  Centauridae, creatures from Greek mythology that were a combination of females and horses, are depicted in this Roman-era mosaic in Tunisia, showing the goddess Aphrodite, or Venus, in the middle. The mosaic was created in the secon...

Oracle of Delphi's Advice That Shaped Ancient Greece

The Oracle of Delphi's Advice That Shaped Ancient Greece  Search  GreekReporter.comAncient GreeceThe Oracle of Delphi's Advice That Shaped Ancient Greece The Oracle of Delphi’s Advice That Shaped Ancient Greece By Philip Chrysopoulos September 28, 2023  Facebook  The ancient Greek oracle of Delphi has given some accurate advice or "prophecies" that actually shaped Ancient Greece. Image: Eugène Delacroix – Lycurgus ...

Classical Mythology Reference Table of Contents for E2

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Dictionary of Classical Mythology (thing) See all of Dictionary of Classical Mythology, no other writeups in this node. (thing) by everyone Mon Mar 19 2001 at 4:38:42 The Dictionary of Classical Mythology is meant as a companion to the ancient Greek and Roman myths and legends. The story of every character, whether human or divine, major or minor, is retold here, detailing every version and variation. Naiads, dryads, hamadryads, ...

Ares Family

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2 Ares Family (person) See all of Ares Family, no other writeups in this node. (person) by zetes Mon Nov 06 2000 at 12:54:43 Ares Family Chart Family of Ares, god of war, according to Greek Mythology. See also: Titans and Olympians Zeus -&- Hera (their only offspring) Ares -&- (many mates, listed below with offspring) -&- Demonice (Daughter of Calydonian lord Agenor) Evenus -&- ?? ...

Ancient Oracle of Delphi, Greece

The Ancient Oracle of Delphi, Greece  Search  GreekReporter.comAncient GreeceThe Ancient Oracle of Delphi, Greece The Ancient Oracle of Delphi, Greece By Patricia Claus August 27, 2023  Facebook  The ancient Oracle of Delphi, Greece has become a byword for prophecy. Many of Delphi’s glories of architecture have survived to this day. Credit: Skyring / wikimedia commons CC BY-SA 4.0 The ancient Greek Oracle of Delphi,...

History of Mermaids and Their Origins in Ancient Greek Sirens

 Search  GreekReporter.comAncient GreeceHistory of Mermaids and Their Origins in Ancient Greek Sirens History of Mermaids and Their Origins in Ancient Greek Sirens By Anna Wichmann September 13, 2023  Facebook  Odysseus and the Sirens, eponymous vase of the Siren Painter, c. 480–470 BC (British Museum). Credit: Jastrow / Public Domain Mermaids, folkloric creatures with the head and upper body of a woman and lower body of a fish, ap...

The silence of Homer’s Cyclades — Tracing the footsteps of the Catalogue of Ships, and beyond

Open in appSign In The silence of Homer’s Cyclades — Tracing the footsteps of the Catalogue of Ships, and beyondJames Hua·FollowPublished inOstraka44 min read·Dec 6, 2019 https://www.flickr.com/photos/gsfc/14214276937. All photos the authors unless otherwise stated.Daunted by the task of listing all the Greek and Trojan forces participating in the Trojan War in Iliad 2, Homer momentarily loses his divine connection with the Muses, which he harmonised from the very first line of Book 1 and ...

How Ancient Greek Philosophers And Mythology Saw The End Of The World

IFLScience Home Trending Most Read Latest Humans Health & Medicine Nature Space & Physics Technology Multimedia NewsFeaturesOpinionLearn with IFLSCompanyAdvertise With Us TheIFLScience HomeNewsletterSign up today to get weekly science coverage direct to your inbox© 2023 IFLScience. All Rights ReservedIFLScience Home Trending Most Read TheIFLScience HomeNewsletterSign up today to get weekly science coverage direct to your inbox© 2023 IFLScience. All Rights Reserved IFLScience Hom...

Greek Mythology - Hercules

The Labors of Heracles from Greek Mythology English Version Latin Version The Labors of Hercules: #1: The Nemean lion #2: The Hydra #3: The Cerynitian hind #4: The Erymantian boar #5: The Augean stables #6: The Stymphalian birds #7: The Cretan bull #8: The mares of Diomedes #9: Hippolyte's belt #10: The cattle of Geryon #11: The apples of the Hesperides #12: The capture of Cerberus


Exiled Bellerophon was a citizen of Corinth who was exiled owing to a murder which he had committed. In those days it was possible to be purified of the guilt of such a crime, and Bellerophon was in due course absolved by King Proetus of neighboring Tiryns. The king's wife, generally identified as Stheneboea, made a pass at the young hero, and when he repulsed her advances she told her husband that it was Bellerophon who made a pass at her. The Letter King Proetus cloaked his ind...


The Test It was by lifting a boulder that Theseus, grandson of the king of Troezen, first proved himself a hero. Theseus was sixteen at the time. He had been raised by his grandfather and his mother, Princess Aethra. One day the princess called Theseus to her side. It was time, she said, that he learned of his father, who was the ruler of a mighty kingdom. This was news to Theseus, who had been under the impression that his father was one of the gods. "Before I divulge his identity," said ...

Wearing of the Veil Traditions Throughout History | Ancient Origins

Wearing of the Veil Traditions Throughout History | Ancient OriginsAuthor: Ziad Shihab Wearing of the Veil Traditions Throughout History | Ancient Origins SourceURL: https://www.ancient-origins.net/history-ancient-traditions/veil-wearing-tradition-0017535 Updated 16 November, 2022 - 21:59 Robbie Mitchell Wearing of the Veil Traditions Throughout History There is perhaps no piece of clothing in history that has caused more controversy than the veil. Currently, protests to raise awareness of ...

How Traveling Booksellers Spread Literature Throughout Ancient Greece

How many books were there in the golden age of ancient Greece? What percentage of the population could read them? We have only shreds of information preserved by chance, blades of grass that float along on the breeze but don’t allow us to calculate the size of the meadow from which they came. And most of them refer to an exceptional place, the city of Athens. The rest remains in shadow.Seeking traces of this invisible literacy, we turn to images of readers represented in ceramic paintings. Fr...

Summary of some interesting entries from the online dictionary of Symbols from University of Michigan

Sulfur as hellSourceURL: http://websites.umich.edu/~umfandsf/symbolismproject/symbolism.html/S/sulfur.html Sulfur According to Christian legend, sulfur is associated with HELL and the Devil (Cooper, 1978), and is often referred to as brimstone. Up one level Back to document index ShadowSourceURL: http://websites.umich.edu/~umfandsf/symbolismproject/symbolism.html/S/shadow.html ShadowWith light, the shadow is the Chinese yin and yang; shadows are often identified with a person...