Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Foreign Film"

Revenge Films - perspective from Denmark

From: 16-9.dk Apr 25, 2024 by Joachim Smed-Petersen, Josefine Bjerre Lyndgaard & Karen Marie The female avenger exists in countless forms, universes and genres and has been a rapidly developing character especially since the 1970s. We see her as the femme fatale in film noir, we get to know her through the rape revenge genre, and we fall in love with her when, in the 1990s and 2000s, she becomes a celebrated and more common female figure on film. But where is the female avenger today, and ho...

György Fehér’s Twilight, a Hungarian Noir Masterpiece, Gets Restored

Upon completing duties as a debut screenwriter, Friedrich Dürrenmatt celebrated a job well done by promptly rewriting the whole thing. The Swiss playwright and novelist had bent to studio demands and relinquished control of his script, It Happened in Broad Daylight, to Hans Jacoby, a veteran Hollywood writer who knew what studios wanted and gave it to them. Dürrenmatt collaborated with Jacoby and turned in a by-the-numbers detective story where clues lead to the perp and justice was served. B...

‘Bergman Island’: How Mia Hansen-Løve Found Herself (And Her Work) in Her Most Personal Film Yet

Every filmmaker keeps a couple of projects simmering on the back burner, the kind that can stay there for years until something heats them up. Mia Hansen-Løve had long wanted to write a script about two married film directors. She had personal insights, after all: she was married for 15 years to older French auteur Olivier Assayas, who first met her as a teenager when she acted in two of his films before going off to college and becoming a filmmaker (they had one child and divorced in 2017). ...

Best Of Fronds: Zheng Bo's Vascular Sexuality

Zheng Bo, Pteridophilia 1 (2016) Video (4k, Colour, sound), 17 min Ferns do not reproduce in the same manner as most other plants. They have neither seeds nor flowers; they are asexual. Their reproduction relies on spores, a single cell organism that gets dispersed by the movement of the wind. The fern symbolises the wholeness of the tao. It multiplies alone, its place in nature established existing within and without itself. Zheng Bo’s videos are at a first glance puzzling. In th...