Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Film Studies"

Ahriman - from Zoroastrianism

Follow Us: Membership Ahriman Definition by Joshua J. Markpublished on 10 February 2020 Ahriman is the evil spirit in Early Iranian Religion, Zoroastrianism, and Zorvanism, Lord of Darkness and Chaos, and the source of human confusion, disappointment, and strife. He is also known as Angra Mainyu (evil spirit or dark spirit) and exists in opposition to Spenta Mainyu (good spirit or bright spirit) also known as Ahura Mazda and Ormuzd. In the e...

Brainstorm characters and plot - structure a solid script outline (TV Pilot or Film)

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Tom Benedek info@screenwritingmasterclass.com> Date: Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 15:02 Subject: Brainstorm characters and plot - structure a solid script outline (TV Pilot or Film) To: zshihab@gmail.com> Use this stimulating 6 week workshop to thoroughly develop your next script Bring your script concept/idea/story - TV Pilot or Featu...

Temporal Logic - RSS

[Revised entry by Valentin Goranko and Antje Rumberg on February 7, 2020. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, 1st-order-relational.html, axiomatic-ctl.html, axiomatic-fotl-constant.html, axiomatic-fotl-free.html, axiomatic-fotl-varying.html, axiomatic-ltl.html, burgess-xu.html, interdefine-hs.html, notes.html, obtl.html, transition-semantics.html] The term Temporal Logic has been broadly used to cover all approaches to reasoning about time and temporal information, as well as their formal re...

Underwater Balloon Gardens

Underwater Balloon GardensSourceURL: http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/Science-Fiction-News.asp?NewsNum=4565           Underwater Balloon Gardens Not really a prediction, but I can't resist this story about growing strawberries in a really hostile environment. (Underwater Balloon Gardens) This is a snapshot of life at one of the world's strangest farms. In the e...

The Netflix Prize and the Case of the Napoleon Dynamite Problem

The Netflix Prize and the Case of the Napoleon Dynamite Problem posted by Jason Kottke Nov 24, 2008 Clive Thompson writes up the Netflix Prize — which offers $1 million to the first team to improve upon Netflix’s default recommendation algorithm by 10% — and the vexing Napoleon Dynamite problem that is thwarting all comers. Bertoni says it’s partly because of "Napoleon Dynamite," an indie comedy from 2004 that achieved cult status and went on to become extremely popular on Netflix. ...

Compare Islam and Zoroastrianism - ReligionFacts

Toggle navigation Home Religions List All Religions Comparison Chart BuddhismChristianityHinduismIslamJudaismTaoism Religion Charts Big Religion Chart Christianity/Islam/Judaism Download PDF...

Poetry as history

by guest contributor Dr. Will Pooley This post is the first installment of a forum on the genres in which we write history. A series of scholars will discuss the choices they make in communicating their research and reflect upon the suitability of various media. When academics discuss alternative genres for presenting histories, we tend to concentrate on the usual suspects: historical fiction, biography, documentaries, and film.[1] These genres all share significant commonalities w...